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Everything posted by jgoose71

  1. Sorry, but W. is gone. All of this happened shortly after Barak announced that off shore drilling is cancelled. Coincidence? "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  2. I am gulable and trusting enough where if some one sold me a line like this I would try to believe it- "The government is artificialy driving up the prices to keep down the amount of gas used and to keep Americans with short attention spans focused on our need to get off of foreign oil while also using the extra money to fund new technology and also pay down the huge deficit we are creating with the stimulus package." Instead this is what I found- http://www.cnbc.com//id/29176966 If they want to just continue to price gouge us, why don't they just say so? "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  3. And I used to try to argue my points with validity and facts, then I learned the proper way to argue from Jeanne. Hate begets, hate. Why can't we all just get along? How many posts do I need to qualify for post whore status? "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  4. Is anyone truly surprised by this? Even the great Obama himself has said that the economic effects of this stimulus bill wouldn't be felt for a couple of years, so the only point in pushing it forward is so all the Demon-crats have a platform to sneak in all of their pet projects like frisby golf courses and health care plans that tell the elderly that "nature must take it's course". But the people have spoken, Barak won, so we must all just bow our heads, not question his all-mightyness, and fall in line because that is the bi-partisan thing to do. So mote it be, praise Barak. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  5. The "Bridge to Nowhere" would have brought money to a town with a depressed economy for a couple of years and gave them 24 hour access to the airport. In a town that's main source of income is tourists this would have been a huge deal and could have brought new life to the area. What was the purpose of the "stimulus package" again? Oh, I forgot. $400 Million for birth control and the prevention of STD's. That's "stimulus" I can believe in. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  6. -If the "Bridge to nowhere" is pork, then highways are pork also. -While the tax cuts can create jobs, they won't unless they are targeted correctly. -I haven't seen anything in any of the legislation that is going to keep the parts for all or out new "Green Energy" from being out sourced. I could go on and on about the new jobs that are created, but the bottom line is unless the job exists outside of the government, they aren't creating any income for the government. A bigger bureaucracy just takes more money to run. I'm not saying that $650 million for new digital to analog cable boxes or 400 million to refurbish our "national treasures" aren't a good idea, just not a good idea right now or for this package. Most of this money is being borrowed from china and we will have to pay it back sooner or later. it's Pork. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  7. But at the same time you were getting something tangible out of your investments. This bill is nothing but PORK. Every time I turn on the news my house smells of pig by product. The purpose of this bill was supposed to create jobs. Instead, the tax payers are being fleased. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  8. Perhaps the strongest communities are those that care for their weaker members. Blues, Dave And I just got through watching the Sparatans throwing the weak and puny off a cliff.... "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  9. What did I miss? When did we (Americans) kill all of those Jews? "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  10. It's time to wake up to the enemies tactics. Yes it is true that they are using things like Abu Graib as a recruiting tool, but if they didn't have that they would use other things. Just a few examples: Shooting at U.S troops while hiding behind civilians and then waving the dead bodies of those civilians on national TV. Using women as suicide bombers and then video taping the US searching them and saying "See how the US is treating our women?" On the flip side, what they do to us just doesn't matter. What they do to americans just don't matter. We all know the story of Daniel Pearl and I won't even talk about how I have found some American Bodies. While I was over seas my buddies I was working with and I had a pact "We will not be taken alive." We know what was waiting for us. Personally I would much rather be water boarded. They are waging a war against us in the media and in eye of public opinion and WE are letting ourselves loose. Just my 2 Cents. P.S. I voted for enhanced interrogation, but by properly trained personnel with NO CAMERAS!!!! Not idiots out of high school with access to Youtube. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  11. I'm very glad you got your kids. This just reiterates the point. You obviously had job skills, determination, desire to provide for your family, and a family that could give you a helping hand when needed. There are so many single parents out there that try to do what you did but didn't have the skills, desire or any of that. In short, they were not you and there kids probably did not turn out like yours. If only more single parents were like you
  12. I think that it is more than Roe V Wade. The Current welfare system is a cop out for teen women. The "if all else fails, the state will support me" line of thinking has got to come to an end. The other thing I really don't like about the current system is that it gives all control to the women. Yes it is her body, but just like it takes 2 to tango, the desicion to raise the kid should fall on both also. If the woman decides to keep the baby, the man's only choices at that point becomes marry her, give up his paycheck for the rest of his life, or move to another country. If the woman had a more realistic stark reality of her decision (AKA, she is on her own) maybe she would make a more responsible decision (abortion, adoption, etc) that would allow her to finish school and maybe go to college where she put herself in a position to better take care of herself and any future children she may have. If she comes from a well off family and has the support network to allow her to keep the kid, then more power to her. Once again, not very PC, but sometimes these things have to be brought up so they can be fixed. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  13. I keep seeing all of these posts for and against gun control, but I'm pretty sure that it's been well proven that a gun does not fire its self. If you want to lower crime rate you have to lower the amount of criminals being brought up. When I grew up, the most scary thing that was ever told to me was "Wait until your dad gets home!" There is a whole generation of kids out there that don't hear that any more. Anne Coulter just recently got into a whole bunch of trouble with the Liberal Media for pointing out the Obvious: Single mothers earning minimum wage have a tough time raising kids- http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/01/reality_check_single_mothers_a.html When a person who doesn't have a large bank account leaves MTV to raise their kid, what do you expect? We don't need gun laws, we need working families to teach right and wrong. http://www.cato.org/testimony/ct-wc67.html "The relationship [between single-parent families and crime] is so strong that controlling for family configuration erases the relationship between race and crime and between low income and crime. This conclusion shows up time and again in the literature. The nation's mayors, as well as police officers, social workers, probation officers, and court officials, consistently point to family break up as the most important source of rising rates of crime." Finally, in areas where there is a high concentration of welfare, there may be an almost total lack of male role models. This can lead to crime in two ways. First, as the Maryland NAACP puts it, "A child whose parents draw a welfare check without going to work does not understand that in this society at least one parent is expected to rise five days of each week to go to some type of job." Second, boys growing up in mother only families naturally seek male influences. Unfortunately, in many inner city neighborhoods, those male role models may not exist. As George Gilder, author of Wealth and Poverty, has noted, the typical inner-city today is "almost a matriarchy. The women receive all the income, dominate the social-worker classes, and most of the schools." Thus, the boy in search of male guidance and companionship may end up in the company of gangs or other undesirable influences." You can read the rest of the paper for more. Bottom line is, it may not be politically correct, but you can't argue with the numbers. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  14. IMO they should have been disciplined for filing false reports and tampering with evidence. I do not think that deserves a 10 or 12 year sentence. The gross miscarriage of justice happened when the case was prosecuted. The punishment did not fit the crime. I think there should be a hunting season for drug dealers "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  15. Bush was your chimp, you clean up his shit. And you Brits kicked all the Jews out of Europe which created Isreal. You clean up the middle East. Man this passing the blame so we all don't have to work together to create a better world is great! I feel the weight of the world coming off my shoulders already and Peace is right around the corner. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  16. You are close. The reason we triumphed over the USSR is because of our bill of rights. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press allow us to root out fraud and corruption. In any society stomps on these freedoms, fraud and corruption blooms because you cannot shine a light in the dark places that rats hide. I don't have any way to support this theory, but it's a work in progress, if you go back and look at the history of a lot of wars, the winning side was usually the side that was least corrupt, political affiliation was not a factor. And all great empires have crumbled from the inside, like Rome, do to corruption. As things are going right now, our government is growing so big that we are running out of flash lights. I'm sure that a lot of money is being pissed away, and it's all buried so deep in red tape that no one knows what's going on. To save our selves, we need to make our government manageable again. Just my $.02. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  17. The problem with covert operations is a jew sneaking around in palistine. He would stick out like a sore thumb. Could you imagine a big corn fed white as can be Kansas boy conducting covert ops in, say, china? Everyone in that region can pick up even the slightest diffrence in dialect, so that kind of thing can be difficult. And everyone has seen the videos of what happens to people over there who are just SUSPECTED of taking evil jewish money. For lack of better options, this is it. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  18. I Highly doubt that dropping a nuke on them would do any good. The taliban would just look at all the dead as martyrs and continue the fight in the same way hamas is using the palistinians. If we did manage to find them with one of our nukes, they would just enter a period of hudna (I learned a new word today) and strike back again later. Who wins when both sides think god is with them? That being said, let's get old testament on the bastards and nuke them till they glow and then shoot them in the dark "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  19. In all fairness, until the press makes untrue personal attacks on CK's family like they did about Bristol Palin, the press is still biased. Whether she is running for Senator or VP, it doesn't matter, family matter's like that should be off limits. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  20. Which goes to show that a little nookie in the morning is just as satisfying and less fattening than breakfast "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  21. If you remember rightly the Chrysler bailout was a loan that was paid back with intrest. Right now, according to some news channels this package is supposed to be a loan to be paid back after the big three clean house, refine their products into something that the world will buy, and become profitable again. I am for this since the collapsing banking system can't afford to give loans any more. The idea of just giving away money makes me sick to my stomache though. Just like my kids, if you don't hold them accountable, will they learn their lesson? "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  22. Unfortunately, sheriffs and judges are elected. If the charges that those cops hired an informant to plant drugs on the one girl are true, then there really needs to be some house cleaning in the Odessa Police Department. The judge that let this information just slip by him shouldn't be sitting on any bench. As long as the cast and crew of Kopbusters isn't calling in fake tips, or staging any real hostile actions to attract attention, then I see nothing wrong with what they are doing. There next sting should involve a fat wad of cash laying out. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  23. I don't know what the hell any of you have been talking about. I've spent 3 of the last 5 years in a combat zone and business has been booming (quite literally at times). "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  24. After India Nukes Pakistan and then Israel starts nuking people just to join in on the fun, we will have approximately a quarter of the earth devoid of human life that the rest of us can watch to see just exactly how the earth would fair without us. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything
  25. This whole thing could have been prevented if men just stopped believing what women say all together I think that was Kallends point. "There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Life, the Universe, and Everything