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Everything posted by TrophyHusband

  1. is GE really progressive, as in the upper levels of management hold onto progressive/liberal idiologies? or do they just stand to make tons of money from "green" technologies? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  2. aren't you a little past cougar-age? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  3. i think my screenname sums it up. it great work if you can get it, but the hours are long and there's a lot more to it than one would expect. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  4. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared to defend Rangel from the charges. Nice try. Larry Craig, Scooter Libby.... you're trumped. bullshit, quite a few republicans spoke out against larry craig. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  5. In the Democrats you'll find supporters and detractors. For a person to be chastised by the Republican party he has to murder somebody and even then, as long as it was a Democrat he murdered it still wouldn't be that big of a deal. tell that to trent lott. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  6. i forgot about that stuff, and there should be plenty left over after they pay the mortgage too. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  7. not that what you say didn't happen, but this is the start of about a thousand different chain emails that relay some horrible event that everyone needs to be aware of. they all end with "forward this to everyone in your address book". they then end up in my inbox where i then check snopes to find that they are false. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  8. people with no income boycotting a company? that's just crazy enough to work. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  9. Doing what? If there is no work for them to have a job what will there be for them to do for 2 hours? keying cars and flattening the tires of the non-union unemployed scabs. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  10. fucking canadians "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  11. we alway cut cut over mt hood from portland, like heading to timberline and mt hood meadows but then just keep driving. even in the winter weve had no problems with the road. they do a great job of keeping the roads clear through there. the drive is beautiful. it takes about 3 to 3 1/2 hours from longview. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  12. outdoor fucking paradise. mt bachelor rocks for skiing. as has been mentioned, great deals on real estate right now. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  13. Better yet, have the sub manned (womaned?) primarily by women. But some men would be allowed to be assigned to the boat, too. Of course, the men would have to give up their privacy hangups. They can learn to pee and shower with the women or not serve on board. I really don't see a problem with that, when was the last time you heard a guy say " no I don't want to shower with a bunch of chicks?" i spent 6 years in the navy. there's no fucking way i would want to be stuck on a boat full of navy women. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  14. if you act in real life the way you do here, she's creeped out by you and anything nice you do for her is going to make her feel uncomfortable. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  15. an interesting follow up would be a survey of people who have had a dui in the past and their behavior before compared to after the dui. i had a dui 10 years ago and it stopped me from drinking and driving. before then, i did it regularly. as much as a dui sucks, now i can say that it was a good thing for me to get. many people don't learn their lesson though. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  16. it has been argued whether or not healthcare is a right. generally, the left says its a right and the right says it isn't. in the past i've taken the stance that you don't have the right to healthcare, but for some reason i'm looking at it a little differently. this isn't a fully developed though, so bear with me here. i just want to throw this out there to get some other percpectives before firmly settling back into a stance one way or the other. the basic hypothesis is that healthcare is indead a right, but you aren't entitled to it. let me use free speech as an example. you have the right to say what you want, but you aren't entitled to a newspaper column or tv air time to exercise that right. if you want those things, you have to pay for them. the more money you have, the bigger audience you can reach. you have the right to get whatever healthcare you want, you just have to pay for it (either up front or in the form of premiums). no one is required to provide you non-emergent medical care, but the more money you have, the better doctors you can get. hopefully this will never come into play, but whether or not healthcare is a right could become a big issue in the distant future. those who currently claim it isn't a right would be the ones screaming the loudest that it is. the scenario is like this: we eventually move to a single payer system. laws are passed that everyone must be a part of this system and that doctors aren't allowed topractice outside this system. no matter how much money you have, you must wait in line to see the same doctors as everyone else. (this would probably be done to prevent a two-tiered system thus making it "fair" for everyone). at this point, many people would stand up and say "fuck you, i have the right to see whatever doctor i can afford and doctors have the right treat whatever patients they want. this is not something the government has the power to take away" there you go, healthcare is a right, just not an entitlement. as i've said, this isn't a fully formed concept here. i welcome opposing viewpoints on this, but if your goal is to just attack it, fuck off. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  17. i don't think it matters. for the most part, people have pretty much decided where they stand. there may be a few fence jumpers here and there, but for the people that support him, this isn't going to change their minds. for the people who don;t support him, this isn't going to change their minds. it may pop back up during the general election in 2012, but for now it means almost nothing. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  18. we've had plenty of other carriers in the past and so far we've been happiest with verizon, which we have now. we're out of our contract, but whatever we do phonewise, we'll stay with verizon. as far as a need, we've identified one. when we're out and about, the gps and the ability to look up and find or call busnesses would be very nice. of course that could be taken care of by getting a gps for the car, but the idea of putting a gps in a car that already has a nav system in it just seams silly to me. (we have a toyota, but the maps are so old that it is nearly useless and last i heard it was north of $300 for updated dvds). we're going to new orleans this weekend, so we may think about just one of us getting a new phone after our nav system inevitable fucks us again. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  19. ok, somethings bothering me here. your posts used to have a british accent to them, then i read you are originally from canada, so the accent switched to canadian (or is it canadienne?) then you go and use a word like "numpty" and now i'm all fucked up. i just can't read that without putting a british accent on it. more specifically, the accent like supernanny, not the one like the knight bus attendant in harry potter. what the fuck is your accent? more on topic, if someone isn't receiving some sort of gain out of their lies, they're not worth the time to deal with them. if they are though, they should be taken care of. not necessarily with a belt sander, but i'm sure there are ways to get the point across without violence. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  20. on the other hand, they could save face, win politically, and make improvements to our healthcare system. all they have to do is start over and break things down into bite sized chunks instead of one huge bill that the majority of the public is against. they could identify maybe 5 to 7 of the largest reasons health care is so expensive and work on each one individually, as in only one issue per bill. the thing is, most people on both sides of the current debate agree that there needs to be reform. wiping the slate clean, breaking it down, and attacking each problem individually makes it much more likely that progress will be made. for example, issues like tort reform and opening up competition across state lines, each with their own bill, could continue to be debated, while at the same time, a compromise could be reached on the issue of pre-existing conditions. in my opinion, a major change in approach to this is about the only thing that can save the dems from big losses in november. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  21. you're young, unmarried, and have no kids. things change. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  22. i wouldn't mind paying another $30 a month if it covered both phones on our plan, but i just don't want to spend $30 per phone. i stopped in a verizon store to ask if there was any way they could cut me a deal, but the woman laughed at me. i guess we'll stick with our dumb phones. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  23. after how many years of marriage? and how many kids? and you guys are still fucking on the couch after everyone goes to bed? way to go! keep up the good work. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  24. the wife and i have verizon and our phones are a few years old and starting to act up. we were thinking of getting smartphones, but if i understand it correctly we would have to pay $30 a month more for each phone. this would nearly double our cell phone bill. is this the norm? i see a lot of people with these smart phones that claim to be broke, so is there a cheaper way, or is that why they're broke? we would be willing to pay $30 more a month for 2 phones, but not $60. is this negotiable at a verizon store? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  25. i have a twin otter mostly built. i have everything needed to finish and fly it. i don't know how much i've got into it, but i'm guessing somewhere around $600. i didn't buy a kit though, i ordered plans off the internet and then bought all the raw materials at the local hobby shop. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama