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Everything posted by Meux

  1. My guess is that Southwest side stepped to the other runway while the Warthogs were beating up the pattern on the other. MH
  2. Heard at the DZ this weekend, "Just because you've seen one nice pair of boobs doesn't mean you don't want to see them all"
  3. One more thought, take the kids to the wind tunnel right on International Drive. Muey Funno
  4. Probably Zhills is best. You've got several great choices. Deland, Lake Wales, Sebastian, are all great. Have fun!!
  5. Meux

    Congrats Tigers

    Should be a good game this weekend. Gators coming off a hard loss at home, they need to win to stay anywhere close to being contenders. Mo
  6. It is a serious dilemma. Great job, great benefits, etc. I'll tough it out for a while longer. Would love to make this boogie. Might fall in love with one of those backwards walking sheep. Mo
  7. The worst part of it is the price tag. I worked on this project for a couple years and could never get past the bottom line. If I ever needed a Helo, I'd much rather have 11 Blackhawks, than one CV-22. We will get it shoved down our throats though by congressmen who will make handsome little profits on it. It was fun to fly the simulator. MH
  8. I feel better all ready. Is it possible for my higher power to help me get higher?
  9. Is there a 12 step program for people who go low? Hi, my name is Mike, I go low. I don't want to go low, it just happens. One second I'm there, the next second I'm looking up at the formation. I think its because my father liked my brother better than me. My mother made me wear some funny clothes when I was very small and I've never really recovered from that either. One time I actually made the formation, it was really fun to look all the other peeps in the eye and smile at them. But I could tell, they were all looking at me like I might go low at any second. etc, etc,
  10. On your way from Texas to Palatka, make a stop by Emerald Coast just West of Pensacola. Very fun place, great vibe, not unusual for the last jump of the day to be on the beach. As you continue East on I-10 swing by Quincey, just West of Tallahassee. An easy place to fit right in, make some fun jumps and retire into the trees where all the peeps hang out and tell stories. Don't stand too close to the bonfire, or fall in the hot tub. What a cool idea, have fun.
  11. Heard Sunday on load 4 while climbing to altitude. Experienced guy sitting beside me talking to an inexperienced guy behind me, "Just wait til we're 45 degrees behind the plane before you leave." The 45 degree rule lives on. On the ground the experienced guy and I had a pretty thourough debrief using the "Exit Separation Revisited" article found on this site by Bill Von Novak. I printed it out and keep it in my book of instructional articles that stay with my logbook. Based on my jump numbers I don't have any credibility, so I am very grateful to Bill Von Novak for his expertise that I can use as an example. A picture is worth 10 million words. I was very encouraged when the pilot elected to make a second pass with loads that were very diverse. We tend to have belly fliers go in a chunk followed by one or two solo belly fliers pulling high, followed by free fliers followed by AFF followed by tandoms, and maybe a birdman at the very end. It tends to put a lot of pressure on spacing. Obviously a very complex subject. It's unfortunate that the most experienced jumpers (Tandom and AFFIs) are the ones in the back of the plane screaming for the inexperienced ones to GO. They should be asking the pilot for a second pass when there several groups. Thanks to the Professors for their discussion. MH
  12. Beer Rules are clearly written. No ambiguity there at all. Regarding the pie rules, there is obviously some disagreement there, but anytime someone is getting votes in the 90% range to get pied, It must be done. This could be called a general purpose pieing. MH
  13. This is very confusing, I thought getting pied at 100 was the norm. Now it seems that pies are reserved for jumps ending with three zeros, rather than two. My friends waited about 10 minutes and staged a very elaborate pie with video event. I loved it and would love to pass that on to every person reaching that milestone. Many suggest that the 100th jump should be a nekkid jump, but that doesn't always work. I've heard of nekkid jumps, but have never seen one. Might someday do one myself (when no one is looking). Pies are pretty easy and shouldn't offend anyone. I vote for a good serious pieing at 100, and again at every thousand. MH
  14. Being kind of newb to all this my SC un-read count is only 9054. Can't wait to get 10,000 Peace Ya'll
  15. Will start begging now for the time off. This sounds like too much fun. Mo
  16. My favorite blond joke, Q. Why do blondes in San Francisco not wear mini skirts? A. Because their balls hang out.
  17. Meux


    Will there be a Burning Man DZ?
  18. Fly an F-16 Fly an F-15 Fly an F-18 Fly an A-10 Plus a couple others. It still seems like a dream.
  19. I don't know you and probably won't ever bump into you, but I wish you the best in this regard.
  20. Buy an Instructional Rating Manual from USPA online and it's got all the answers to all your questions. It has the progress card you'll need to log all your events as you complete them. You'll find the test that you need to take, as well as the answer sheet. There are some training aids in there too. Definately recommend that you read it thouroughly before you start your course. Have fun MH
  21. All around great!! Love the music, the video, the players, it's just a hoot.. Well done. I'll bet that Airspeed doesn't even bother coming up for the Nationals. This is very intimidating.
  22. I'm a low end garage guy. No fancy recliners or anything, just a chair and a radio. At the end of the day I enjoy sitting in there with a cold beer and "transitioning" from outside to inside. Can't really explain it.
  23. This isn't a bad thing. My biggest concern with the big DZs (little ones too) is getting run over by some hot rod who thought he knew where everyone was at and ends up killing one or both of us. Next on the list is any skydiver who isn't actively clearing their flight path. Can't count the times someone has violated my comfort zone with no apparent recognition of my presence. Who knows, maybe I've done the same thing, but it is so much easier to clear from straight and level than big turns. When wingsuit guys start killing each other, they too will face restrictions. Dead Skydivers are bad for business. I love Deland and can't wait to get back there.
  24. Meux

    Good Catch?

    My initial response was meant to have a "funny" side to it. Seriously, I love WMS, with the right person. I don't really like one night stands. Especially now that I have escaped the tyranny of youth. Is there a difference between a Good Catch and a Keeper?