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    New Zealand

Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. Stumpy


    I think you could swap "Sanctuary Laws" with just about any pressing issue right now.
  2. Stumpy

    The wall

    OK - it's not hard to look this up but as an example the budget proposed in January had: about $22 billion in total funding for Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement $675 million for scanners at points of entry $502 million for "humanitarian concerns at the border" such as food and medical care $400 million in border security technology, 1,000 new customs agents $156.7 million for new boats, planes and sensors. USA Today What it did not have, was 23BN (or even 5BN) for a wall that would be an utter waste of money. So pretty much every single thing you have built into this strawman is false, but keep going, it's entertaining watching your flights of fancy.
  3. I'm genuinely interested in whether you think that comment a) Makes a point? b) Makes a joke? or c) makes you look really dumb?
  4. Stumpy

    The wall

    Except that's not true is it. Be honest now.
  5. No no no I think he said today he's not really aware of wikileaks, or it only made the coffee or something!
  6. Reread the quote - it does NOT say nations will be wiped off the earth by 2000. So, you are still wrong.
  7. Agree with regards to Autonomous vehicles - I'm actually pretty relieved that by the time I can't drive any more I probably won't need to! Autonomous and EV does go hand in hand. 5G doesn't really help autonomy though - thats a bit of a myth coming from the carriers pushing 5G. Not until there is a chance of the whole country being properly blanketed, which will not happen - potentially ever. I'm lucky enough to work with some guys who are working on Autonomous driving software and 5G apparently isn't even really talked about in that context.
  8. Yep - thats pretty much the way it's going.
  9. Except for the fact that Chicago is about 10th on the list. Given that most of the ones higher have more lax laws, by your logic the controls are working.
  10. Since my children were born, I don't.
  11. Wow, that's pretty lax. Over here in the US, simply showing a holstered pistol without even touching it could get you thrown in jail. Waving a gun around? That could get you killed very quickly, and justifiably so. You are missing the point (intentionally I suspect - it's that or stupidity and you get the benefit of the doubt) The use of a gun "for self defence" in NZ is not a valid reason to apply for, or have, a license. Yep - the "good guy with a gun" myth needs to be put to sleep. Owning guns fundamentally makes you less safe.
  12. I hold a NZ FAL. It's pretty easy to get at the lower level (bolt action hunting rifles and shotguns etc). The one for AR style rifles is much more stringent. It is however a very different culture to the US - if you were to start waving a gun around "in self defence" you'd have the book thrown at you very quickly. It's primarily for hunting/ targets.
  13. Just block him. I've blocked one person so far and the average IQ displayed in the posts I read has jumped significantly.
  14. Don't be silly, selective memory doesn't go back that far!
  15. HOLY SHIT. I just read the opening statement. This is going to be goooood Opening statement
  16. That's my take on it as well. I get the impression he is doing it because a few people want him to rather than his heart actually being in it. It's a different dynamic this time round.
  17. Stumpy

    The wall

    Oh no they don't care about actual people, just multi billion dollar, un-needed equipment.
  18. Amazon was never putting that HQ in Queens. This was all games to get data and incentives to put it where they REALLY want it.
  19. Stumpy

    The wall

    The logical hoops his supporters have to jump through even just to agree with him boggle the mind.....
  20. There are pictures of you in blackface?
  21. I kinda have to laugh at how they must be sh**ing themselves now. Going after the richest man in the world is never going to end well for them when he turns around and fights back.
  22. Stumpy

    The wall

    I suspect thats not the link you wanted....