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Everything posted by scaryshari

  1. I knew it!!! You just told on yourself. You made your cat attack me so that you could steal my tunnel time. BACKSLIDER. is
  2. It'll be awhile. I have to re-learn how to write, since my finger is disfigured. I'll sign it left handed I guess. Just keep that cat contained. I only have one healthy hand left. I'll probably fly with a list at the tunnel next week. Thanks... is
  3. Not until you say you are sorry. My heart is broken over this whole ordeal and how lightly you’ve played off my horrifying incident with your guard cat. As a friend, I would suggest you buy a muzzle for that thing. is
  4. Don't make light of it. It was a gaping wound and required a tourniquet (Bounty Thicker Picker Uppers, I think) I bled all over your deck. is
  5. means what it means. By the way..since you are a greenie, can you ban this woman for trying to kill me with her cat? It IS a personal attack. is
  6. There's no proof of that (ass grabbin). Didn't/doesn't happen. If it did, you are the only one complaining. So, Miss Sassy Pants - I guess I'll see you in court. I'm going to see Judge Judy and will go "white trash" on your ass. is
  7. OH yeah...that's right. That THING is a "victim" of my ass grabbing problem. Leave my "little habits" out of this and stick to the truth. is
  8. I'm alive...Cyndi has this problem deviating from the truth. Trust my story. is
  9. It tried to kill me. I'm traumatized. It is an evil animal and should be kept on a chain AND in a cage with a shock collar. Warning to other potential victims: If Cyndi leaves the room - run from the cat. is
  10. Those were loud purrs. Cyndi is leaving out the fact that that BEAST was so tame and sweet and let me pet her as long as SHE was in the room. As soon as she left – flames were coming out of its eyes…then it attacked me again. Typing hurts….but, I just neeed the public to hear my side. I am a victim of a cat’s version of a pit bull attack. It’s jaws locked and it wouldn’t let me go. …..and there I was…….”I thought I was going to die.” I think I'll send a letter to Marvin Zindler.. is
  11. was Tequila Girl's cat. I'm kicking her a$$ on our next jump. That's IF I can PULL. is
  12. During what seemed to be an “uneventful” evening at one of my so-called friend’s house, I was viciously attacked by her enormous cat. My index finger has been mauled and is still throbbing with pain. I’m in and out of consciousness from the blood loss. This “owner” immediately defended her “pet” and said “oh no, she’d never do that!” I can’t believe this woman would run to this animal’s defense while I’m standing there, bleeding/trying to keep my nearly severed finger in place. She then proceeded to drink beer and laugh at me. I hate her. is
  13. ConocoPhillips earned $3.8 billion in the third quarter, an 89 percent increase over a year earlier. But he said that represents only a 7.7 percent profit margin for every dollar of sales. "We do not consider that a windfall," Bullsh*t is
  14. Me no likey. Almost scary in a "demonic tree" kinda way. eeeeeek. is
  15. After a while they'd be as erotic as udders I'm sure. is
  16. Now that's just WRONG... where did you get that picture of me? Oh...Skyfest, hanging out by the swoop ditch. daddy didn't dress the deer in a bikini. is
  17. Too good!! Where did he shoot her? Who did the field dressing??? I shot my first doe at his age (not quite as far!) - she was running, so I shot her right in the butt. My dad had to pay off a friend with a case of beer to dress her. is
  18. Continue to be nice, but don't spend so much time with him/her. is
  19. Oh come on!! Its another novelty drink. I'd certainly buy some as a "gag" (no pun) gift. It's not like MJ will be a benefactor of the product. Besides, when was the last time you offered your friends some "Naked" or "Sum Poosie?" or both... is
  20. But you watched that piece of crap show too didn't you? Unlike the majority here, I really enjoy talent (or lack thereof) based reality programs (A.I. and INXS) - wellllll limited to vocals - not the dancing junk. HOWEVER, this "But Can They Sing?" program needs to be flushed right down the potty. Yuck. What a bunch of morons. is
  21. “BUTT,” if this was genuinely a prank, I can see where it would aggravate “HOLE” lot of his existing health issues. Poor fella I hope he heals fast. is
  22. This is a good point... He probably DID glue himself to the seat. Come on!! Really, you can SMELL Super Glue, and if you sit on something gross, don't you jump up and scream?? Is his butt just de-sensitized? PLUS Super Glue dries pretty quickly. Please... is
  23. I have my butt insured for $4,000,000. They are lucky it wasn't me. is