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Everything posted by Misslmperfect

  1. anything B52s! bee gees - more then a woman jackie wilson - higher and higher kool and the gang - you dropped a bomb on me wait, those arent crappy...hmmm no song is crappy!!! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  2. hahaha nightingale just explained what im struggling to say in a much better way... so yeah, what she said! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  3. i totally f'd that one up. i took his "gee" to be like geese (without the se on the end) . which is how i say it. but ive heard some people say sangiro like san gee (gee whiz) ro Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  4. thats how i say it...but ive heard some people say san - gee - ro i had an awful time in rantoul trying to say it right, and no matter how i said it someone corrected me Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  5. if you want a late model used chevy, thats 5 or under, i think you're probably looking at a cavalier, or maybe a prizm.. my cousin just turned 16 and bought a 4 year old focus for 4800. its in GREAT shape, too! she found some lateish model chevy malibus on ebay though, for about 6000. good luck! i need a car too if you venture away from chevy saturn, kia, and hyundai have good cars that dont cost much! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  6. salt grass is pretty damn yummy! ive never been to a better steakhouse. i miss texas food Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  7. empty nest and wings? nooooo! wings is great! i love nick at nite i have to say Mad About You, and Dharma and Greg are up there on my list of worst comedies, though Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  8. i had no idea this was still so popular! i had 2 in my tongue at once, back in the day...eating like that was an experience! and i got a big chunk taken out of my tooth. i didnt think the pain was bad - its literally next to painless. the clamp hurts more then anything else (that can be said for any piercing, though). the days after are more uncomfortable than painful i think. go for it if you want it! beware though, you'll play with it. in public. some employers dont like that. wow..im still in shock that its such a big thing still! i got mine done when i was 14! i was a strange child, though. Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  9. OHHHHH BUSTED! btw, wheres that whip? Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  10. its an obsession...i think its becoming a problem i need a hobby Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  11. man why do i subject myself to such abuse? id take my ball and go home, but i already did that, and rev's are off limits Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  12. me too for all 3 - but what does it mean??? Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  13. LMAO and just when you think it couldnt get any worse!!!! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  14. im gonna take my ball and go home. Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  15. screw you funky white boy...you suck so i made other plans Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  16. i dont understand that...texans (women in particular) being shrill and having an attitude. ive lived in dallas my whole life until 2 years ago and all i hear about is how snobby and horrible women from dallas are. is it really true? texans are hot, btw...but i may be biased Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did he put 3 under the sofa or other chairs so your butt gets a good listen too? If you don't have them under the seats, you're still in a 'safe place'. (But I'm not trying to give your hubby ideas). UGH! ~~April hey at least i might get some..."enjoyment"...out of that! LOL rosa im sorry hunnie - i know you hate it, im just being a brat it'll never happen again! ...still waiting for a phone call.... Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  18. not nearly as harsh as my words will be if i dont get at LEAST 1 night o' fun before a week of hell! dont make me hurt you, bo Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  19. yeah mel does! wheres my text message fucker?! rosa you know the whole world thinks you're sexy dont MAKE me start an embarrassing 'do you find VSG sexy?' thread!!!! cheesy guy - i have no idea what you're talking about Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  20. is it REALLY neccessary to have 15 speakers just in the living room alone, so you can watch tv/dvds, and play video games? my husband seems to think so right now need 4 speed underground is literally making the walls tremble, and im sure the whole neighborhood can hear lil john and the east side boyz yelling "YEAH" and "WHAT" what is it with guys and speaker obsessions? Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  21. my husband says no.... the problem with that is...im from texas Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  22. bwahaha the best part is the "big pimpin" midi file music...thats hardcore Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  23. LMAO "westside!" OMG im in tears..breakdancing! Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!
  24. the repost man himself - reposting a repost?! could it be???? Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!