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Everything posted by MagicGuy

  1. huh? I never went there but knows that people get injuryed there each year due the LZ. Yeah, I've heard that all (if not, than MOST) of the injuries are because of people trying to hit the LZ. I guess most of the injuries aren't all that serious, broken toes stuff like that. Still not pleasant, but nothing all that bad.
  2. Oh... my... God.. But at least the fat chick got some play!
  3. Looks like a blast, too. I've watched a ton of videos documenting Bridge Day. Good stuff right there.
  4. I know there's really no such thing as a totally safe BASE Jump, but I was curious what would be the safest jump to make. It seems like jumping off of a bridge would be the safest, as you don't have to worry about striking anything other than the ground. But I may be wrong.. This is really just a post out of sheer curiousity for the sport. Looking to hear any and all opinions. Thanks!
  5. I was 1 in 1986. Breakdancing is actually still really popular. It's big in high schools. You'd be surprised.
  6. That's what I'm thinking, or maybe make a new design that will be landable.
  7. I can do it, too! I used to breakdance in middle school.
  8. Hearing all of this really helps to put some of my worries at ease. Thanks a lot, everyone! I'll let you know how everything goes!
  9. MagicGuy

    Pet Peeves

    Ooooh, that's a good one. Add that to my list as well! I have a friend that does this ALL the time. Pisses me off really bad.
  10. LOL That is hilarious. I've been called 'mam' on the phone once, although everyone says my voice is pretty deep. Weird..
  11. MagicGuy


    Ohh, Lipton.. why didn't you say so. Nasty! They should stick to packets, not cups.
  12. Great post, I really enjoyed reading it. You make a valid point. Best of luck with the path that you have chosen. Maybe we'll see you back in the sport some day.. Blue Skies
  13. MagicGuy


    In defense of the Cup-A-Soup, I actually really like the beef flavor. But I never let the water sit in the cup for 3 minutes or whatever it says. The noodles get too soggy. Instead, I just go at it right after pouring in the water. The noodles start off a little crunchy but turn into goodness after a couple seconds. A little Cup-A-Soup cooking lesson from the MagicGuy.
  14. MagicGuy

    Pet Peeves

    1.) Stupid drivers. If people just followed the rules of the road, things would be great. 2.) Mapquest. Just missed an interview today because Mapquest, once again, gave incorrect directions. 3.) Followers. 4.) Shitty winter weather.
  15. I've heard a lot of people on here say pretty much the total opposite. Plan on eating lots of Ramen noodles and possibly being bored with the sport after doing soo many tandem jumps. But I'm not a tandem instructor, so I can't really say.
  16. Before you get jumped on, both for calling it a 'chute' and wanting to buy a rig off of eBay, I'll give you my beginner advice.. Talk to your instructors! They'll be able to tell you where to start off, what kind of rig to get, what size etc. Noone will be able to tell you but them, as they will see what you can handle during instruction. Canopy, canopy, canopy.. never a 'chute'!
  17. I caught the show and found it really interesting. The coolest thing to me was when he started a fire to heat up rocks, and then buried the rocks under sand to create a warm bed. I thought that was really clever. I wish I had half the survival skill that this guy has. He knows his shit.
  18. I tried, but I couldn't get the picture size small enough to post it. I suck when it comes to editing pictures and stuff.
  19. Yeah, I know, it's true. While we do sign the papers and know what we're getting into, it would certainly suck to have an accident, and on top of being fucked up, have thousands of dollars in bills to pay. Not saying that what she did was right, just looking at it from a different point of view, that's all.
  20. That is fucking awesome. Good for you man, I bet that felt great. Not many people get the oppurtunity to do that.
  21. Sweeeeet. I'm working on my left sleeve. Only have half of the forearm together - my tattoo artist is a lazy bastard!!
  22. Agreed. One time, a random woman saw my tattoo and said "Oh my God, that is ridiculous why would you ever do that to yourself?" In the most politeful voice ever, I said "Well, everyone has opinions. You'd probably get alot more respect if you kept your opinions to yourself unless asked for them". She shut up and walked away.
  23. I've done it, just for that reason - I was too damn tired and just wanted it to be over. And if I didn't orgasm, some kind of activity would've been going on ALL night. So instead, I faked it, turned over and passed out
  24. Interesting. This story is so well known, who the fuck is going to let her jump on their DZ? Unless she takes all of her endorsement money and buys a DZ, I don't see her jumping any time soon. In all honesty, I do feel bad that she has all of these medical bills dumped on her with no insurance. Hopefully she will raise some money from TV appearances to pay for her medical stuff.
  25. Didn't mean to fuck up anyone's confidence lol. I didn't believe this when I heard it, but I tried it out and it really does work!! I thought it was pretty cool, but I meant no harm, really