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Everything posted by Chivo

  1. You forgot... 8. I need therapy! LOL! J/K! What's up dude? See ya in Perris this weekend. We might do some sitflying if you get bored with rw jumps. ~Chivo Edit: because I don't know how to count!
  2. Aren't you entitled to some vacation time? Just tell your boss you're planning a vacation and you'd like to have that week off. That's all. No lies, no explanations. Just a lot of skydiving! ~Chivo
  3. Hehehe... it gets worse... a lot worse...EXTREME ELVIS ( ~Chivo
  4. You beat me to it! LOL! ~Chivo
  5. You can find them here. For rubik's revenge...4x4x4 For rubik's professor...5x5x5 Later, Chivo
  6. Can't I have both? LOL! ~Chivo
  7. HAHAHAHA!!! In that case, I hope I meet the alien chicks! NOT the transexual stripper!!! HAHAHAHA!!! ~Chivo
  8. Someone else also proposed taking it apart and reassembling it correctly. LOL! Maybe they sell the stickers so you can replace them? Hehehe! ~Chivo
  9. You should, its a very entertaining toy - addictive if you get the hang of it. There's many websites that show you how to solve it. All it takes after that, is practice. ~Chivo
  10. That's an awesome site! I like the animation of the cube's moves. Thx, Chivo
  11. I have a few links on the web... but still if its a fast solution... go ahead... I'd like to see it. ~Chivo
  12. Damn! Speed-cubing! I got a video (avi or mpg) with a guy solving it in 17 seconds! ~Chivo
  13. I liked the movie. My brother was an avid skateboarder and he loved it. I liked the scene where he's doing freestyle in some old warehouse. ~Chivo
  14. I just wanted to say I got my rubik's cube today. I haven't played with one of those in years! It is awesome... now if only I could remember how to solve the last 2 layers.... Anyone else likes this type of puzzles? ~Chivo
  15. Under Armor ( ~Chivo
  16. Try downloading software from the web... look for Super Guitar Chord Finder. There are many others... this is just one of them. It helps you tune your guitar, and also plays the chords (so you have a reference point). You can select the chord, say F#7, and it will display how to put your fingers. It even displays 1 or 2 variations of making the same chord. And plays it for you (so you know what that chord should sound like on your guitar). It helped me when I started learning. Later, Chivo
  17. You're a virgo??? or pisces??? You're thinking about every possible case here. If they jump all the time... if they did it once... if this... if that... ...guess you'll find out when they call. If they call, that is.
  18. The best experience for you, will be to actually make it work. Don't give up. If you're studying computer systems, networking, etc. Linux will be an invaluable experience to add to your resume. ~Chivo
  19. I liked the one where Homer goes 3D. I think it was a season finale. He ends up in the real world, searching for Bart. Anyone remembers this? ~Chivo
  20. Hey Dave, that's the idea... but she decided to stay there. That's where she lives now. Yep the devil, that is. More specifically, she's in Athens, GA. So whoever lives close to there... be afraid... be very afraid... ~Chivo
  21. All I can say is, you're right. The devil is alive... she lives in Georgia. 'Nuff said. ~Chivo
  22. I'll be there, this weekend, the next, the next after the next... and so on.
  23. I didn't really calculate it. I found a website that searches for strings that match any part of the first 10 million digits. So I put 2003 and it returned the few digits before & after "2003" and the position. It took about 2 minutes to find the page, seconds to get the result. As for the movie, I haven't seen it. If they have it @ blockbuster, I'll take a look at it. Later ~Chivo