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Everything posted by Feeblemind

  1. Hmmmm, if your married kids are in the near future, this means life insurance. get your life insurance now so you don't have to claim your a skydiver. Figure 200k for the wife and 200k for each kid you plan on having. your young it will be cheap. You become a skydiver and then go to get it.... Bend Over! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  2. Here's your plane! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  3. Listen, Learn, Live and Teach! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  4. Gabe, No one here can really provide the answers you seek. The masses here will most likely recommend you discuss gear/canopy choices with your instructors, as they know you best. I will say this however in regards to your canopy "I don't want a pure speed rig, but I don't want a slug either" Learn how to fly the slug first!! Folks that rush with their canopy progression without seeking proper instruction and coaching are prone to breaking themselves. Please take the time to read the canopy articles here: http://www.dropzone.com/safety/Canopy_Control/index.shtml Good Luck and stay safe, Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  5. Spook, Sometimes the pain/tingling can be caused by inflammation. I hope they did and MRI of your injury!! I caution you for this reason, what ever caused the initial symptoms may have caused a bulged disc. Said disc also may have been inflamed causing the pain and tingling. Just because the symptoms are gone does not mean you were not injured. The need for caution is because should you repeat the event that caused the original injury you may blow the disc apart. I had a disc blow in my neck (didn't know it was blown and was having similar symptoms as yours). Doc told me go about life and do your normal activities. I made one skydive, no hard opening no crash landing, nothing!! Just the fact I was lifting my head up further inflamed the area around the disc. I was in such severe pain I had to have a friend drive me home with another to take him back to the DZ, I took a SIGNIFICANT amount of pain meds that did not even touch the pain, first ER visit = 6 Mg of dilauded and I was sent home still in pain. Six hours later I returned to the ER as the extreme pain had returned. To make a long story short, I got an MRI, had a blown disc, had my neck fused, and now I back to jumping. it sucked to have to go through pain to get a diagnosis, live and learn. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  6. Feeblemind


    http://www.bayareaskydiving.com/experienced_pricing.php Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  7. I am a vidiot, not a TI. I filmed a tandem in which the female student who was obviously having a great skydive. I landed and filmed the students return to earth and her thanked the TI for the great skydive. She asked if the camera was off and I told her it was. She turned to the instructor and said she had the two best orgasms of her life during the skydive and gave him a huge kiss on the cheek! she said she would back for another experience!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  8. Dan, Pops is right about harness hold instruction and the main side guiding the students hand to the handle. Recently I observed a seasoned AFF-I with a student that was having issue on a horizontal trainer. The student was having issue locating the practice pilot chute (even after several attempts). The instructor had the student relax and take a break for a moment and then started to repeat the dive on the horizontal trainer. As the student began the dive flow the instructor told him to scratch his butt! the student gave him a bewildered look, said instructor said " you do know where your butt is don't you?" The student reached back and put his hand on his butt (all while having the same bewildered look) Said instructor then told the student to arch, low and behold the practice pilot chute was in his hand. Some times it's the little things we do that can help us the most. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  9. Pops and JP are right on! (especially since JP took me on my first jump ) I had 5 years in sport when I began thinking on becoming an instructor. I talked to my instructors and asked their opinions and accepted their advice. When I made the choice to try and get my rating I then started practicing with my instructor to prepare for the challenge. Since your profile is blank we have no idea on your experience level or abilities. Being and AFF-I is very challenging and rewarding at the same time. It does require a unique skill set IMHO. For the first 5 years in sport I was taught to be smooth and take soft docks. Learning to be an AFF-I I got to learn combat skydiving (for lack of a better term). When a student has an issue you need the skill set to get to them, correct the issue or stop the skydive. As far as I know an AFF-I rating is still the hardest rating to obtain. During my rating course I made numerous practice jumps with the evaluators prior to my eval. jumps. Once we started the eval jumps you were not allowed further practice jumps. If you did not meet the requirements you were allowed one repeat jump. If you did not meet the criteria on the second time you were done. It's a significant commitment with significant responsibility, take your time and talk to your instructors. I am sure they will provide you with quality advice. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  10. I might be off base here but I am gonna toss this in the ring: 1) Don't force me to pay something in which I cannot receive a direct benefit. I think it's unfair that because I have a coach, AFF-I and a pro rating that I have to pay more for a team I could give a crap about. 2) This sham of a US team irks me, it's a group of individuals that got a free/no collateral $10k loan and are already looking for more USPA member's dollars. 3) If the USPA wants US teams represented in world events try this; divide the funds donated by the members to the "WINNERS" of open divisions. This way the money is spent on folks that have invested their own time and energy to prove themselves as champions. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  11. if you want warm hands these are the bomb. got out of the plane at 13k a few weeks ago at -5 F, landed with sweaty hands!! http://store.us-elitegear.com/sealskinz-chillblocker-gloves-p818.aspx?SR=sr3_158653125_go&gclid=CNr9-fOa7KwCFQN-hwodIhfILw Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  12. Well just in case you didn't take the time to read DSE's Post (I hope you did) The reason we support the 200 jump minimum is so you take the time to learn how to fly both your body and your canopy. When folks put a camera on their head the tend to focus more on the footage that they are trying to get rather than their flying, this tends to get folks in trouble as listed in DSE's post. In addition, I see a lot of folks with these small cameras attached to their helmets and their helmets lack a cut away system. Even though these camera are small they are still a snag hazard. I recently saw a video of a camera flyer that had his lines snag on his camera and tried to break his neck; he had to cut away his helmet to save his life (at 70 jumps do you think you a ready to react to that emergency? he had 8000) Take your time and learn to fly, jump with folks that have 200+ jumps and ask for copies of their footage. you will learn more that way. T Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  13. When you visit DZ's around the world they may ask to see your log book, especially at boogies and such.... Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  14. ?? Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  15. It would look better if it was a Sabre2 Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  16. I would ask is it the practice I need to get the cert signed off? if so I would just pack and unpack the same damn rig all day! Additionally, I would sure as hell would leave it unpacked so they could earn their keep! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  17. http://www.uspa.org/AboutUSPA/USPAinAction/USPAWinsandUSPAAirportAccessWins/tabid/550/Default.aspx#21694 This Part 16 just took place, I would send the info to the city folks if it is a federally supported airport like most are. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  18. I agree 100%, a controllable canopy may not be one you can land SAFELY! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  19. Umm, I call Bull Shit. Call bullshit on someone else. Scroll down to the bottom of attached link and check out the name. It was also witnessed by people in this thread. http://www.cspa.ca/en/competition/canadian-records Damn Spence, Looks like he got you Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  20. As mentioned above all it looks like you needed to do was call the DZ and this could have been resolved. Now you called into question a Riggers integrity, looks to me like you owe him a public apology! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  21. Feeblemind


    This is what I HATE about the "coach" rating. No talent, 100 jumps, got the rating... Screw the newbies!!!!! Free jumps!!!! The coach I/E in this area will not rubber stamp a rating! If you are a no talent 100 jump wonder you will not get a rating if you lack the skills. Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  22. 1. Check my canopy for square and stable 2. look for canopies 3. turn towards dz with rear riser 4. look for canopies 5. collapse slider 6. look for canopies 7. Loosen chest stap 8. Look for canopies 9. unstow brakes 10. look for canopies 11. Fly to holding area while looking for canopies, checking there altitudes as well so I may enter the landing pattern 12. setup landing pattern 13. look for canopies, fly a predictable pattern in relation to the wind/landing direction, look for canopies. land. and repeat. Head always on a swivel!! Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  23. 164 jumps in 8 years? o.O I doubt it's the packers fault Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked
  24. Yep I love the folks that lay on the nylon when it's a 100-n-fuck outside. I Avg. $7 per pack and more if I am in a rush due to work. In the words of a good friend "You paid for the pack job, openings are optional!" Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked