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Everything posted by ECVZZ

  1. ECVZZ

    It's Official

    Hi Zennie, just wanted to offer a few words of encouragement here. I've been where you are, and at times it was a very lonely feeling. What helped me most was doing the things that I wanted to do, but never could because of the ex. Where there was never the time or money for what I wanted, now there is. When I want to take a trip or do something now, I do it! And what's really nice is that when I have a bill to pay, it's mine...not something she did and "forgot" to tell me. Hell, if I want, I can charge a shitload on my visa for gear or a road-trip and know exactly when it'll be paid off. The freedom of being responsible for only you is worth the price, and in time you'll come to appreciate that. For now, spend time doing things you really want to. Take a road-trip, climb Half-dome, go deep sea fishing....whatever you want to do! Things will pass. Don't second guess why they happened. Re-discover yourself and have fun LIVING for a change!
  2. Thanks Phree - sounds like it would last me till I downsized w/out a factory inspection. For the difference in price though, I may just look for a new one. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  3. I'm looking at a used PD193R and would like to know the pros and cons. DOM is 95 and has two sub-terminal deployments. It has been repacked 20 times, and the asking price is $675, shipping included. It seems I remember that a reserve is supposed to be sent back to the mfr. after a certain # of re-packs for inspection. Can anyone elaborate on this? I'd appreciate any advice/info that anyone can offer. The price seems kinda steep to me. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  4. John Q (with Denzel Washington) was good. Also "Rules of engagement" was a great movie. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  5. Went on a six day hunt in Utah (17th through 22nd) with my Dad and older brother, and brought home a Mulie that field dressed at 180lbs! It was a great hunt, and a fantastic time with my Dad and brother. we also talked to a rancher who gets depredation tags for elk every year, so it looks like next year it will be elk instead of mule deer. That was the start of a great week. When I got home my new Infinity was waiting for me! The folks at Velocity sports turn out an outstanding product. And thanks to Lisa for her help with order forms, and all the choices in options and color. Sheesh...there's a ton of shit to decide, and without Lisa I'd still be thinking about it! All in all, the best week I've had in a loooong time!!!
  6. I forgot, till I saw the clock at the grocery store at 6:30 am. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  7. 2-1/2 to 3 hours each way to Davis (Skydance) depending on traffic through Sac. If Skydive Lake Tahoe opens back up to fun jumpers next summer that'll be reduced to 25 minutes each way. Davis would still be home though, jumping at 100' ASL is just so much more pleasant than 5k ASL w/ oxy. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  8. Someone call me? G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  9. O.k...all points are well taken. I happen to come down with Clay on this one though. And notice I don't give the same charitable smile that Clay does! She can pay for her own medical through her employer a lot cheaper than I can through mine, and I've never asked for a cent of support from her (although my attorney wants to). She doesn't have any serious illness, and this will just force her to accept responsibility for herself. My attorney says she should start paying for 50% of our son's medical, but I said no...I'll continue to pay for that. Keep in mind that this is the "mother" who knew my son was smoking dope at 13, let him do it at her house, and threw a royal Bitch fit when I found out and started him in drug awareness classes and I went to with him (because she was afraid something would be mentioned about her "tolerance"). She also lets him run the "hood" when he's with her for 2 weeks (shitty neighborhood), and does her best to counter any disciplinary action that I take with him. At the minimum, she tells him what an "ass" I am, and keeps shit stirred up with him when I work to keep him on the straight and narrow. I could go to court and have her visitation revoked at the drop of a hat! Guess I should've mentioned this before, but I was a little giddy about a minor "fuck you" to her. Long and short of it: I guess I am an evil asshole! I enjoy it, and think I'm being charitable by not pulling out the stops and fucking her completely! She wrecked my life, and is working to do the same to my son. I'm using measured responses though, instead of "nuking" her. I keep hoping that she will magically start being a mother to my son, instead of the corrupting influence that she has been, and continues to be. I'm a few degrees more sober tonight, and can be a little more articulate and subjective (btw...Nick has been w/ her for the last week, so no...I'm not shitfaced with my son around). In my currently sober state, I'll answer my own question. The BITCH deserves anything she gets, and, I feel charitable though, so I'll let her continue to see him in hopes that she'll dig her head out of her ass! Greg
  10. Actually, a little of both. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  11. I fart in your general direction! Now go away or I will taunt you silly english Knnnnniggit G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  12. Dude, that's a riot! Somewhere around here I have a picture of me doing that in reverse, when my beard was down to my waist...and the guys called me "cousin it"' My nick-name ain't "ZZ" for no reason. Greg
  13. ROFLMFAO!!! Thanks Amber, couldn't fit the occasion better!! Greg
  14. I hate spending money on an attorney, but everytime I file something new it makes me grin when I get the enraged call from my "EX". Maybe I'm just evil, I dunno. Dropped her from my medical today (that'll save me $200-250/month) and can't wait to hear from her on this subject. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when she gets the papers. Sometimes I feel like an ass, but it makes me grin. Especially because I just shot her down in court concerning a change of custody. I must be evil. Nothing moral could make me feel this elated! HAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oops, sorry. I can't contain myself. Question is: am I an evil asshole??? I've had custody for 3-1/2 years, btw...since the divorce. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  15. Damn! Nothing like a 30 second freefall from altitude, huh Dave? G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  16. That gives me butterflies just thinking about it. Glad you're o.k.!!! Greg
  17. ....then that's o.k. too! G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  18. 3 years 4 months and 9 days. That's when my son turns 18. I will be so gone, so fast, people will wonder if I was ever here! G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  19. ECVZZ

    Myth Dispelled

    I guess you won't be asking bigfoot for a date now??? G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  20. Quite correct...I did ask for opinions. And I value each opinion, no matter if they differ from my own. Most every reply on this thread gave me things to consider. That being said, I will respond to some of your points. Actually, being quite stable is how I managed full custody of my child for 3 years. His mom only recently began something resembling a regular "visitation" with him. The following are but a few of the "things" my son has: A bicycle A digital clock/radio/phone A television A very nice stereo, and more cd's than I have An expensive digital wristwatch, with all the bells and whistles. So many knives that I've lost count. And not junk either. Swiss army knives, Franklin mint collector knives, buck knives (fixed, and folding), Uncle Henry folders, Schrade hunting knife, and several Old timer pocket knives of various sizes and blade configurations. A .410 shotgun A .22 rifle A Sig P-239 in 9mm para All of which (with the exception of his bicycle, and firearms) he has in his room to use as he wishes. In addition to which, he wears nothing but $42/pair Levis and $80/pair Vans. He also has access to all the reading and educational materials a kid could ever want, including my computer, and we live about 4 blocks from a library. Go three blocks the other direction though, and you're on BLM land on the side of Peavine mountain. Everything you see listed above was bought by me, not his mother. I haven't seen (nor do I want) one nickle of monetary support from his mother since we were divorced. Nick also gets to go to local concerts with his buddies (on me), and last week I paid for him to take his g/f to a Guttermouth concert (I'll admit to staying up till he gets home though). All this for a kid who isn't even responsible enough to put his dirty clothes in the laundry so I can do the wash! A kid who I busted smoking dope at 13-1/2 yrs old, and took to a drug education program at night for 6 weeks and sat through it with him because his mom knew he was smoking, and let him do it at her house! My son...underprivileged and overcontrolled??? Not fucking hardly! As for partying with him; Not in this lifetime!!! I'm his friend, but I'm his Dad first. Oh, and had a question too. Yes, it is about the phone, or I wouldn't have made the question about the phone! All you young studs out there who think "oh, this poor kid", go have a kid, raise him to this age (he's not that much younger than you, btw), then come back and tell me what you've learned. BTW, as a point of interest, I moved out of my Dad and Mom's house when I was 15. I quit school, went to work, and got an apartment with my 17 year old g/f, who I lived with till I was 21. During this time I went to RCC, took the entrance exam, passed it and had 2 years of college. So Yeah...I've been around a little. Enough to know what responsibility is, and to know that my son has none. I'm sorry that you had such a rotten childhood, but that has not a thing in this world to do with my son having a cell phone. Maybe some counselling would help you though. G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  21. No prob JT- btw, you can call me Greg, or ZZ...or asshole, depending on who you talk to. Oh, and one more thing. Be sure and get video of your first jump. Are you going tandem, or straight into AFF? G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  22. BEEEER!!! Sorry sweetheart, but JT set you up. When someone has a "first" in skydiving, it's customary to buy a case of beer for the consumption of all present! As far as advice, pay close attention to your instructors, ask questions if you have any, and drill on your emergency procedures and decision altitudes until they are second nature. Expect your first several jumps to be complete sensory overload, so remember to smile, have fun, and BREEEEATHE!
  23. 1 Kick-ass retirement party:0:0 Got up Sat morning to low clouds but went to Perris anyway. The cloud base held at 3k all frickin day, so not even a hop-n-pop was to be had. Got to visit with Lisa though , and talked to Nick for awhile, as well as getting to say hi to Paul, Steve, Moley, Uli, Brian, and Blue. Nice people at Perris, and it was good to see everyone! Then back to my sister's house where we had a ROCKIN' retirement party for my Dad! Got to visit with people I hadn't seen in 12 or 14 years. Had a live band and drank whiskey and imported beer till the wee hours. Just got back in a few minutes ago...What a great weekend! G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."
  24. Thanks for all the input everyone! You've given me lots of food for thought. I can see the advantages of him having a cell, but for now, I'm going to stick with my original decision. If his Mom insists that he have one, he'll have to leave it with her when he comes home. Greg
  25. And furthermore! I remember when refrigeration was invented dammit!!!! G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."