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Everything posted by mattjw916

  1. The "there are those that have been down and those that will go down" statement has a lot of truth to it. I don't think I know anyone that has been riding for a significant amount of time that has not "been down" one way or another. It has nothing to do with skill either I have friends that have hit bicyclists that ran stop signs, a cow around a blind corner, and one that literally drove up the saddlebag of another rider at 100mph and walked away. If you ride long enough, chances are you are going to dump, drop, or otherwise come into contact with pavement. Of course if you are a "fair weather rider" that just takes your Harley around the block every Sunday morning to annoy the neighbors with your straight pipes, it might take you a bit longer... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  2. QuoteA cousin's cousin died of a brain hemorrhage at age 22 without any warning after working out. He was in good health and couldn't have suspected anything... Quote A similar thing happened to a soldier during morning PT back when I was in the Army. He actually survived due to quick reaction of the drill sergeants supervising amazingly enough. Needless to say, he was medically retired. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  3. that is hilarious... I need to buy one and wear it to work, all the geeks will get a kick out of it! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  4. sounds like you already know what your problem is... R E L A X... a deep breath and a nice relaxed arch make the dive go smoother. have fun and hang in there!
  5. quickie version... aargh! again... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  6. must... not... make... woman... driver... jokes... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  7. I think that if used for students they should be set to go off at the hard deck only (2500 when I went through ASP)... i.e. if you hear this and you don't have a good canopy overhead it is time to start pulling more handles. (using good judgement of course) NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  8. I guarantee that I would not be posting right now if I was not wearing a helmet when I crashed about six years ago. If anyone really thinks that a helmet will somehow cause "neck injuries" during a wreck that would not have otherwise occured they are really deluding themselves. The results of any number of scientific studies that have been conducted with regard to this argument discounts that theory rather handily. A helmet can keep a minor accident from becoming a fatality such as in the case of Indian Larry. It is a statistical fact. Do I think they should be mandatory though... nope... I do think it is foolish to ride without one even though on occasion I run down to the store without one on. Personally I think if you have a $50 head, buy a $50 helmet... if you don't value your life as much or think a helmet makes you feel less "free" then don't wear one. I'll stick with my $350 Shoei roadracing helmet so at least if I wreck they will be able to have an open casket at the funeral. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  9. I have to agree with a AggieDave. I have tried a couple of other methods (not sure what they were called) and the openings were really sloppy vs. a pro-pack... but they all worked so I am not really complaining. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  10. Hell yes I will fly one... need a bit more skillzzz first. Gives me an excuse to demo 7-cell canopies too. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  11. This sounds like the beginning of a really raunchy thread... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  12. lol, I remember when I used to arch... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  13. hey, to each his own... personally I don't do it either, but everyone is different. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  14. 0:4:0 a few solos and some RW... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  15. ding ding ding... we have a winner!!! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  16. My life was likely saved by a helmet in a motorcycle accident as well and I still have the helmet with the HUGE gouge right on the temple as a reminder. While I respect Indian Larry's accomplishments and his passion for motorcycling I really think he exercised poor judgement as well. I have a friend that has been a professional motorcycle stunt man for as long as, if not longer than, Indian Larry and was saved on many occasions by his helmet and leathers. If he was wearing a helmet we would likely be reading about Indian Larry getting a concussion in a crash vs. his obituary. He will be missed... FWIW in college I wrote a huge research paper on motorcycle accidents and fatalities with respect to helmet use and the numbers speak for themselves. In low-moderate speed accidents they mitigate the risk of brain injury greatly... PERIOD! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  17. Hey dude, the whole point of a forum is for people to offer help and advice... please switch to decaf. I have personally heard the leg strap advice given by many people both here and in person to combat a painful canopy ride. Bluskyz! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  18. I did three solos today... with one from 15k, there were only three of us left on the Otter since everyone was CReW or got out at 6.5. For a few seconds I had the plane to myself after the freestyle team left and it was eerily quiet as I was backflying away from the plane watching it bank off and head for home... boring my ass, I call it serene. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  19. it can happen... just remember your #1 priority is to PULL!!! Sure it is nice to pull with plenty of altitude and pull stable and landing is rather important as well but none of them are as important as actually getting your main out before you, "...get run over by a planet." Good luck! NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  20. SCSI is an unnecessary expenditure for personal computers... too much cost for little return. SCSI is better suited for a serving multiple requests from multiple clients etc... SATA is a better choice for a home system and more cost effective as well. If you intend on playing modern games you really need a better video card as well rather than the antique Dell one. P.S. If you really wanna blow some money go for a SATA raid setup... personally I wouldn't even bother running with any redundancy i.e. RAID 1 or 5 on a home system and stick with RAID 0 for all out speed... If you are worried about losing your pr0n collection back it up on DVD or something. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  21. After you reach terminal you no longer feel like you are "falling". Since your speed is then relatively constant at that point the only sensation you get is the blast of the relative wind from below. (Unless you are tumbling ) Just remember to relax, arch, breathe... the calmer and more relaxed (i.e. arch without tensing up every muscle in your body if you know what I mean) your arch is, the less likely you will be to "potato chip" or spin. Good luck NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  22. So in one thread you propose all skydivers wear strobes to enhance daytime visibility while simultaneously proposing we all fly black canopies because the neon ones melt in the sunlight... BRILLIANT... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  23. ...step on a lot of toes, just remember they might be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  24. Here's a good starting point... NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
  25. Yeah, I would be more scared to ride it down... I'd rather bailout on my reserve with a little extra altitude and pay the repack fee. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080