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Everything posted by Chivo

  1. I'd assume that the parachute would tear and you'd be free falling with threads of zp fabric above you. But as many people are trained, they would automatically do the usual emergency procedure, thus, cutting away the ONLY chance to survive. Again, that is if the parachute out is the reserve. Chivo
  2. I was talking about this issue with some friends at the dz, and wanted to post it here so everybody could comment on that. The situation we were talking about was having a premature deployment at the door and have that parachute entangle with the plane, or end up with a damaged parachute. Note that many students and skydivers in general have no idea of what their reserve looks like. For the most part, they are one colored, but I'm curious, can you get a multi colored reserve? I don't see why would anyone do this, but still. Disclaimer: I'm not an expert. So you should consider this as my opinion only. IF you have a premature deployment at the door and that parachute is entangled with the plane, you should... Determine WHICH parachute is deployed. If it's the main, you can execute your emergency procedure as you would in any other type of malfunction. But, if it's the reserve, DO NOT CUT-AWAY! Keep altitude aware. If high enough, take out your hook knife and get rid of the reserve by cutting the lines. (Q: Would it be better to cut it at the lines or at the risers?) And after you're clear from the reserve, you're free to pull your main. If you're low, pull your main and hope that it will clear the mess you have above you. At this point, a prayer might come in handy if you're a believer. You might get that miracle you're thinking about. Anyone can comment on this? Any suggestions? Would this be the appropriate response to such situation? I know that prevention would be a better option, but if you're in this situation, what would you do? Thx, Chivo
  3. Thx, I'd like to talk about this and other skydiving related stuff. I'll see you at the dz sometime. Chivo Oh, and thanks to Josh and to Cajones for your replies.
  4. Just curious about the experience jumpers had when they started flying with a camera. Chivo
  5. Hi all. I don't jump with a camera, and don't intend to anytime soon. But I've read posts about ppl with a few jumps getting flamed because they want to fly a camera, and most of the responses are to wait till he has 200 jumps. Now I'm curious, are there any requirements/reason for that? Is someone with 200 jumps more cualified to handle an emergency than someone with 100 jumps? Isn't the training the same? (I mean, to handle emergencies.) I bet that someone with 200 jumps will probably be able to fly better, track better and have better canopy control. But for someone who jumps for fun (is not looking to video teams or tandems), can this jump difference improve his emergency handling procedures? In your opinion, does that depend more on the training? Or on number of jumps? I'm just curious... why is the recomended number of jumps 200? Why not more? Why not less? Thats all for now. L8r, Chivo
  6. Chivo


    There's always a trade-off, you just have to figure out which one is more important to you.... space? or skydives? You could also make this more scientific by making a direct relationship between the amount of square feet and the number of skydives per year, then you can find an optimal solution where you still live in a comfortable apartment and have X amount of more jumps each year. Chivo
  7. TO GET IN.... just go to the address bar and type the www. infront of the address and then press
  8. I was willing to give up skydiving (she's a whuffo and she hated that I do it)... what was I thinking? She's no longer around, and I'm still skydiving! Chivo
  9. I love kittens, they taste just like chicken! LOL! I read that on somebody's bumpersticker.
  10. B.S.: -I had a girlfriend. -I had no social life. -I had a job. -I had no money. A.S.: -I don't have a girlfriend. -I have a social life. -I have a job. -I still have no money. Chivo
  11. Its hilarious, specially if I get to have the most kills in my team . Then All my teammates are noobs! LOL! It also works the other way around...if I'm playing awful...I can always say that I'm a noob, and that anyone with a worse score than me, has to be a noob too. Chivo
  12. Count me in for CS, UT, Q3, Falcon4 or pretty much any other game. I must say I play CS a lot, my IDs are: "TriggerHappyIdiot", or "---all noobs below the line---". ICQ 244668 MSN [email protected] (remove ".nospam") AIM chivomicheo Yahoo chivomicheo
  13. I personally think honesty is the best policy. Tell them the truth if they ask. But don't offer much info unless you want to share that with them. Both my mom and dad are great, and I do tell them everything. Though my mom freaks out from time to time, I think its better for them to know. Chivo
  14. I was there...and saw it all!!! Congrats Ladies, you RULE!
  15. Chivo

    Haikus for Sebazz

    got too much info smooth or rough don't care to know shave it once for all
  16. Chivo

    Haikus for Sebazz

    Depends on one thing How hairy he really is don't you all agree?
  17. Chivo

    Haikus for Sebazz

    Post-whore is unleashed! With Haiku extraordinaire! Thank you all for this!
  18. Chivo

    Haikus for Sebazz

    After skydiving a second hobbie I've found Haiku has become
  19. Chivo

    Haikus for Sebazz

    I will do my best, to get the job done quickly and come back to this!
  20. Chivo

    Haikus for Sebazz

    Working I should be! If my work I want to keep and salary get.
  21. Chivo

    Haikus for Sebazz

    Damn I'm on a roll! Haiku writing sure is fun! Post-whore I've become!
  22. Chivo

    Haikus for Sebazz

    clippers painful are laser is better option if not want to cry money might decide depends on how much it costs do you have enough?