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Everything posted by bertusgeert

  1. Obviously. I'm not stupid enough to come here to ask dumb questions without googling. I ask dumb questions because google didn't give me what I needed, as stated above. Lets try this again
  2. Around this crowd, I figured I may get lucky with a few authentic responses. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  3. Obviously. I'm not stupid enough to come here to ask dumb questions without googling. I ask dumb questions because google didn't give me what I needed, as stated above. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  4. If you were far enough north or south, on the right day, you could do this (almost) as many times as you can jump out of a plane in a little less than 24 hours. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  5. Man I love this place. Every time I get stuck with a question, this place provides the answer. I've never done it, and I need to know what a coke high is like, internally, and externally. As a sideline hobby, I am taking acting classes/training. It just so happens that my coach is phenomenal, trained in deep Stanislavski system/Strassberg "method" acting. What this means is thorough understanding of your character's circumstance, why he's doing and saying what he's doing & saying - understanding his reasons, so you can just "be", instead of "acting" it. I am taking on a character that, I can infer from the ranting, non-sensical dialogue as well as explicitly stated later in the script, is most likely on a coke high. I have never seen or touched the stuff. In the middle of the scene, he starts up a joint (I imagine this has minor effects and is likely overridden by the coke high, since pot is quite mellow). How do I understand this, so I can be this, without taking my research "too far"?
  6. Yeah, I've searched through pages and pages and pages and haven't found anything resembling the original. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  7. I saw this in a shop on top of a big mountain recently. I like the image and want a copy. I have looked high and low, asked all my FB friends, and yet come up empty handed... So I am coming to the place I am never left without the right answer - Where is this originally from? (The movie, not the shop! Although if you can name where I saw it I'll be really amazed so go for it). --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  8. Independence Day? That was Monday! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  9. email sent to Jim. thanks all. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  10. Does anyone know how I should go about it if I'm trying to get a copy of the original full resolution photo for the June 2012 USPA mag? What a great photo. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  11. What is the comparable size of a wingsuit vs. a canopy? What canopy sizes are they having the jump to keep up with wingsuits in formo flights? here's tiny speedglider...soaring. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  12. If it were easy, someone would have done it already. The discussion I was having was with a top hang gliding pilot. Seeing what they do to reduce drag & profile size (wing and harness) is quite amazing. Just from looking at wingsuits & even hanggliders, seems that there is a ton of surface drag (vs. for instance composite, rivet-free aircraft). Don't know much about the phd level equations of all that, but seems that there's some work to do. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  13. Exactly, I am of the same mind. Oftentimes I come across people who think some things will never be possible. I disagree. 200 years ago, horseless carriages were impossible to those same people, nevermind "flight". Look where we are now. So many possibilities. It's just a matter of technology & knowledge. Here's a fun one from Dave Prentice. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  14. Ok, I'm gonna bite on this one. This is if you hold the variable of the type of wing constant. The other solution is to change the wing, and fly, perhaps, a paraGLIDER ;-) I was under the impression (and hope) that there has been more improvement in glide ratios over the years. It would be interesting to know max glide ratio over time and how it's improved - seems it's tapered off? One day we'll ridge soar in wingsuit configuration. Or perhaps even have enough control over attitude to be able to fly slow & thermal, and then tuck & dive like birds of prey. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  15. I've been reading much less about wingsuits over the last few years, but was discussing aerodynamics with a buddy the other day when he asked me - what kind of glide ratios do those things get nowadays? Well, I don't know. Can someone answer that? Just a quick question. Thanks! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  16. The old-school HG rule of thumb was "Don't fly any higher than you are willing to fall." Like skydiving, hang-gliding has fortunately become much safer in modern times. by that measyre, the newschool rule is the same as in skydiving = altitude is your friend! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  17. To reduce impact when it did hit, the pilot would be better off not keeping the nose off the runway as long as possible. In fact, this landing is about speed management, for the sake of impact management. Maintaining airspeed over the horizontal stabilizer means you maintain more control. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  18. just don't forget... Hang Check! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  19. [Disclaimer: searched for repost but didn't see anything.] This is worth knowing about - this guy ought to be remembered for the many incredible things he accomplished. Antoine Montant, 3 year Speed Flying Pro Champion was killed while base jumping - he had gone BASE jumping (using a wingsuit) in the area of Collet d’Anterne in Haute Savoie, France. Just look at these to get a feel for his caliber... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  20. Who was the pilot here... ? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  21. Neither could the pilot.... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  22. Just a teaser.... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  23. Yes. Absolutely yes. It is foolish for anyone to be in the air and within five miles of a thunderstorm. Yes, aircraft occasionally do this, it's still not a good idea if at all avoidable. Let me refine my question --- I am not talking about anything else besides lightning. I understand the dynamics & dangers of thunderstorms. As far as I understand, a human in an open, flat field is more likely to get struck than any point in the field around him. This is because he presents the path of least resistance for the electrical charge. Now - my question as I intended but was not clear enough to state - is a human & fabric floating around in the air any more likely to get struck than any of the surrounding air? If so, why? Lightning is not a thunderstorm. Thunderstorms aren't rain/precip. These are all different elements of a bigger system. Like you said - probably. Less often than you may think. I argue that as you approach an isolated thundercloud or it approaches you - lightning is the first thing you need to consider - its range is far wider than the wind/rain. Although the probability of specific occurrence and resulting consequences from lightning is lower, the range is far greater than the rain and wind. Regardless, get the hell out of the air. That was never up for debate
  24. This makes a lot of sense. Understanding something is the key to making wiser decisions. I will now stop flying through thunderstorms. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!