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Everything posted by MagicGuy

  1. Similar to you. Actually saw skydiving on the XGames and stuff like that as a kid. Then when the Power Rangers were really popular they had a movie and right at the beginning there was a big scene of freefly skydiving. I knew that it was something I HAD to do. I have always been interested in flying and skydiving is the closest thing. Made my first tandem in August 2005 with two close friends. Made my second tandem just this week, plan on doing AFF some time this Summer.
  2. Nice, thanks for the reply. I was talking to one of the AFF instructors and he told me to make sure I bring a sleeping bag because I won't want to leave. Sounds like a good time, looking forward to seeing you there.
  3. I'm gonna be coming down to Jumptown probably next weekend. I want to come hang out and meet some people from here, watch some people make some jumps and stuff. They have this new program now called AFF Camp, which sounds great. You can complete your AFF in four days. Hopefully I'll be able to take the class sometime this month, but I want to come down and hang out before I do AFF. Any Jumptown regulars that think they're going to be up there next weekend?
  4. Too much sad news for one day. Lots of good vibes your way my man.
  5. Oh my God.. I never knew Shannon but her posts were always extremely random, sometimes stupid, but never failed to put a smile on my face. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family. She will be missed...
  6. Haha. Yeah, I've already been thinking about just taking a loan out - money for AFF and money for some gear once I'm done with it. I don't know, I'm going to be thinking about it extensively so I can get it done. I can't go through another season without being able to jump regularly. No more of this tandem bullshit - I wanna FLY.
  7. Well as I said in another post, today I made my second tandem jump and wow.. I am even MORE hooked now than I was after my first tandem. I experienced a bit of sensory overload on the first jump, but I still knew that skydiving was something that I loved and wanted to continue to do. I was a lot more relaxed on the plane ride up this time, and when the door of the Cesna flew open and the wind was blowing like crazy, I was very excited to jump. We flew up to altitude and almost couldn't jump because there were a lot of thick clouds. My instructor was telling me that the pilot could lose his license by letting us jump through those clouds, but when he instructs and jumps in Texas it isn't a problem. We flew back down to 2000 and the pilot noticed the clouds clearing and brought us back up. Luckily, we got to jump! You all know, you can't describe the feeling. It is just absolutely amazing, and by far the coolest thing that I have ever done. I didn't think I'd be able to do my AFF this season due to lack of funds, but after jumping today, I am going to do anything and everything in my power to get it done. I have to jump, there's just no way around it! They don't normally do AFF at the dropzone I made my tandem at (Skydive Newport in Middletown, Rhode Island) but I was talking to them about it a lot and they told me that if I wanted to, I could take the class there. Very cool... What a great day. I'm going to be on a crazy natural high for the next few days. I wish I had a scanner - I'd upload the picture I have of me landing. Blue Skies
  8. I have done some research on Lucid Dreams. When I was a kid, if I was having a bad dream I had this ability to tell myself, in the dream, that I was only dreaming. I would instantly wake up. I always thought that it was a really cool skill and didn't know that it was the first stages of being to have full on Lucid Dreams. I dream every night, and can remember at least one dream from each night. I find it odd that most people don't really remember their dreams at all. After I looked into Lucid Dreaming, I worked at it (yeah, it's something that you can learn) and have managed to have Lucid Dreams. I don't have full on control in them yet. Once I realize I'm dreaming, it's hard to stay in the dream and not wake up. But I have flown around in dreams a lot once I know that it's a dream and I can do that. It's really fascinating, and extremely cool in my opinion. You can go on adventures while you're asleep, and do things you never thought you could. The human mind is crazy...
  9. It's refreshing to know that not all women are attracted to dickheads. Like I said, I can play the part for so long, but when it boils down to it I'm a nice guy, and nothing's going to change it. I'm also an above average looking guy that drives a nice car and makes a lot of money
  10. Well yeah, I understand that, but there's a difference between men who know what they want and men who basically talk shit to women, slightly degrading but in a sarcastic type of way.. it's hard to explain and even harder to understand why women are attracted to it.
  11. Oh since I made my first tandem jump last August, skydiving is constantly on my mind. I look up at the sky throughout the day and just want to be up there. I'll see a big puffy cloud and think "Wow, I want to jump through that". My friends are sick and tired of hearing about skydiving. I have every intention on getting my A License but finances are only allowing me to do another tandem at this point in time.
  12. This has been bothering me for a while now. It seems like so many women enjoy the company of a complete and utter cocky prick by their side. I have many friends that take the cocky approach with women and they are the ones that are getting the girls. While me, on the other hand, is the total opposite. I'm a nice guy, I like to think I'm decent looking, yet it's not very easy for me to get girls. So what to do about this situation? Well, I did a little test to see how well women would respond to me if I were to take the asshole approach to things. I have a job where I see a lot of women on a daily basis. There are a few that I'm flirty with here and there, so instead of being the nice guy, I went with a cocky approach. The results... What the fuck?!? The women ate it up!! I didn't go overboard with things, I was just being cocky about looks and stuff like that, being an "above average looking guy that gets looked at like a piece of meat all the time", ya know shit like that. The response makes me want to re-think how I kick game to females. But I don't know, I am a nice guy at heart and I would really have to work at something like this. So, guys, what is your approach to picking up women? And ladies, are you attracted to the cocky type or are you looking for "the nice guy"?
  13. Well, it doesn't look like I'm going to have the finances to get my A License this season, or at least not yet anyways. I recently moved in with a couple buddies on very short notice and paying bills and rent is a little more of a chore than I thought it was going to be... BUT, I have to feed this need to make a jump, so my roommate and I decided to make another tandem jump. We're going tomorrow night, a sunset jump, in Newport, RI. I made my first tandem here and loved the view, and the instructors were really cool, too. Definitely going to be the best Memorial Day I've ever had. Who knows.. maybe I'll be able to get my A later on this summer, but as I said before, I've been watching videos at for the past 5, 6 months and just can't wait any longer. Can't wait...!
  14. The most common injury I get is if she decides that she wants to start thrusting while I'm supposed to be thrusting, which is when it comes out too far and then hits either A.) Her asshole B.) Her lower ass or C.) her asscheek. I can't say that either one feels better than the other - bent dick is not cool. And she has the nerve to say that I hurt her asshole.. pleeeeeaaasssee. A couple times I've been getting down and my foot decides to get this REALLY painful cramp. Kinda ruins the moment because I have to completely stop and stand up to put pressure on my foot. But we always seem to get a good laugh out of it. Plus it gives me a few seconds to re-charge.
  15. If you are going to dunk it in a muckhole I will always choose the FN/FAL over the AK47, I would pick it over the AK for any reason. The AK47 is a great weapon in a lousy caliber I've shot a a bunch of AK's = Romanian, American made, Yugo's.. AK's are cool and all, but AR-15's are the way to go. Just bought a new M&P-15 by Smith & Wesson. Thing is sweeeeeeeet. .223 is just way more fun to shoot, in my opinion.
  16. Glock pistols can shoot underwater. It's not recommended, but they will function while submerged. The Mythbusters episode was really interesting. I couldn't believe that just 3 feet into the water the bullet shattered into a thousand pieces. I thought for sure you would be dead.
  17. He actually likes to refer to himself as an entertainer. He doesn't call himself a magician, because he does more than just magic tricks. In doing his last stunt, he was more proud of the fact of the diverse amount of people that came to see him. Men, women, children, black, white, latino etc etc. I do, however, think that David's magic isn't all that great. A lot of the magic that you see him do (not the 'stunts') rely heavily on the camera, or on special sets and whatnot. Plus his presentation, albeit original, is pretty lame. I mean he walks up to a spectator with this disgusted look on his face, says "Wanna see something that transcends the mind?", performs the trick in monotone, and then just walks away. Shit, if thats what people want to see these days I might as well start my own TV special, too. Hey, good for him. He makes millions by doing average sleight of hand with poor presentation skills. Congrats, David.
  18. Pizza rolls.. so good. The chicken quesadilla ones they have now are amazing. Bagel Bites are also great.
  19. One time, and it was cool! I felt wetness down there and I'm like what the hell? Then I remember my dream and it all 'came' together.. I actually wish it would happen again - pretty cool stuff.
  20. Yeah, I wanted to drive over to Jamestown today to see it fall but I wasn't in the area for work. Would've loved to see it. I guess I'll have to settle for the taped version
  21. Best of luck to your grandfather. I'll keep him in my prayers. Keep us updated on his progress. Take care..
  22. Awesome stuff. Must hurt like hell, and can you imagine how dizzy that guy must've been after spinning for that long? Shit..
  23. Sweet rig. I love the look of Vector 3's. Good luck with it! Let us know how it flies.
  24. Yeah dude, I felt the same way. Really intense as it was happening, a bit hard to breathe, but couldn't friggin' wait to get back up there after it was over. And life altering is a perfect way to describe it. Congrats, man.