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Everything posted by gmittar

  1. gmittar


    There's no pictures... you can't prove it. But, I'm a fucking demon... |>.
  2. gmittar


    I am the demon spawn... |>.
  3. "I'm sorry, did you mean guitar?" Yeah... |>.
  4. Happy Birthday man, I'm sure it'll be a good one! |>.
  5. My old Sensei and his friend were really good friends with Chuck when they were just Black belts tournament hopping. The other guy, and chuck were both in movies initially, but chuck got famous because he was such a great guy to work with, and the other guy was a prig. Or so my Sensei says... |>.
  6. I do fear death to an extent, but I just don't worry about it. Why worry about something that is inevitable? |>.
  7. Wow, so simple a question, wtf is there 4 pages of posts for? Lift off is determined by airflow over wings, and angle of attack of wings, kk? Conveyer belt = no airflow = no liftoff unless the conveyer suddenlty shoots the plane off the end or some such shit. Opposite, put a plane on the ground in a wind tunnel, and crank up the wind, it'll take off. (no, not a skydiving wind tunnel, silly) |>.
  8. gmittar

    Bad way to go.

    Anything drawn out. I'd take two days of torture over 6 years of cancer any day. |>.
  9. OMG, you jumped with beth? That's rarer than seeing her bubbies... Course, I didn't get the honor of either |>.
  10. Dude, Grue, that's why I left sunday, my super beard powered esp forsaw hail/sleet/shit ccoming your way... Or something. |>.
  11. NO WAY! Where is the real Giaaaaa, and what have you done with her? Dunno. Maybe the same place her voice went to hide for the boogie Yeah, I wonder what she normally sounds like. |>.
  12. Back at ya girl! Sorry you had to go and spend the day in bed with Beth, and I'm even more sorry that there was no video We'll definitely jump next time. |>.
  13. Glad you're feeling better KC. It was really nice hanging out with everyone. Between Grue's dinner antics, you're desert wrestling and that awesome magic carpet jump, it was quite the exciting time. I'm very grateful that even though it seemed like there was always a cut away main floating down, there were no serious injuries (that I'm aware of). Cheers! |>.
  14. I'm very single, and that stuff kinda fascinates me. It did bother me when I was younger, but I guess I've realized that it's no big deal. |>.
  15. No hatred here, but some very intense displeasure when I have to encounter certain people. I don't with them harm or anything, I just want nothing to do with them. |>.
  16. You have to stand on the damn thing, what's the point, may as well walk. I saw segway make a prototype of a really cool bike that could do wheelies and balance on it's back wheel so it could go over obstacles all easy and stuff. If they'd put that out in the first place, they might've made some money. |>.
  17. I was in military school and one of the other cadets was cleaning his M1 in my room. He used my drinking cup, which I always kept half full of water, to hold his rubbing alcohol. Walked in, picked it up and chugged, That was horrible. |>.
  18. My God Man! Ask her out, what's with the big fuss? Stop being a wuss and just do it, for fuck's sake! Stop this daisy plucking bullshit and ask, the worst she can say is no, and even then that's not that bad. |>.