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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. Stumpy


    Anyone thinking that knows nothing about business. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  2. The designer that put a 'destroy everything' button next to a door open button needs a slap. That's my thinking as well. A destroy everything button thats even easily available and accessible to a cleaner is a spectacularly bad idea hence why I am always sceptical of the stories. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  3. Pretty sure that story is apocryphal - I've heard various versions of it over the years (unplugged the servers to plug in a Hoover is my favorite) but your point is still valid Never try to eat more than you can lift
  4. Yeah exactly! That’s what your posts do. They warn people off the ‘holy spirit’
  5. No-one here would ever make such a silly claim. Would they? No-one with an IQ above 90. (I'm being generous) Never try to eat more than you can lift
  6. It would be unintelligible because they would be laughing so hard Never try to eat more than you can lift
  7. Stumpy


    My only comment on Bannon is that he is as moronic as the potus, and I wouldn't believe a word he says, either pro- OR anti- Trump Never try to eat more than you can lift
  8. I must have seen that movie 20 times. One of the most evocative bits of filming ever. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  9. The onion at its brutal best today "Roy Moore Retires From Politics To Spend More Quality Time With Someone's Kid" Never try to eat more than you can lift
  10. Stumpy


    I never thought a lawyer could be a worse liar than trump but it seems thats the case! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  11. I think that's tripe looking for a reaction... If you genuinely think the US is the biggest threat to humanity then you're as deluded as rush is. NK? Maybe - they've got a nutter with nukes who is answerable to noone in charge or China possibly, due to their unbelievable pollution and CO2 emissions that'll probably doom us all. China has dead rivers and cities where you can't see the sun at noon. And yet people act like it's a different planet and all of that poison will never get here. The difference being, the Chinese are VERY quickly working on their environmental footprint. The leadership in the US couldn't give two shits Never try to eat more than you can lift
  12. That applies to more than one country on that list. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  13. A few years ago I would have replied yes, now no. We are seeing where DNA is revealing miscarriages of justice. I'd support expedited capital punishment only in cases where there is clear DNA evidence of guilt. In decades old cases where such evidence isn't clear, no. Unfortunately many cases have shown that DNA evidence is often incorrect/ misleading/ misinterpreted. It's rarely the slam dunk fictional crime series would have you believe it is. Humans are fallible, which is one reason the death penalty is a bad idea. The second, entirely pragmatic one is that the death penalty is generally many times more expensive than incarcerating someone for life. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  14. If agree with him if he extended it to Christianity, Islam, and everything else as well Never try to eat more than you can lift
  15. The onion nails it. Again. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  16. Stumpy


    And to think, Obama once got in trouble for chewing gum. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  17. Stumpy


    True - but his easily led base will believe him, and that's all that matters. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  18. Stumpy


    And took their passports away apparently. Flight risk... Never try to eat more than you can lift
  19. Its true, plus they provide thrust to the planet that makes hitting the runway a tricky proposition. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  20. That's a perfect demonstration of how far to the right the us has moved. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  21. And if you still believe that you probably shouldn't be allowed anywhere near people with psychological issues. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  22. Maybe I misunderstood how pardons work, but this seems completely obvious to me. A pardon doesn't mean you're all of a sudden innocent of a crime that you've been found guilty of - just that you're pardoned from the direct consequence, right? Correct - and its almost more than that in that it's an implicit assumption of guilt. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  23. Trump doesn't keep a promise? Shocked I tell you, shocked. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  24. Probably "Hilary never called families!!!" Never try to eat more than you can lift
  25. Pertinent. Waiting periods really do reduce shootings. Never try to eat more than you can lift