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Everything posted by MagicGuy

  1. Awesome stuff, man. That's great that you got AFF done in 8 jumps - I don't hear that people only repeat one level, one time all that much. I'm looking forward to being in your shoes very soon!
  2. Sweet back piece. That's the last spot on me to get tattooed, because I just can't figure out what the hell I want. Congrats, though - that's awesome. Great color!
  3. Absolutely! Well, I can anyways. When my girlfriend orgasms, her legs tense up and then start to go wild. She gets so tense that I can't even move, and have to wait for the orgasm to subside before I start going at it again. A tell-tale way of knowing if a girl orgasms is to look at her nipples. The outside of them will get all shriveled up before shes about to come, and then they will go back to normal after she orgasms. It's pretty cool - try it out!
  4. I have tattoos, but I did NOT get them because they are the trend. The tattoos that I have mean something to me. I would never just go to a tattoo parlor and pick something off of the wall just for the sake of getting a tattoo. To each his own. I love tattoos, and plan on getting many more. But they are certainly not for everyone.
  5. I'm excited for you. You are going to have an absolute blast! Let us know how it goes.
  6. I really appreciate all of the replies. I knew I wasn't the only one that was scared, but it's still reassuring to hear the stories. I just found out that Jumptown is open on weekends now, and they have an AFF course starting on March 24th. I'm going to see if it's possible, if not, I'm signing up for the next one. Thanks again everyone.
  7. The weather ISN'T that bad, in fact today was almost 70, but the DZs don't open until April.
  8. I'm sure there are a lot of you out there, but let me share my story with you. I have always wanted to skydive. Back when I was a kid, the first time I saw skydiving, which I believe was in the X-Games or something similar, I always said that I wanted to do it. It all goes back to wanting to fly, and to me, skydiving is the closest you can get (in this day and time, anyways) to actual human flight. My best friend Matt and I, who also wants to be a skydiver, had been talking about making a tandem jump for at least a year, and finally last August, we both got together the cash and the balls to make the jump. While the first jump was a bit overwhelming, I had an absolute blast. Since that day I have been on these forums, reading all that I can, absorbing everything, and looking forward to starting AFF once weather permits. I think about skydiving each and every day, multiple times a day!! And I have had dozens of skydiving related dreams to go along with it. When I look up at the blue sky, all I can think about is being up there, completely free from the stresses and worries that make up every day life. As much as I know I want to do this, sometimes a little bit of reality (or paranoia, I suppose) starts to set in. I'll get these feelings like I won't be able to do it, and think to myself "Am I crazy?". I mean, sure anyone can make a tandem. Your instructor is in control of all the hard stuff, while the student gets to do all the fun stuff and just enjoy the experience. But being in control of my own gear? Controlling my own canopy all the way back into the DZ? What if I panic? My biggest concern is getting back to the DZ. Freefall doesn't scare me at all, that's the fun part. But once that canopy is above your head, it just seems like it'd be pretty tough to be in control and steer myself back onto the DZ. I've never had any kind of training, so for all I know, controlling the canopy is the easy part. In my mind, I WANT to do this, and I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't skydive. But that little voice also starts talking, albeit softly, telling me that I am crazy for wanting to go through with this. So, the question is, do I make another tandem first? Do I just jump right to AFF? Or do I just say fuck it all together? Any advice, stories, etc are greatly appreciated! Thanks all..
  9. I can't really give you advice as I've not even begun my AFF (New England kind of blows for skydiving) but I do have a question - did you complete AFF in only 10 jumps? If so, that's awesome!
  10. Believe me, I'd much rather see people try to work things out before resulting to fighting, but sometimes it's not avoidable. The thing that really pisses me off is when some asshole's friends can't let two men do their thing and instead decide to jump in and make things totally one sided. My friend Matt was at the club with his girlfriend about a year ago. Some asshole was starting shit with him in the club but he just brushed it off as another drunk idiot. As they were leaving the club, said asshole comes up to him and starts running his mouth. Matt said "Look, I don't want trouble man. Leave it alone". The kid shoved my Matt, and it was gut reaction for Matt to turn around and punch the kid in his face. The kid hit the ground, completely knocked out. Shitty part is, the kid had three friends, which immediately started fighting Matt. Matt managed to get another one of the kids down, but the other two tackled him and got him to the ground. Of course, pussies started pounding him while he was down, kicking him in the head etc. Pretty messed up. Anyways, don't get too down on yourself. Shit happens that isn't always avoidable. If you felt like you needed to defend yourself, than you did the right thing. Rest up, heal up, then find the bastard and give him another whooping Just kidding..
  11. Actually, I posted in the Bonfire. That's where I received the negative comments. I wasn't looking for a debate, simply stating that I had a good time. Thanks for the replies everyone.
  12. funks. I write a post describing a fun day at the range, and he responds by saying "Guns are bad. Guns kill people. Goodbye to this thread". Common now. If I wanted to hear a bunch of crap about guns, I'd ask my mother for her opinion. I was simply talking about the good day that I had down at the range, that's all. I was shooting at targets, not people. And I think it's unfair to get shot at for talking about the great time that I had, that's all.
  13. Ok, so I know that this topic has been discussed a thousand and one times on here, but I'm a little bit irritated that I can't talk about a fun day at the range without getting shit on in a matter of 2 minutes after making the post. If you don't like guns, fine, don't respond. But why do I have to hear about all of this anti-firearms bullshit every time I mention a gun? The second amendment is the right to hold and bare arms. Why should I have to get shit on for stating that I had a fun time while shooting guns in a safe matter and enviornment? Sorry to ramble, I just think it's bullshit that I can't talk about something I enjoy doing without having to get a lecture.
  14. Do a search for "FleshLight". What a great item. Women have always had dildos and the like, but now guys have a toy that is as close to the real thing as you can get. Highly recommended when you can't get the real thing (period, pregnant, or you're just plain ugly). Of course, nothing compares to the warmth and wetness of a real vagina. Ahhhhhhhhh....
  15. I waited too long to get my wisdom teeth out, so it sucked for me. I was in bed for 3 days with a very painful, swollen and bloody mouth. Changing the gauze sucked really bad because I couldn't even open my mouth. And all I could really eat were popsicles. I played a lot of video games for those three days The worst part is the stitches. Having them in your mouth is just weird. I couldn't wait for the fuckin' things to fall out.
  16. I got to meet and perform for David Copperfield. He got me started into magic 15 years ago and if it wasn't for him, my life would be a whole lot different.
  17. Coldplay - Parachutes Kind of coincidental, in a way...
  18. Condoms.. yuck. The first like 20-30 times I had sex it was always with a condom. The first time I got to really taste the inside of a woman without wearing one, it was like losing my virginity all over again. A whole new, amazing sensation that makes one want to go down to Trojan-Enz and burn the fucking place down. Plus, they smell like shit. And only after a thorough scrubbing can you get that scent off of your friggin' hands.
  19. In my opinion, you should definitely tip your tattoo artist. This runs true especially if you plan on getting more than one. If your artist knows that you tip well, he will be more likely to work harder on your tattoo, both in the drawing and tattoo stages. How much is really a matter of preference, but I'd like to think at least 10%. I just got a tattoo that cost me $300 (3 hour sitting). I tipped $40. But my tattoo artist rocks and he deserved every penny. Once I can get a picture up I'll let you guys take a look! BE WARNED: Tattoos are HIGHLY addictive, and if you don't want to have multiple tattoos, than don't even bother getting one. I got my first tattoo in November, my second last week, and I'm going back on March 4th to start working on a sleeve. Jesus...
  20. I love the red/black/yellow combination. Very bold, but I like it! I'm jealous.
  21. This is Cyril, he is like the biggest Japanese illusionist. He's like Japan's David Blaine, but he doesn't have to get frozen in ice to prove himself. The leaning thing isn't suction cups at all, it's actually an elaborate pair of shoes. Check out if you want to purchase it. It's only $650.00 I can do way better magic...
  22. I love guns just as much as the next guy. I have two Colt 1991-A1's, both Commander and Government models. I have a Glock 26 9mm, and a Para Ordnance Warthog .45. But seriously, what the fuck are you going to do with a .50 Sniper Rifle? It basically blows your shoulder out of it's socket every time you shoot it, and if you were to shoot an animal with that cannon it would probably blow the damn thing up. I guess it would be cool to have on the mantel, though
  23. Coldplay - Don't Panic Jason Mraz - Clockwatching Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street
  24. MagicGuy


    Well, I don't have any 'hidden' piercings, but I do have my labret. I love it. The only thing that sucks is that I play with it so much that sometimes my jaw hurts. And after heavy make out sessions my lip will be a little sore from her hitting the barbell. But other than that, it's great and when I take it out it just doesn't feel right. In reply to Homer, I can't believe he didn't like the tongue piercing while receiving head! The girl must've been terrible at giving oral sex. I love getting head from a girl with a tongue piercing. Feels great, and adds a little twist. And kissing a girl with a tongue piercing is fun. I've found they love when you play with the ring inside of their mouth. Piercings are cool