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Everything posted by jumperconway

  1. 12 0 The weather in Houston was colder in the plane than in freefall! High of 68 on saturday and crystal clear skies, yesterday high about 70 partly cloudy and our other Otter returned from the 300 way record! Blue skies again today, Conway 1097
  2. Man climbing William's Tower in Houston dressed in black outfit. He had climbed 20+ stories before leaping away from the tower to his death. He was approx 350' up the building. He did not have a B.A.S.E. rig on. Edit- he was not wearing Spidy outfit-sorry
  3. My friend just called me and said they had everyone in for 7 or so seconds on the first load today. Of course he could be wrong, and video review is necessary to ensure no slot/grip problems. He said they got a late start this morning after cutting several folks and replacing them with ringers who didn't want to start paying for slots till it was close. If they had everyone in for 7 seconds, I'd say that CERTAINLY qualifies as close. :-) Blues, Dave Word from my DZ was 296 in today! Close but no cigar!
  4. Congrats Carrie! (puppy comes running to the door..tongue dragging, tail wagging to congratulate his owner) come in I just wanna lick ya all over to congratulate ya, I know how happy you must be! Ruff-Ruff-Hee-Hee!(end of doggie thoughts) Now welcome to the R E A L world!
  5. I very seldom have really explicit dreams but a few years ago, I woke up in a cold sweat after dreaming of a major airline crashing. The next morning I told a coworker about it. That was the morning that the airliner went down from Maine into the ocean! Two nights ago, I had trouble sleeping at all. I've been following the 300 way and have several friends in it. I was so happy to find that nothing bad happened there yesterday! I don't get these very often but usully when I get them I hear bad things related the next day. Conway 1085
  6. Sorry....just reminded me of a funny story I heard recently. "Spotr Fucking" HMM...Spotr Fucking??Nwe ot me Conway-SHITS #1
  7. no, this is Single Hetero Intelligent Texan Skydivers That makes me Conway-SHITS #1
  8. Picture of my manacured backyard
  9. ...and I've heard, 50% of your money and 90% of your time. or something like that. That's backwards I believe, 90% of your money and 50% of your time!
  10. In AFP program, it IS your 1st student jump, it is a teaching jump, not just a fun jump with no control input. You are guided on flying and landing the tandem chute, you do practice pulls, you have to stay alt. aware, waive-off and simulate pull and deployment of the pilot chute! Yes our student rigs are BOC deployment from the first solo!
  11. Interesting, 49 jumps, you may not consider yourself a GOOD skydiver, but irregardless of what you consider yourself..you ARE A SKYDIVER! If you hang it up, never to do it again, you can say that you WERE A SKYDIVER but as long as you continue JUMPING OUT OF P/G AIRPLANES, YOU ARE A SKYDIVER! Just maybe not a good one, but you are REAL! In the U.S. tandems are typically much more $ than S/L, where S/L is still available. After being away from the sport for over 1 1/2 yrs. with 1 tandem JUMP and 4 AFF JUMPS, I still WAS a skydiver because I KNEW that I was to return someday. It was my telling people that I was still a skydiver after not jumping a while that made me live the promise to myself to return and stare down the fear! BTW, the 1st tandem I did is #1 jump in my first log book of the 1085 that I've logged! Or should I change my book to 1-Tandem,8 AFF and ONLY 1076 REAL skydives? I'm pretty sure that anyone who has never experienced this thrill would agree! Conway 1085
  12. If you exit a plane, go into freefall with all intent to land under a parachute, it's a skydive. I would consider S/L less a skydive than a tandem, for most, it's just a parachute ride. Would you not consider that a jump? I started jumping (1 tandem) before AFF @ 38 y/o Aff the next week. Tandem jumps are also for those that might like to try skydiving but would like the reassurance of having someone else in control the first time just in case everything doesn't go as planned! Once I tasted human flight(via a tandem JUMP), I knew that I was UP for it! After over 1000 JUMPS I still consider the people that come to the DZ and do 1 tandem, one of us! They may not like the taste of freefall afterwards, but they DID taste it! Blue ones, Conway 1085
  13. I've never had the opportunity to meet Kate in person, I've only dealt with her @ SQ1. I had a rather enjoyable time buying my first new rig from her. I didn't even know WHO she was as a newbie at the time! Blue ones, Conway 1085 ps; I posted this as a pole in skydiving related.
  14. Yes it is expensive to start! Although I bought my first rig on my 12th jump and never regretted that move! I sold that same rig after about 100 jumps for the same that I bought it for, it now costs me $15.00 a jump although I buy 200 at a time instead of $18.00 per jump! cool Conway 1085
  15. How many of you here laughed your ass off reading Kate's Airspeed tunnelcamp diary in Skydiving Magazine this month? You have to have been to one to Really appreciate this! More Advil please!!!!! Conway 1085
  16. How many of you here laughed your ass off reading Kate's Airspeed tunnelcamp diary in Skydiving Magazine this month? You have to have been to one to Really appreciate this! More Advil please!!!!! Conway 1085
  17. Welcome Chris, I was at all the TSL meets at SDD this year, were you ther? Enjoy the fray! Blue ones. Conway 1085
  18. I did fail to tell you Julie, That after I was out off skydiving for 1 1/2 yrs, after only 5 jumps that I came back with a vengence. I have done over 1000 jumps in the last 2 1/4 yrs, never letting my past injuries impede my progress! Best of luck with the brace, I think it will do wonders for your confidence. Let me know. My faith is with you! Return with us, Conway 1085