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Everything posted by gmittar

  1. It was definitely a cool movie. |>.
  2. It helps to um, attach pics. |>.
  3. I like the normal you more, you're a definite cutie! |>.
  4. Ugh tu kill ya sucks ass, and tastes like it too... I think it was all ruined when a friend of mine convinced me to snort the shit, hey she was doing it to! |>.
  5. gmittar

    Bodies Exhibit

    I'd like to add that the guy that developed this art form has donated his body after death to it, and the rest of his family has too. I'd love to see it, it doesn't seem morbit at all to me, but totally fascinating. If it's ever in my area... |>.
  6. Tony, Many breeds of animals have a tendency for specific personalities. And early puppy/kitten hood treatment aside, those tendencies show clearly. So breed does matter. Want a nervous dog? Get a chijuajua, etc. |>.
  7. That's like something the french do, right? I'm not sure what you mean, love... |>.
  8. OMG man, that's the first time I've actually laughed at your shit! Insult, compliment? You decide... |>.
  9. Ridgebacks are awesome dogs, I have friends with them and while they're awesome they also have some special requirements that you should really be very familiar with before you consider one. That being said, having a kennel/cage for the dog in the day is a GOOD idea. Dogs are not people and they don't get bent out of shape for being contained when you are not around. In fact, if trained early, they associate it with a sense of security and are really much happier with the sturctured environment that a kennel/cage provides. This is of course assuming that they get the attention and excersize that they need when you are around. |>.
  10. Imma start hauling weights everywhere I go, that's a fantastic idea! |>.
  11. I take the simple/natural approach. I rince my nasal passage out daily with warm salt water. Works really well for me, but it's not just a pill, you actually have to do something. Check out |>.
  12. Enjoy it guys, have fun, stay safe, and never take anything in this sport for granted. .
  13. I've always liked Tokaido, but the fit was a bit off for me in uniforms. They're belts are good quality though. For Gi's, I prefer Meijin. Good heavy weight, and kinda vented so they breathe well. Stands up to alot of punishment too. Edit:: The Meijin Gi is also alot softer feel than the Tokaido that I used to use. But just as heavy and durable. |>.
  14. Um, maybe yer gay and stressed about it. It's cool, most of us don't care... |>.
  15. Um, that aint no B cup... |>.
  16. Them crazy japs. How about rule #3: Fish does little to absorb alcohol! |>.
  17. Spectacular! I love movies that bring the ruins to live! Gladiator leaps to mind... |>.
  18. gmittar

    Ice Age

    Me, and a girl that's trying to get in my pants, neither of which are kids or parents. Kartoons 4TW!! |>.
  19. Tempting, but she'd probably bite me back... |>.
  20. Anything other than a penny. |>.
  21. What can I say to a no alcohol April? Um, fuck that! |>.
  22. Ugh, there's almost nothing I find less attractive than fishnets. |>.