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Everything posted by Misslmperfect

  1. awwww dont make fun of hank the angry drunken dwarf! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  2. my husband and i did this at a place called zero gravity in dallas, tx. http://www.gojump.com/ this was about 2 years ago, if not more. its ridiculous. you're hanging on a huge hook, back to earth, knees pulled to your chest. they count it down, and drop you 100 ft. it was, ummm, interesting. a piece of the harness came up and hit me in the face, AND i lost a shoe! this was pre-1st skydive so at the time it was pretty cool. looking back though, it was pretty silly Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  3. my cat's breath smells like cat food Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  4. i get the same error. ive tried various links, but get the same message every time. Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  5. ....even smack The Apprentice's ass (and a nice one at that) for $10!!!! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  6. ill second Big Fish. BEAUTIFUL movie! and yes, secret window was awful! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  7. hehehe, i must say i had a good time oh and p.s.: you should answer your phone when people call you!!!!!! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  8. oh yeah...well....well..well...YEAH! its only 1am...we share a similar schedule, remember? although how you woke up at 8 all sunny and fresh after those loooong nights is beyond me. id drop you off and go to back to bed till sundown Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  9. go to bed, young lady! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  10. man he was the ONLY one (wingnut excluded) that could keep up with me. you skydivers go to bed early! yeah, he was even holding the trashcan for ya robyn! good man. i still say the early morning harley golf cart ride for coffee and balloon chasing is top on my list of favorite rantoul moments
  11. hehehe i agree...i should NOT be called ma'am or mrs...i doubt i would be if i werent married. i know who you're talking about, and he is by far one of the coolest, most wonderful people ive ever met! luv ya patrick!!!!
  12. aaaaannnnd theeeeeeeennnnnn..... Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  13. Not Safe For Work Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  14. hahahaha how funny is that..noooowwww i get it the best part is looking back to the beginning. aggiedave had like 60 jumps when this thread got started. too cool
  15. im with jaye...whats happening?! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  16. so THATS where my sore throat and cough came from...i knew she was the culprit she said i was "soft"...how can a girl resist LMAO Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  17. Of course you do. People love to disagree/complain in these threads. thats funny Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  18. yeah, at the bottom it says "thank you, we've already counted your vote" Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  19. i see your point definately. that seems to hold true with a lot of cats. either way you're giving an animal a home, which is a beautiful thing.
  20. its dirtbike motorcross...which i think is awesome...just dirt track racing though Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  21. i think im just boring. i stick with honey, or the ever popular hunnie bunnie its funny though, we call each other honey 99.9% of the time, so when he actually calls me melissa it sounds strange. Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  22. i agree completely about raising your pets. however, there is also something special about adopting the older ones. its almost like they realize what you've done for them. i have the most amazing bond with my dogs that ive adopted as adults. i really think they understand that you saved them
  23. my opinion is 2 cats. they'll keep each other company, as others have said. also, cats tend to do better with being alone for long periods of time. there are exceptions though. but i definately think you should go for adult cats. they're the last ones to get adopted. the shelter i work for has had the same adult cats for months now. everyone wants the kittens. so if having a baby isnt that important to you, go for a full grown kitty! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  24. oh its alllllll my fault eh??? you wanted it! and you liked it!!!
  25. and you're gonna find someone ELSE to blow those damn things up!!!! my lungs werent right for hours Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!