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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. Best thing about this is the number of new "shocked" GIFs I now have collected from Twitter. It's always the ones who shout the loudest.
  2. From twitter: "Trump caved so hard Elon Musk is building him a tiny submarine"
  3. A politician using hyperbole? Shocked I tell you! At least the president has grown out of that!
  4. It's in the settings menu. Type in the name of the poster, choose what you want to ignore, hey presto!
  5. Thanks for that - id worked out the blue dots but not the hover thing. What I was hoping for was the OLDEST unread post though. Like to follow discussions through
  6. You can filter results by date. Does anyone know if you can go to the first unread post in any thread like you used to be able to?
  7. Don't worry, no-one in the UK can understand it either. As someone said the other day something along the lines of "she has said it's an assault on democracy - who does she think would be voting, the Chinese?!"
  8. Stumpy


    Fortunately, there is now "ignore poster" functionality
  9. Stumpy

    The wall

    Exactly right. And the brazenness of it is hilarious. I hope at least some trump voters are smart enough to realise that. The ones on this site mostly aren't. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  10. Lots of places they could find 5 Billion. A tiny drop out of the defence bucket for example. Still shouldn't build a wall with it though! Never try to eat more than you can lift
  11. The Democratic party? Extreme LEFT??? When your starting point is the nazi side of Republican, then the Democrats in the US would indeed look like socialists. Funny enough in Canada the Democrats would probably be considered right of centre. I think it'd be the same in most of the 1st world. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  12. We've been through this before, and it turns out Ron fully supports criminal or con-man behaviour as long as the perpetrator is 'winning'. And a conservative. Don't forget that. If it's a liberal - lock em up. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  13. Agreed - but I thought we were discussing Ron's source. If we weren't - I apologise. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  14. Generally the people who are saying that trump is a good businessman have no idea what a good businessman is. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  15. "Delusional" is probably more truthful Never try to eat more than you can lift
  16. The House was a long shot and he knew it. He concentrated on the Senate because of the their inherent power. He concentrated on the senate because it was highly unlikely he'd lose it given who was up for re-election. Come on Ron, it's not that hard to work this stuff out, you can do better. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  17. It says a lot that this week there have been right wing, anti-semitic, anti free speech and racist terrorist acts within the US, but Ron is more scared of a bunch of unarmed kids hundreds of miles away from the country. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  18. Finding it hard to have too much sympathy here "A hunter in Alaska was hospitalized after the bear he shot rolled on top of him" Never try to eat more than you can lift
  19. I applaud Booker for taking this stand and the Senators who followed him. There is no doubt the committee and Rs in general are using classifications to hide information. I am also sure that Ds have done this in the past. Wrong is wrong and it should get called out. Kamala Harris made him look like a lying weasel. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  20. Well DUH! How's he going to pay for the cuts without hurting the little guy? Never try to eat more than you can lift
  21. To be fair, they are only taking their cue from the mango mussolini. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  22. Stumpy


    To be fair even before Trump, some of them had run through the stupid forest and hit EVERYTHING. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  23. Getting pummelled in the midterms might do it but I'm not too hopeful thats going to happen. Never try to eat more than you can lift
  24. Considering you are pining for how things used to be, guided by a book that tells 2,000 year old fables, that statement is rather laughable. Bingo Never try to eat more than you can lift