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Everything posted by bertusgeert

  1. Anyone been to Kenya? Can you imagine what kind of money you need to skydive there!? Well, maybe I need to go and teach Prince Akeem to skydive, and get in on the family. then somehow make him not pull on his level 7, and I wall take over his place! You know where this is from? Only America, America, America.... edit to: make the post more "politcally correct". --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  2. Hell nah.... Society dictates that they shouldn't, and I like girls that do it anyhow. good stuff keep up the burpin --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  3. Man, just what does your sig line mean? the only Bill Wilson I'm familiar with is the AA founder and I cant for the life of me figure out why he would be stamping "Combat" on anything thanx for asking, I was wondering that very same thing. Anyhow, call and ask Performance Designs, or mail them a nice letter. They have a few letter sized brochures about the sabre, stiletto, and my favorite, rickster and the velocity that he used in Crosswinds. They are up on my walls. They also have nice posters (i'm sure you have seen them around the DZ's) of the Matrix looking one, and the sunset swoop - MY SPORT ATE YOUR SPORT FOR BREAKFAST - a kickass looking picture, my favorite. Anyhow, I love PD pics, and they are all up on my walls. Hope it helps!
  4. I just read through the FAQ of the official Bridge Day site. I stil got another question that wasn't frequent enough for them to answer. With my skydives not up to where it needs to be, and it probably won't be by bridge day ($), I am not at all expecting to jump. But I think that the collection of BASE jumpers present and the amount of seminars and information available is invaluable for future use. What arrangements do I need to make to simply attend, to get a spot close to the exit point, to attend all the safety and instruction and packing seminars, to get to meet kickass BASE jumpers, etc. etc. Do I need to buy a ticket or pass to get onto the bridge? When do I need to buy it ? When do I need to show up? I know this is WAAAAY early, but I'd rather be early than late. I'm psyched now anyhow. QUESTION 2. Where do i find a good collection of Bridge Day Videos online? has a few, watched them. The official videos I can't get, the link isnt' working. So where do I find a lot of simple online clips? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  5. That's some in depth thoughts there. Never thought about it that way. But I still think you need to have a lot of courage (balls) to jump off of a BASE. You might not think you have balls, but I think any BASE jumper has balls. unless he is blind. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  6. Not mine.....I shave every 2- 3 days, and mine gets clogged. But i just put itunder high pressure water, and it unclogs. But thanx for the heads up. Skydiver friends come in useful every now and then... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  7. Yeah, what did happen on that first jump? (good stuff - joe jennings) He bumberd his head on the way out, freefell, and his instructors pulled for him. right? Just wondering. I guess you have to be the president to skip levels..... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  8. dont you all think that some pictures are in order here? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  9. I am looking for some information on Bill, and I'm wondering if anyone can help me out a little. I would love to see a collection of his stories, how he came about, his first jump, and how he designed systems and such things. I would think that he has a great wealth of information and stories to share, has he put this into book or text form? I would like to know a little more about the guy with the beard I see all the tandem passengers watching before the jump! and by the way, google didnt reall help out! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  10. yeah, thats another discussion that has been discussed on a few times...but anyhow I dont like to title "extreme" sports. If I catch what you are saying the right way, I agree. A lot of people want to be the "I'm way extreme dude, thats rad, totally awesome dude". When I'm just enjoying talking about skydiving with some people, I have had them tell me, I consider myself to be an "extreme sports junkie". I try to be polite, but my answer is - OK MAN, whatever you wanna think of yourself as to make yourself feel better... As for football and other sports...I think they can be extreme, in the sense that the athletes push themselves and the limits of the sport to the extreme. Like you said Faber - just do what you want to do and enjoy it. Don't do it to be viewed as courageous or mr.bigballs by others, we have too many of those around. bullriding - I consider it too crazy. You gotta have mad skills and some big balls, brass or titanium preferably. otherwise it'd be a problem... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  11. Thats why all the black guys at my school (in the US) called me "whasup my true african american friend!" - everyone knew me as the african american kid! Edit to add: Hey Peej - hope you have a good time bro, if you ever swing through Ohio or KY, let me know... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  12. hey, look, I dont know jack. but. From what I have seen at the 7 places I have jumped, 4 USPA, 3 non USPA, i think that being a USPA dropzone just ensures the safety, but not always. I have seen great USPA DZ's, and one thats not so great, but it is super safe. I have seen great and safe non USPA DZ's, but also very unsafe ones. But I will travel and see more, and don't know much at this point. Would you all agree? PS: How does USPA enfore safety regulations? I've never seen a "safety officer"! If i was the DZO, (S&TA) then I could do anything I wanteds as long as they didnt find out and suspend my rating right? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  13. HAHAHA that is some funny stuff. Good post good post HAHHAHHHA --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  14. Why the hell did it double post? you all pick which thread you want to post in! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  15. Some people think we are nuts and have very big balls to skydive. And then, skydivers think that BASE jumpers are nuts and have very big balls to BASE jump. Many adrenaline sports are as dangerous as you make them - but even the safest BASE jump is still very dangerous - there are MANY factorsto take into consideration. Compare BASE Jumping to Kayaking, Rock Climbing, Skydiving, Skiing, Surfing or any other adrenaline sport. I can say I kayak, even if its on flat water. I can climb, even if it is closer to a hill than a wall. I can ski on a green run. Skydivng gets closer, and even though there are many factors that you have to consider on a skydive, BASE jumping is a lot more intense than most skydives. In very few other sports do you risk "burning" a site. It is simply not dangerous enough for people to end up dying on a site and causing it to be banned. BASE is so dangerous that people are outlawing it when something goes wrong. I think that says something. Just a few thoughts that ran accros my mind. People talk about skateboarding and surfing being the "extreme" sports. They dont know what they are talking about. I think BASE takes the cake by far. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  16. Good article - I haven't run into this site before, glad to find another site with a good amount of valuable information. Good post, thanks. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  17. WALMART - Dont you know that Walmart has everyhting? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  18. Damn weegegirl, you jumped on it quick! Good on ya for stealing the words out of my mouth! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  19. haahha, good stuff, congrats! Edit to add: HOLD UP! JUNE 4th? thats my birthday man! hAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  20. AHHAH, reminds me, I had this picture stuffed away in my computer. Thats one of the reasons i'm not back there anymore!!! Edit to add: the friggin picture --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  21. HAHHAHA --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  22. brother, get ready for some flaming is all I can say.... I suggest spending some more time lurking!
  23. Just thought I'd make you all a little happier today. Are you not glad that you grew up in amore developed country where you can walk outside and see GRASS!? Thank God I wasn't born in Tehran! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  24. Haha, thats awesome mate You have 12 jumps, and you're tired of packing already?!?!?!?!?! I think that coming up with these ideas is great, its fun to dream a little as well! How sweet would that be. Think about it, one day, they will have accuracy competitions based on where you impact, rather than where you land!!! I wonder how accurate you can be? interesting question. I think it would be great having rings to fall through in freefall, if it wasn't so dangerous, kinda like that game on your nokia phone! Keep thinking of this stuff, please just dont try it mate! (at least let me know so that I can go grab my camera!) --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!