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Everything posted by warpedskydiver

  1. Antimatter is actually abundant in the universe, it's just so far between the particles of it and the small accumulations are not exactly where we can get to them and survive
  2. I'm not a Trekkie but I seem to recall it was the dilithium crystals that was the key to it all, that and Scottie duct taping everything together as Kirk left interstellar skid marks everywhere he went. But Scotty..............I........have......no......time......to.............wipe!
  3. Except when I have no ear pro on the Harriers are great! Otherwise your ears will be hurting.
  4. There is no fat on Venison tenderloins. It is not a backstrap, it is a tenderloin, call it by its real name. I roll mine in olive oil and fresh ground black pepper, seal salt and garlic. Then I sear it on the outside and remove from the heat, let rest for 10 minutes and slice across at an canted angle of about 30 degrees, you get the tenderness of the meat, great flavor and have not overcooked it, it should be cooked no more than medium rare.
  5. Tenderloins are merely the inner core of an entire tenderloin, I really like a bone in rib eye, great flavor. IIRC also referred to as a Delmonico. Meats with the bone still in provide far more flavor.
  6. Reading these is sickening...fucking assholes like these need to be taught a lesson.
  7. THAT's Country! Chuck Nope just excellent music, they play more than typical country. They stand in stark contrast to modern country music, they take all that talent and observed what was done many years ago then created their own style.
  8. Ribs need to be cooked at low heat so turn the vents nearly closed, check it often to make sure the coals are still burning. Try the Cowboy charcoal, it is really good and does not need lighter fluid, you need less charcoal as well, plus it burns hotter. Just rub the ribs with garlic powder, salt, pepper and some ground cayenne, or grind it in a cheapo coffee grinder. A tiny bit of olive oil will help it stick to the meat. You want ribs that have some fat on them, I don't like baby back ribs as much as I do St. Louis style ribs because they have a fuller flavor. Even good beef ribs will be great if cooked slowly, you want the meat to feel soft to the touch in the package, harder texture means it has a lot of gristle and fat. If you go to a place that still sells prime rib, you can ask them for the ribs because they are full of good meat. Basically unless the meat is very lean you need to slow cook it. Otherwise just sear and serve.
  9. The grill is good for all meats, poultry, fish and many veggies
  10. That's Girl not Grill you dislexic bastard!
  11. Yeah, you were a dick. He can wear whatever T-shirt he wants. Are you a Marine? Why yes, I am. Actually, I agree with DocPop. The t-shirt wearer in question freely admitted his non-affiliation. Plus, I rarely see operators wear the "gear" of their organization. Usually the only people wearing the t-shirts, jackets and hats are the fans. Actually I do not recall ever seeing someone wear any portion of a uniform or other insignia including berets unless on duty and without much of a choice. Why does anyone want to wear work clothes? Nothing to be ashamed of by far, just that you are not supposed to be calling attention to ones self.
  12. Yeah, you were a dick. He can wear whatever T-shirt he wants. Yep it was just a Tshirt. I had sent some to my friends and family after I got out of school, I would have been pretty pissed if someone gave them grief over it.
  13. That's because you did not go to school to be an Ass Traffic Controller.
  14. If the cam actually showed boobies the whole time the guys would flock to it. Boo! Bies!
  15. I used to act like I was in the ARMY... So did you!
  16. I have seen the effect from an oncoming B1B that was screaming across a lake. Man did that make some waves. It was high subsonic and not there for long.
  17. ZERO!!!! There was a well known POS around my town that drove all over on his scooter with a big sign that said "HELP I AM A HOMELESS VETERAN" He wore a uniform and bush hat. I was at the VA hospital when the cops brought him in needing medical attention, guess who was not a veteran nor had ever even served one day? I rarely wish ill upon others but I had wished some homeless veterans would have discovered this and killed him outright. He was a shit stain upon society and also took the very food and other sustenance from the mouths of those he claimed to be one of. I later found out he lived in my mothers building for seniors and was nothing more than a convicted pedophile who had served time during the Vietnam war. That was the most disgusting abuse of the good nature of others and a slap to the face of all Veterans who felt badly as if this man had fallen through the cracks.
  18. You forgot the option of "Will be performing oral sex after dinner so the bill does not need to be split"
  19. If so please contact me immediately, all you have to do is drive while the vehicle owner works while tethered on his laptop. Even if you don't want to jump you could attend the M1forvets benefit next Saturday morning fro free. Free transportation never got easier.
  20. Luckily a female student nurse from Blackpool was quick thinking and used crushed ice in her mouth to soothe the pain. It certainly got my mind off the pain for a bit.
  21. In a week slide your oiled body between rocks, it will be like a snake shedding its skin. I got burned pretty good on my cock while in Crete at the beach, I had a good tan but not on that. About a week later and after much pain it basically shed like a freakin snake. I will never make that mistake again. A few of the girls were trying to get their inner thighs tanned, lets just say they git their lips a little burned. Sun balm is not just for your face.