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Everything posted by TrophyHusband

  1. 1. i tried firefox and didn't like it 2. not going to happen for a while "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  2. or i could get banesurana to kick me repeatedly in the balls. it would be less painfull than reloading everything. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  3. i'm still ready to throw this fucking computer out the window. i can't get ie8 because some entry file is missing. i can't get itunes because i'm running service pack 1. i can't get service pack 3 because some file is corrupt. i'm trying to get service pack 2 right now. we'll see how that goes. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  4. i went back into dell downloads and put in my service tag instead of model number and it gave me a completely different list of drivers. this worked. thank you. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  5. i'm past that point. is an ethernet controller something that can be easily and cheaply replaced? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  6. did that and it says "the location you specified does not contain any device information files" "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  7. ok, tried that and it just puts my right back to the driver file. this thing is pissing me off. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  8. i don't even know what the fuck that means. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  9. yes, already checked that "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  10. i reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled windows xp on my desktop. i now have no ethernet controller driver. i did a lot reading through various internet forums and found several threads about this problem, and i should also note that "dell" is a common theme. i went to the dell website and downloaded the driver i needed and transfered it to my desktop, but it still didn't work. according to the installation instructions, i need to type in a path in a black box when it pops up. problem is that i can't type anything into the black box. the curser just sits there blinking at me, and after about 10 seconds everything closes as if its done, but there's still no driver installed. wtf? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  11. he did it more than just once, and he's not the only one. there are lawyers just like him all over the country that do this. not true. the ob/gyn's i know, (and i know several of them and conversations about this stuff come up quite often) are in the military. their pay is the same whether they do a c-section or not. they still have to protect themselves legally. more often than you will admit, decisions are made based on liability issue instead of medical necessity. these thing drive up the cost of healthcare. i do believe that doctors who operate outside stanard of care should be held accountable. the probelm comes when the plantiff provides an expert that says standard of care was not met, the defense provides an an expert that says standard of care was met, and a judge or jury has to look at a 4,5, or 6 year old child with cerebral palsey (that's how long these things take) and figure out who's telling the truth. what you fail to understand is that childbirth, and many other medical procedures are dangerous. sometimes you can do everything right and it still goes to shit. there's nothing wrong with holding the doctor accountable if he or she does something outside standard of care, but the attitude that things went to shit so its the doctor's fault doesn't solve anything. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  12. you clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about. do you how he made his millions? obviously not. many c-sections are done not because they are medically necessary, but are done to protect the doctor legally. many things in medicine are done for the legal protection of doctors. its called defensive medicine and it adds a lot to the cost of healthcare. malpractice insurance also adds to the cost of healthcare. that's not to say they are the onle factors, but they are a significant drain on the system. let me ask you something, why is it so evil for the insurance companies to make millions in profit, but its ok for trial lawyer to personally make millions sueing doctors? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  13. are you fucking with me? i don't get it. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  14. seriously, after reading the first post in this thread, how could you NOT look over and check the date? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  15. that guy is a piece of shit. what else has he lied about? is it possible he's lied in court? him and people like him are a significant reason health care is so expensive. him and people like him are the reason c-section rates are as high as they are. he's a bad guy and i'm glad the country knows it. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  16. if you're starting in saskachewan, you're easily within 400km of the middle of nowhere. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  17. why on earth would you put hot food in a freezer? while you most likely won't thaw out the food that is already in there, its no good for the food. hot food in a fridge can warm a fridge up above 40 degrees, increasing bacteria growth on everything in there until the temp drops back down. that is the reason not to put things in the fridge until they are cooled to room temp. (ideally, food should already be cold before it goes into the fridge, but that's not really practical.) for food going into the freezer, first cool it to room temp, then put it in the fridge all the way in the back and as far down as possible, this is the coldest part of the fridge. the object is to get the food as close as possible all the way through before freezing. here's why, as water in the food freezes, it form little ice daggers. these daggers puncture cell walls of anything organic as they form. a quicker thermal trip makes these daggers smaller, puncturing fewer cell walls, doing less damage to the food. don't take my word for it, watch a little alton brown. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  18. & Dennis Miller too. dennis miller is much better on his radio talk show than he has been in any of his post-snl ventures. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  19. I believe its up for re-election in 2012. I heard via the news it was this year "Brown will finish Kennedy's unexpired term, facing re-election in 2012. " "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  20. I believe its up for re-election in 2012. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  21. have you ever been to haiti? its the most fucked up and impoverished place i've ever been. worse that eritrea, worse that venezuala. worse that the barios around rio. without this disaster people were fucked. that place was fucked. i can't imagine how hard it is now to get aid to everybody. people there are trying to help. i'm sure they're doing the best they can, you're just trying to find another way to demonize the u.s. how about the next time there's a disaster anywhere in the world, you get in there on day one and show everyone how to run the relief effort smoothly. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  22. we're taking my inlaws there tomorrow. my father-in-law reads everything in places like that. he probably won't see a quarter of the museum. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  23. the showerpan is being built by a pro. i'm putting in the durock. with most people saying to hire a pro, especially those who have tried it before, i'll have to go that direction. i'm just shocked that the material and design i've chosen doubled the estimate. we'll only be here 3-4 years, so i think i can live with something a little less elaborate. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  24. has anyone who is not a professional done this? and how hard was it? how did it turn out? have you had any problems? was it harder or easier than you thought? i just talked to the tile guy, and it's going to be expensive. the things that are pumping up the price are porcelain tile, 6 small shelves, decorative band, and diamond pattern. i can get the price back down to a managable place by getting rid of those things, but i just think they will make the shower so much nicer. i'm just not sure about this. i certainly possess the skills needed, but i've never done it before and i'm nervous that if i fuck it up, it will be extremely difficult to fix. i've seen it done a hundred times on tv, and there's a plethora of info on how to do it on the internet, but actually exacuting it properly is daunting. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  25. this makes me curious as to what point in our evolution we started using sharp rocks and knifes to cut flesh. it also brings up the question of what evolutionary direction we're heading, towards being fully carnivorous or fully herbavrious. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama