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Everything posted by scaryshari

  1. BANANA SPLITS??? NO! NO! NO!! The theme song alone drove me nuts. Here...let's go waaay back: THE CAROL BURNETTE SHOW!! I just loved Eunice and Ms. Wiggins.. is
  2. Is it one of those Guppie thingies we see flying around? is
  3. I'm thankful that I'm not a catfood taster. Plus, how many hairballs would I have to swallow before the product could be sold as a proven hair ball control formula? is
  4. we don't want your stinky opinions Nate. Missed ya last just doesn't taste the same without cha! And by the way...NICE Avatar!! Is that from Dawn's camera??? she's getting more than thumbs, tops of heads, and shoe laces? my ching ching twin rocks! cool!!! is
  5. Girls don't poot either....okay....maybe a tootle. I'm personally against tootelling on the plane, but there has been an incident I'll admit to. I was near-tears trying not to let it rip...then I had to open the door for exit....I pulled up really hard and.......PFFFFFFTRRRRRRPPP!! I was giving the count that day......we left on "ready." I got away with the "sound" because of the noise (wind blast). Close call though. is
  6. Personally, I think she looks damned good for *any* age. Walt I agree.. is
  7. "poot without the mess" is
  8. If she's 50...she looks damned good! is
  9. I used to have the biggest crush on him and wished I was Valerie B.... NEVERMIND. is
  10. But Korshak - it just seems a little WRONG to see the sheer look of pleasure on your face when you see us puking in our helmets after you've dealt your rancid poot. is
  11. Korshack?? YOU had YOUR HEAD in our Xena's area??? Teeth/Zippers/Lap Head Swatting Bet that looked really strange with a video camera on your head. "work it! work it! ooooh yeah the camera loves ya momma!" SWAAAACK!!!! now, that's shootin' some tail huh? is
  12. Freakin' Idol threads always seem to bring me back out to the land of the virtual living... Yes, I'm a dork. I watch Idol. I'm glad Brennan left. She liked herself enough for the whole country and is just consumed with money. Heather...not good enough. Sway..too insecure..the Crooner...who's gonna buy it? let's say goodbye to Donny Osmond and Chicken little next week. I think so far the voting process is on track. My prediction: 1. Kelli Pinker-somthing from North Carolina. She's just so pure and sweet. 2. That bald rocker guy 3. Ace....has the Constantine Justin pop factor. I like the rocker - he's great/rugged. 4. The burnette that looks like Valerie Bertinelli 5. The heavy black lady. is
  13. Me too! She is a blast. She REALLY is good at TAIL.....I mean she likes tail alot. Gets down on it right on time. I think she is the queen of all tail. If tail were my thing, i'd give it up just for her ...oh...i was talking about her flying at the tail slot. ...that is all. is
  14. I'd go gay for 4wayxena.... But she'd never teach me anything about skydiving - so, I guess I'll just stick with men is
  15. I'm sorry to be insensitive, but you sound just like a live excerpt from Jack Handy's "Deep Thoughts" and Ding-Dongs haven't been the same since they stopped packaging them in foil wrappers. is
  16. Jim: If its a glass elevator, sneak around and watch 'em heave as they enjoy your personally fumigated enclosure.. ....not that I have done that!!! it's just an idea. is
  17. I think "pissed" is a verb here! He prolly wee wee'd all over himself!! is
  18. The tennis shoes on the freeflyer in red/blue look very familiar. hmmm. is
  19. What a cute airbag. I used to have one just like it is
  20. bumpity bump! Fun stuff! I'll bring my flailing butt too!! is
  22. Mykel: I'm referring to new jumpers, who after having gear checks pounded into their brains, immediately stop. is