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Everything posted by gmittar

  1. As a guy that's had a full beard for my entire post pubescent life, I can tell you with full confidence that women almost never prefer it. The only ones that that do like full beards, are women that had either a father figure or role model with a beard while growing up. Woe is me... Meh, it's just hair. |>.
  2. Metalslug is on the money. However, the question is the circumstance in which you'll be wearing the apparell. You might not want everyone on the beach to see you in your undies, whereas seeing you in you thong bikini might not be a big deal. |>.
  3. It's Debil, you nub, Debil. Move along... |>.
  4. I used to buy into the "be nice to animals" morality issue with eating meat and then I thought about it... Animals are part of other animals' food chain, this is the system that has evolved over millions of years, and if you're religious, then it is the system that God put in place. So where's the moral issue, exactly? |>.
  5. There's your first error. Never buy box wine, it's just shite, and even cheap bottle wine is better. But still, wine is never meant to be mixed with anything... |>.
  6. I was a vegetarian for most of my life, due to my religion. Then I realized I didn't really give a shit about the religous reasons for being a vegetarian, and now I eat chicken and fish, and some other meat. But as a vegetarian, I ate lots of the imitation meat products. They've got alot of protein because they're mostly made of soy or other high protein products, and some are actually really yummy. Like KC said, make sure you've researched HOW to eat healthily as a vegetarian before you give it a go. You've really gotta make sure you do it right. |>.
  7. Finish the night with a big glass of water, or gatorade, and it'll even out that shit the next morning. Keeping dehydration at bay is the key to overcoming hangovers. |>.
  8. Wow, they hit like girls, so it goes on and on and on. The least they coulda done was tear clothes off... |>.
  9. You post whore, don't post about it till you have something to post, you nub! |>.
  10. That is Bar none, the worst riddle ever. The answer to a riddle is supposed to make sense, even in an obscure way, everyone should see it when they see the answer. That was just stupid. WTF, "if you look at me, you pop?" I don't pop if I look at time? how dumb is that, no wonder smart people don't get it, there's nothing to get. What a waste of a good effort. QQ, now go away. |>.
  11. I am trying out Opera 9.0.b. It's pretty impressive so far, with a pretty good UI, and WAY faster than Firefox, IE or Safari. Baby steps... he's still using IE by choice. I only use it for stuff that doesn't render well in Firefox (like Outlook webmail). I used firefox for a while. There's just too much that doesn't work well with it, and it's way too high maintenance. Since service pack two, I've been pretty happy with IE. |>.
  12. Come on guys, that ass was just not right. You seriously didn't see it coming? Plenty of time to avert... |>.
  13. Saw it coming, still funny as hell |>.
  14. It's an art form called historical fiction. In any case, it's an immensely important part of American History, but I don't know if I want to pay to cry, so not sure if I'll see it. Maybe in another 5 years. |>.
  15. I have a hard time even being angry, it's just so sad. I can't believe that this kind of shit would happen, and that it would be a relation to someone in our online community. I really don't get it, except that I believe in Karma, and that poor little girl must've paid off 20 lives worth of it in the past week. My prayer is that she just wasn't there past the very beginning, poor girl. |>.
  16. Considering the source |>.
  17. This is so very sad, and I read today on the news even more grisly details, how amazingly harsh. My most heartfelt condolences to you and the child's family. |>.
  18. Psychological marketing at work. Why change what works? |>.
  19. Happy easter Millie, Have a great holiday! |>.
  20. Am I the only one that got over Led Zeppelin in High school? Edit: Yup, the Doors too... |>.
  21. That actually sounds like alot of fun But how about, "Hi, I'm how you doing tonight?" Just a thought... |>.
  22. Very nice! Thank you both! |>.