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Everything posted by Mostly_Harmless

  1. I do all the maintenance and repairs that I possible can do. My oil/oil filter is changed every 5k, rotate my tires during the oil change, check filter every oil change, spark plugs and wires are check every 15k and I check the brakes at 15k mile intervals (just recently changed them). A bunch of my friends who aren't as anal as I am about car maintenance try to get on the same schedule as me this way when I tell them I am doing my oil etc... it reminds them to check theres. _________________________________________
  2. bad. _________________________________________
  3. One more.... _________________________________________
  4. Hey...I know you : ) (or I think I know you : ) We met at Cross Keys in April? You gave me the video of my landing : ) lol...hey sarah how are you? Never realized that was you!
  5. I hate taking pictures.. _________________________________________
  6. I didn't know gmail was the offical email of the United Kingdon. _________________________________________
  7. Larry, I think it's normal to be apprehensive about jumping after the crap you went through. You handled it and more importantly you survived it. The fact that you have jumped since then is a good sign and it might just take some time before you are in full flight. Do what you always do, come down to the dropzone talk to everyone and if you are up for it then jump. You know how you got yourself into that situation. Maybe you just need to make a few jumps and do a bunch of practice pulls. If you need someone to jump with just let me know, I would have no problem making a few jumps with you, just remind me to bring my welding helmet so I can look directly at your jumpsuit
  8. Question to everyone: You look up and see that, do you cut away or land it? _________________________________________
  9. Nice Daizey! I hope to make my 200th shortly, but the rain is against me :( _________________________________________
  10. The tropic depression is screwing up my weekend already . Doesn't look like I will be skydiving this weekend. _________________________________________
  11. The length of delivery time can vary due to a few variables (how many orders, availability of materials, etc...). The length of time you see on Sun Path's website is the currently waiting period for a new Odyssey. My Odyssey was quoted at 10 weeks but because of hardware issues it took closer to 12 weeks. That 21 weeks you saw back in 2004 has nothing to do with there currently delivery time. _________________________________________
  12. Thats heli-cool. _________________________________________
  13. Is that a baby blue color or a greyish color (can't really tell with this monitor)?? _________________________________________
  14. That is a really nice looking rig! _________________________________________
  15. I don't know how much this pretains to your question but I will tell my story (although a short one because I am pretty new). I am currently jumping a Safire 149 @ 1.26 w/l. I use to a jump a Sabre 1 to which I use to roll and stuff the nose to try to slow the openings. These habits followed me to the Safire 1 to which I had very unpredictable openings (offheading and fast openings). I read on a post on this forum that said to do nothing with the nose, just leave it there not rolled or stuffed. I tried it and now I pretty much get onheading, soft openings. I told a friend of mine about just leaving the nose out to which he tried on his Stiletto and now his off heading openings are history. I wish I remember that post so I can thank that guy. _________________________________________
  16. 0:10:0 Was going to go for my 200th, but it was way to hot on Sunday. _________________________________________
  17. No that would have been really cool. It feel into on of the woods surrounding the dropzone. _________________________________________
  18. Yea with the camera guy he put it down for a second I guess to load his stills. Well the Caravan's door was open about 7-8 inches to get some air in. Next think you know it rolled out the door. He was really pissed (as he should be) so we had to wait until we got to the ground to laugh about it. When are you stopping by next
  19. I am here! That sucks about your camera! One of the video guys put his camera down and it rolled out the plane, it was quite funny (not to him of course). _________________________________________
  20. The NASCAR guys have competitions to see what team can build an engine the fastest. Why not have a competition to see what rigger can put a complete rig together int the fastest time (install cypress, reserve, main etc...)? _________________________________________
  21. Damn good point, and I think the wording can just be left alone and let people qualify for the license as their S&TA (or whoever else signs off on the skill requirements) sees fit. It's only to demonstrate a certain skill level, which is arbitrary anyway. All in interpretation. _________________________________________
  22. All the tandems are pro-packed at SDLI. The rates are: 150SQFT and above: $7.00 149SQFT and below: $6.00 I am not sure how much they charge to pack tandems. _________________________________________
  23. I took this list from the uspa website: I realize that the uspa gives you two maneuver options (one solo, one RW) for obtaining your "C" license but I was wondering how come they don't include like 2 docks on a 4 way freefly dive? I am just asking because for the past 100 jumps or so I have been only doing FF jumps and not RW. I know that I could do the solo maneuver but since it seems like a lot of people are going towards FF instead of RW wouldn't it make sense for the uspa to include an option for docks in a FF jump? _________________________________________
  24. 0:9:0 Slow weekend. The winds picked up on Sunday which basically cut our day short. _________________________________________
  25. I just received mine too. Its very nice. Fits my head like a glove. Miami rocks. _________________________________________