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Everything posted by TrophyHusband

  1. the flange is 45 as well. tomorrow i'm going to make a drawing and take a bunch of measurements. i'll take that to lowes and ace hardware and try to find something that will work. if all else fails, i'll just double the subfloor thickness and deal with the lip at the entry. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  2. here's a pic of what i bought. i checked and it does say pvc on it. the bathroom is small enough that those 3-4 inches are needed in front of the toilet. besides, i'm painting before the toilet even goes back in. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  3. i keep a rag stuffed in the pipe normally, i just took it out to take the pics. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  4. i just got back from lowes with the stuff to do that, but I found another problem. because the horizontal part of the drain pipe is so close to the subfloor, i can't come off with a 90 degree pvc elbow, so i bought a 45 degree elbow and a flange that fits it. the problem is that the closest i can get to the wall is 15 1/2 inches. now what? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  5. a saws-all will cut through the cast iron pipe? that might be easier that a grinding wheel, how many blades would it take though? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  6. bringing the whole floor up to that level will put it about 3/4 to an inch higher than the bedroom floor. the old tile floor had very thick morter under the tile that wasn't a uniform thickness. it was thicker around the toilet, and not quite as thick near the entry, but it still wasn't level with the floor in the bedroom. i'm looking a little closer and it may be threaded on and not welded, but i doubt i a can get the threads to break loose anyway. what about using a grinder and cut-off wheel to cut it down to the level of the floor and drop in a plastic flange made for a cast iron pipe? as you can see from the pics, everything's pretty easy to get to. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  7. i'm replacing the sub floor in the bathroom and i'm not sure what to do with the toilet flange. the house was built in the 60's and it has a cast iron flange and a cast iron drain pipe. it's all in good shape other than needing a good cleaning. it also appears that the flange is welded to the drain pipe. once the subfloor is replaced, the bottom of the flange will be over 1 1/2 inches above the subfloor. i'm putting in tile, but that won't come near that level. is this ok or do i have to cut this flange off. if i do have to cut off the flange, do i put the new one back in so that the bottom of the flang rests on the sub floor? "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  8. a hot woman is like a hot bath, it ain't so hot once you've been in it a while. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  9. Wonder if the neighbors share that opinion. obviously there's a reason it's low. it would probably be just right for someone walking by the house, but when driving by in a car with three kids its hard to hear. i wonder what the people who live across the street from these displays think. the flashing would probably get annoying after a while. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  10. i've done a little looking and found a 16 channel controller for $250 american. of course then you have to get several other pieces of equipment plus the software and the lights themselves, but i think it could be done for under $1000. if i were to do it, i would buy the songs with the light sequences already programmed, but at $25 a song, i wouldn't have very many songs. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  11. +1 and another. Why? Just why? Agreed. A pointless waste IMHO. all this from skydivers? jumping out of planes is just as frivolous. i'll bet we could take a look at all of your lives and find tons more wasteful things that you not bought and fed someone instead. take this hypocritic bullshit to speaker's corner. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  12. hey, don't go gettin' my thread deleted! "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  13. we went driving around looking at christmas lights and 3 houses in my neighborhood have lights that turn on and off set to music. 2 of them have speakers in the yard, but the volume is too low. one house has an fm transmitter and a sign telling the frequency so you can tune it in on your car radio. these displays are fucking cool. i really want to do this, but it looks like it can get really expensive really quick. maybe i'll start with a 16 channel controller and just set my christmas tree to music next year. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  14. i stay out of my wife's purse and that huge thing that took 3 cows worth of leather that she calls a wallet. its not a privacy thing, i can just never find a damn thing so i just bring the whole mess to her. the thing i think is private and makes me uncomfortable is someone's master bedroom and bathroom. that is the inner sanctum and i don't like being there even when invited in. the there was an exception to that back when i was single. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  15. my wife and i look at the texts on each other's phones all the time. its not a trust thing, its a boredome thing. sometimes when we're in the car she'll look through mine and delete the ones that don't have important info like addresses or phone numbers. she then makes fun of me because everyone who texts me is female (mostly her friends that text me because she usually doesn't text back). sometimes i'll stay in the car with the kids while she goes into a store and she'll leave her phone in the car. i look through the messages and when she gets back i make fun of her for being a fuddy-duddy and only sending about 3 texts per month. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  16. i'm on the guy's side, i'd much rather see him get 3 cases of beer. of we'were talking about a naked girl ice skating, i might feel different. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  17. its worse than that, she has made him give up golf. fuck that. there's no way this can work with her forcing him to give up golf. at this point, he's better off giving her whatever he has to to get out of the marriage. its not going to last anyway. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  18. fuck the strength of schedule/cheap victory arguement. bsu can only play teams that agree to play them. if the powerhouse schools don't want the likes of bsu in the mix at the end of the season, then they need to play them and hand them a loss or shut the fuck up. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  19. no, because you still have the problem of thoise conferences being favored over the other conferences. the teams that play in the bcs bowls get a lot of money out of it. its highly unfair to not give every team an equal shot at the top games and the championship. if the teams are going to be classified in the same division, they need to have the same shot at the money. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  20. not always, see my last post. right now, the repubs are definately more aligned with the people, but do you honestly think they will stay true to that if they gain control of the house, senate, and the presidency? i don't. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  21. And they get thrown out or voted out. Dems applaud them in Congress and re-elect them. rep mike simpson of idaho voted for the original bailout bill before the last election even when most of heis constituants did not want it. reports were that 70%-80% of phone calls and emails from voters were against it. he voted in favor of it and got re-elected anyway. how many times did this happen on either side last election? probably more often than not. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  22. that's great news. a lot of banks are paying the money back. it will be even better if in the end, all the money gets payed back and then some. i never thought it would be possible, but maybe it is. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  23. i would get a house wiring book from lowes or home depot and give the job a shot myself before hiring an electrician (unless you know the electrician and can pay him in beer or he's an auburn fan and you can make some sort of wager with him). with the book in front of you, you should be able to do what you want within code. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  24. 1. are there that many gay kenyans that it could be considered and influx? 2. can we put them on our olympic track team. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama
  25. damn. got an email back saying she would look into it and it would take 7-10 days, but she didn't mention the check. i guess i have to hold onto it. "Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama