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Everything posted by mattjw916

  1. bad body position... It's the standard excuse for all off-heading openings, but it is usually correct. The first 3-4 times I jumped a Sabre 2 210 I had that happen. I can attribute it to the fact I was tense because it was a "new-to-me" canopy and the first couple of jumps after my A license. I jump a Sabre 2 190 now and have had no problems. I would give you some suggestions but the skygods would flip out since of course I can't possibly know anything about skydiving at 40 jumps. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  2. "tries something new"??? What is he trying to do that is making you so worried??? Swooping an x-braced 2.2 w/l canopy at 50 jumps??? I do something "new" every weekend, that is what it is like to be a newbie skydiver. Unless he is out there trying to land Mr. Bills or something I really think you are over-dramatizing the situation. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  3. That is really an unfair criticism of the instructor. You can see the the instructor raise his hands in a "WTF???" since the student dumps 15 seconds after exiting the plane. What were they supposed to do? Fly up and catch him? The student pulled seriously high assuming a normal exit altitude of 13.5k not to mention didn't wave off and could have seriously injured the instructor if he was a couple of feet closer. Even as a student you are still responsible for your own skydive esp after you dump at like 10k, in a spin, without a waving off... personally I would charge him for the handle, the repack, etc and some refresher training is in order, not to mention repeating the level. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  4. I see a lot of Talon FSs and Voodoos at Eloy... the RW teams seem to favor Jav/Odyssey probably due to sponsorships which likely influence many of the airspeed wannabes to buy them as well. Since Square2 has a lot of Talon FSs for demo rigs and the fact that Rigging Innovations is co-located in Eloy probably contributes to seeing more of their work at the DZ. I also have seen quite a few Mirages among the pros but also pretty much everything else including Para. de France and some other rigs that are likely not of US origin. I have nothing but good things to say about the Talon FS that I have been jumping as of late but will likely buy a Voodoo when I get down to approx a 170 main. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  5. Congrats on your "A" man... FWIW I have been demoing a Sabre2 210, it is a LOT more fun than a Nav (even at my light wingloading of .96) give it a try if you are interested they have several at Square2. FWIW I have had seveal people at Eloy recommend against the Silhouette due to the hybrid construction (it won't last as long) and also a ZP main like a Sabre2 will have better resale down the line when you feel like downsizing (which is likely since you are loading it pretty light). Anyway, see ya at Eloy... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  6. I know one that will probably accept sexual favors... and yes it is a woman... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  7. I bought beer anyway. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  8. I jumped without goggles, no sunglasses, and my contacts were fine. YMMV NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  9. But don't be surprised if you have to use both hands to chop it... and don't ask how I know this... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  10. 0:6:0 first chop... but it was on the ground so it doesn't count... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  11. I was not aware of any phenomena resembling what you described on the Navigators either... I even recently jumped a 280 loaded at ~.7:1 since it was the only thing packed right before I got my "A". I have decent body position and my openings have been very undramatic to say the least. I defer to the experts on this one but make sure that you are pulling from a stable body position and not subconsciously aniticipating the "snatch" before the canopy inflates. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  12. Since you obviously work sooo much harder than everyone here I think I will just sit around some more tomorrow whilst you pat yourself on the back for being so much better than me. I am paid for my technical skills and backround, not to clean the latrine. While your highly simplistic and unenlightened view of "hardwork" may have applied to swabbing the decks with the squiddies it really does not have any bearing on the corporate or scientific world. As far as which one of us is right, I bet the "lazy" people here make far more money, are better educated, and have more tangible responsibility at their places of business than you really understand. But if it makes you feel better, you can take out my trash for me... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  13. Come down off your cross... we need the wood. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  14. um yeah... I don't have to prove anything to anyone esp here. And you really can't fathome the depth of the inaccuracy of the statement you made regarding me. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  15. but why should I deny the custodial staff the satisfaction of completing their own work??? it would look kinda strange if a senior consultant was sweeping the hallways... my days of doing "busy work" were over when I left the military... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  16. I regularly reach "the end of the internet" at work. Right now I am getting paid to sit here in case something might break. Basically I get paid to surf and all day, sweet huh? NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  17. I have bought very little but have demo'd everything first. Doesn't cost much to demo and guarantees you pretty much get what you wanted. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  18. 5.. because it is the most ridiculous looking one of the bunch and it will guarantee that no one runs into you on approach since everyone will be staring at the day-glow fruity canopy. P.S. ...if I see pink over my head I chop it! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  19. My experience: 2 tandems... two weeks off 7 AFF jumps... one week off 3 solos... one week off 9 coach jumps... one week off 3 coach jumps and 1 solo... A license & broke! The more current you keep yourself, the more smoothly you will progress, hence no re-jumps for me. This advice was given to me by almost every instructor, coach, etc I talked to. Personally I think after 2 tandems you can probably get through an AFF I jump without much drama... but I don't know you so take that with a grain of salt. I know several people (family members) that did AFF with NO tandems and passed so it is possible. Personally, you couldn't pay me to do a static line jump... some people think they are a good learning method and that is fine, but I'll pass. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  20. don't even need the link... Blade Runner... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  21. In the short time I have been here I have really enjoyed your posts and insight. Best wishes... Blue Skies! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  22. I really don't think I will ever jump without an AAD so options are really limited here... personally I think compounding a tragic death with another one, i.e. your own, is a waste. Sometimes stuff happens and nothing you can do will change it. ...if the needle's in the red, it's time to start pulling handles!!! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080