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Everything posted by Jumperpaula

  1. That's one way to get around the whole permission thing.. Although, if you give a mouse a cookie...he's gonna want a glass of milk too. Fly Your Slot !
  2. Someone convince this man that he should let me jump naked if I want to. Fly Your Slot !
  3. Im no chicken, but I have to ask first.... xoxoxo Fly Your Slot !
  4. Well, your leaving and she's not. One time TG didn't ask Michelle- he he Fly Your Slot !
  5. Don't Ask!! What are you crazy...remember. It's easier to get forgiveness then permission. Fly Your Slot !
  6. ohhhh, I have to ASK now...if I can jump naked? Man, that's a far far cry from the Wharton days. I guess I should at least ask Michelle... Fly Your Slot !
  7. How did it go Dave, If you posted an update, I missed it. Fly Your Slot !
  8. Formation Skydiving as opposed to Relative Work. Even freefliers do Relative Work now adays. Just practice. Gives you even more mental amo for "why you need to skydive!" practice, practice, practice Fly Your Slot !
  9. Question. What would be the best way to organize a group of widly ranging experience? Would you put them in groups of Master , Expert , Novice...or you'd work with each group seperate? Fly Your Slot !
  10. Sounds like loads of fun and would be a very productive weekend well spent. Any one who wants to learn more about RW should definantly start with a 4 way camp. And don't be afraid or self doubting. These camps are to learn. The greatest thing about 4 way is it never ever gets boring. You can always take it to the next level. Wish I could go Fly Your Slot !
  11. Keep practicing and let me know when you've got it all figured out. Krista wants me to do some kinda all women hybrid for Jump for the Cause. Spend the rest of the summer perfecting it, when it's all figured out, maybe I'll try it. Fly Your Slot !
  12. >>Mental note, don't let spectators set up with camera's at the END of the swoop area. Especially one's who can't move if they need to>> I've seen jumpers on high wind days get lifted or blown backwards and been a victim myself. I have the habit of placing my toggles directly on the riser velcro and not dropping them. This seems to help with twisted brake lines. But in exchange, I tend not to collapse the canopy all the way, especially in wind. Thanks for bringing this up. You've got me thinking. Fly Your Slot !
  13. Im truely enjoying these threads on the Stilletto. I landed in some unstable air this weekend and handled it much better than I have in the past. I know I can master this beast, so keep the good information coming. Rockin my world..yes. Kickin my ass-not yet. Fly Your Slot !
  14. Now that you mention it, he doesn't look like he's having much fun. Nice all over body tan though... Fly Your Slot !
  15. I definantly understand Texas in the fall, even winter! I'll catch up with ya'll at Couch Freaks. Fly Your Slot !
  16. When you find the secrete, please pass it on. My 14 year-old son doesn't BELIEVE ME either. Fly Your Slot !
  17. Paula to her sister " you're just a professional student" Paula's sister "I'll have you know, when I graduate, I'll have my degree in History" Paula to sister " ohhh, that'll be real useful getting a job..." Paula's sister now has the entire summer off every year. Fly Your Slot !
  18. ya know, Im coming up on my 500th. Now you've got me thinking. We dirt dive, then I strip in the plane. Do a Spaceland sunset 20 ( oh, wait...we have two otters now) 20 ++ way, then I strip, unannounced. Think that would piss everyone off? Paula wearing nothing but a leadbelly... Fly Your Slot !
  19. Dos Equis for me tonight Fly Your Slot !
  20. Thank you sooo much for the kind words. The skydive had a nice flow and you were really good. Jesse did a really nice job on your debrief. Spaceland started an RW program for students just off the AFP program. Mikie takes jumpers interested in RW and organizes 3 and 4 ways for them. I've been on a few loads with them and they are working dives for the lowtimer. Long slow dirt dives, creepers, debrief and dewalk. Rewarding and productive. Cloud9, you didn't exactly fit into that catagory. You fly very well and most appropriate for your experience level. It was fun having you out. Hope you decide to make that drive again soon. As soon as you know what days you're available to help me with the Ground Crew for the Record, please let me know. Fly Your Slot !
  21. How dare you guys fly CRW without me Great that there is starting to be an interest! Fly Your Slot !
  22. he he, he said "boobies are Okay" he he Fly Your Slot !
  23. gez, that's the funniest thing I've heard all week. man, I thought I was the only one who posted drunk shit. Fly Your Slot !
  24. Plan on jumping Sat and Sun- lets see, that would make jumped 6 days out of the last 10. Thought I would skip today and start drinking early, so I would be a jump junkie Current is relative! Fly Your Slot !