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Everything posted by gmittar

  1. But you've got such a pretty smile!!!.
  2. About the same, it was going on forever, and no longer fun, so... |>.
  3. Ugh, much more respect for the Martial artist one shotting the pimp. He clearly had no malice, and was just doing what was necessary. I can't stand watching people pound on unconscious bodies, no self control and all hate. He coulda easily walked away after the first punch with the same effect, the guy was out. And the fucking foot, just nasty. |>.
  4. Love that movie, sometimes it's so tempting |>.
  5. vibes and good luck, this kinda sounds serious. It could be as treateable as a thyroid problem though. |>.
  6. Thanks everyone, I do about 6 hours of consulting per week myself, so maybe I shouldn't count on any unemployment. I've been with this company for so long that they consider me something of extended family, this is not a good thing. An incident this week made me realize it's time to go. Basically I was berated for not doing a job in january that I was promoted to do in February. Fucked up, yet typical. I've toned down my letter considerably, but I still feel it must be sent. |>.
  7. Not blackmailing them, just bringing to light the circumstances by which I came to my decision, which are discriminatory. Unfortunately, in this case I care too much about the company to just "move on quietly". I want them to get their shit together so they can move forward and actually succeed as a company, but my place there is through. I'm not being forced to quit, in fact it will probably shock most people that see the letter. |>.
  8. Pretty sure of it. I have a full time job and a part time job and the full time has got to go. My resignation letter makes it pretty clear that I could sue them if I wanted to, so I doubt they'd fight my unemployment claim. |>.
  9. Can you still collect unemployment if you resign, or is it only if you're fired/layed off? How long does it last for? What if you have a small part time job? Thanks. |>.
  10. I saw that movie and missed said boobie action. Need to rent it again. That wasn't Susan Sarandon. That was Renee Russo. Susan Sarandon can keep her boobies to herself. Damnit, I always get those two mixed up! The Domino scene was right after the crash in the desert. |>.
  11. The little critters camp outside of many grocery stores, I got mine outside a smiths. Probably still about time. |>.
  12. Keira Knightly in Domino(yes they're small, yes I like em that way) Susan Surandon in Thomas Crown Affair(she still looks great topless!) |>.
  13. Send em to me... I'm already down to 4 boxes |>.
  14. Hey Cora, I totally relate to your situation, two jobs here, and full time shcool too. My best tool is deep breathing, whenever I'm overwhelmed, just breathe really deep, and let your breath focus you. I know you can come through this, it's just a matter of focus! Go to it, we're all with ya! Oh, and 36 hours a day only exist outside of school, sorry |>.
  15. 100% fully agree. I'd rather get completely and utterly shut down than no response at all. |>.
  16. What if throwing yourself in front of the train because you thought you were gonna die anyway, was how you were gonna die? Maybe you woulda lived for 50 years if not for that train, see the problems knowing causes? RMH said it best already "I'll deal with it when it comes up" |>.
  17. walking skin cancer/anorexia/don't do drugs commercial. WTF happened, she was very cute! |>.
  18. I don't really have much to leave at this point, and no one really to give it to. |>.
  19. Yes. And sexual flirtations aside, it is too old. |>.
  20. I know where I stand now.... That was like a no-brainer, right? As soon as I get a decent set of shots (because the ones I have are "bad" in both senses of the word), I'm going to send them to...everyone in this thread who is patiently awaiting them...except, of course, one very naughty greenie who shall remain nameless. Eat your heart out. rl Awesome, I look forward to them.
  21. And we're obliged to post a picture because...? I've sent some out. Graphic ones. To people I trust. Just for the fun of it. But posting naked pictures here for anyone to look at? Not a chance. rl Thank you for that response rl. I am happy to share pics with those I trust, but do not need to post them publicly. Still waiting for my pic Beth, or don't ya trust me? |>.