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Everything posted by jumperconway

  1. Welcome Dale, Mamma it looks like a black hole
  2. the dolphin is huge so you can use it to store your javelin RS, goggles, helmet, jumpsuit, altimeter and still have space for something else Ok, $20.00 for the gear bag!
  3. Did I forget to mention; The Houston TEXANS? Me? The Houston ROCKETS? Me? Johnson Space Center? (NASA) Me? The Texas Medical Center? (world renowned) Me? Hall Sprinkler co? (state renowned) Me?
  4. Did I mention SHINER BOCK BEER? M E !
  5. Wendy, You are already here and jump with us @ Spaceland!
  6. Hi Sunshine, In a word,TEXAS,It's a whole nother country! Houston, lowest cost of living of most any major city in U.S. Me! Best DZ in Texas-Spaceland Me! Ample job market. Me! Good economy. Me! Great weather most of the time. Me! An occasional hurricane just to keep things interesting. Me! 50 miles from the Gulf Coast. Me! Never snows. Me! Your own personal jump coach, Me! A free place to live, with me! Need I say more? M E !
  7. Jake was dying. His wife, Becky, was maintaining a candlelight vigil by his side. She held his fragile hand, tears running down her face. Her praying roused him from his slumber. He looked up and his pale lips began to move slightly. "My darling Becky," he whispered. "Hush, my love," she said. "Rest. Shhh, don't talk." In his tired voice, "I have something I must confess to you." "There's nothing to confess," replied the weeping Becky. "Everything's all right, just go to sleep." "No, no. I must die in peace, Becky. I...I cheated on you!" "I know," Becky whispered as she softly stroked his forehead. "Just let the poison work".
  8. Yeah and keep in mind that I have the 1997 dolphin! Wanna buy it? AND USE IT AS A GEAR BAG FOR MY JAVELIN RS?
  9. I test jumped (and bought) a rig with a 170' Silhouette on my 12th jump right off student status loaded 1.06/1 and jumped it about 150 jumps before down sizing. It's a nice canopy but that f111 bottom skin makes the flare a little weaker than zero-p. Be careful and enjoy it! Conway 1130
  10. Welcome to our playpin! Better to bust up early and learn rather lose respect and REALLY bust up later. Heal quickly! Conway 1130
  11. Common sense 101; Before sitting on anything, look first, no surprises! Before sitting on anything without clothing on,LOOK TWICE! Why would anyone assume that the seat would automatically be up or down without looking? Would anyone cross a street without looking assuming that there are no cars? If you get hit, do you blame the car for your failure to LOOK? Glad we have separate bathrooms at Spaceland!
  12. Dave, Don't stress over that which you you can no longer control! Suck it up fellow Texan. We'll deal with it when there's something to deal with. Until then relax as much as possible and expect the best! Pat on the back there Tonto!! This too shall pass!
  13. I've seen this happen more to women than men. Difference being that a lot of the time I think the women started skydiving looking to meet men. When they started dating they no longer felt the need to jump. All in all, if you're ok with not jumping, that's fine, we're not brain surgeons here just mostly jumpers with a passion to fly. If you decide later to return, chances are the sky will still be there! What are her feelings about you jumping? Conway 1130
  14. QuoteThe sad thing is I have had most of these happen to me. 7. On the normal main you jump, a steering line breaks on opening? on a Velocity at 1.9-1....Cut away...till around 700-800 feet. After that land it. I landed a borrowed Xaos 21-80' loaded 2.44/1 with a toggle stuck in the cat's eye. On my Xaos 21-85'loaded 2.3 I've had 2 openings where a brake came unstowed during opening, spun totally the F##K up and with a rear riser pull was able to stop the spin to level flight and clear it. Landed my 99' Crossfire loaded 1.85/1 on nothing but rear risers just to see how it would be if I had no choice, no problem. Conway 1130
  15. That's a real step up, Dolphin to Infinity. White is next impossible to keep clean. All dark and lots of "Scotchguard". C 1130
  16. That project was humorous!
  17. SD USA SD Houston SD Spaceland SD San Marcos SD Dallas SD Deland Galveston beach jumps (Galveston Skydiving Club) Skyventure(orlando)
  18. jumperconway Enthusiast (Full Profile) Jan 7, 2003, 7:20 PM Post #15 of 15 (1 views) Copy Shortcut Re: [LouDiamond] JUMP ACCIDENT PICTURE [In reply to] Edit | Delete | Quote | Reply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are spoiled! Archives jumperconway Enthusiast (Full Profile) Nov 8, 2002, 9:31 AM Post #1 of 43 (800 views) Copy Shortcut Base tragedy or suicide-WARNING VERY GRAPHIC! Quote | Reply -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a warning to all you would be base jumpers. Base jumping is very dangerous! Gear checks are just as important when base jumping. We heard about the cameraman that went out of the plane without his rig, now it looks like it's happened in base. The final report is not in yet but the authorities are investigating. Don't be surprised by the looks on the faces of those poor soles who witnessed this first hand. Once again, this is extremely graphic and not for the weak of heart or stomach!There is some strange yellow fluid coming from the abdominal area. Do not look at this before breakfast!When I get the final report on exactly what happened, I think that I will have this moved to the Incidents Forum. I don't want to speculate on this tragedy until I have all the facts, so that we can all learn from this so that it is not repeated! BSBD If you're gonna be hard-headed, you better have a H A R D head! (This post was edited by jumperconway on Nov 8, 2002, 10:56 AM) Attachments: tragic.jpg (71.3 KB) If you're gonna be hard-headed, you better have a H A R D head!
  19. This was supposed to be a poll, but congrats Eric!
  20. And when are you getting a tubine?
  21. Very well written, Neat story and congrats on the anniversary. I plan on having about 12,000 jumps by the time I see 20! Blue ones, Conway 1130