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Everything posted by bertusgeert

  1. with my mind on skydving, I wont smoke anything more expensive than a swishers or a black and mild. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  2. like tennis... nah... climbing - rock and ice - but especially mountaineering. Kaykaing, and not so much, rafting. skydiving, BASE jumping, skiing, snowboarding, surfing. There are more, but i cant remember... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  3. How so? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  4. The other thread reminded me of something... They say that the last thoughts passing through your mind before you fall asleep is most important to you in your life at that time. So what did YOU think about last night? I can't remember what I thought about...must not have been very important... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  5. Nah, the shower is definitely not it. I shower when I wake up, so it will be another 2 hours before I start thinking about thinking. I usually go for a country drive, or sit and listen to classical music, looking out the window. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  6. Tom PM'd me, but cannot get me the info until thursday. If you have it, you can PM me sooner!
  7. I will probably throw up the tent, or if i'm too lazy just jump in the back of the truck. I'll be out there friday til monday hopefully. So what is the best driving directions from Lexington KY? I see you list I-71 as well as I-75 on the site, but what is the quickest way to get there? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  8. I think that is a tri-band phone. Check the specs, to see what frequencies it will work with. 850, 900, 1800, or 1900. It depends on what frequencies the carriers over there use, check the net, search around and see. If I wasnt so lazy I would do it. T-Mobile has some good international rates, their customer service will also be able to tell you about the frequencies and so forth. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  9. I'm sure many people screwed up many dives. Dont worry, I did a few times in my short skydiving history! First one was level 4, when I didnt present myself to the relative wind, and flipped over on my back. It was the first time on my back and I was scared s#@tless! I flipped over soon though, but still wasted about 4 grand! DIVE FAILED. My first solo I also did a Hop n Pop, but it turned out to be more of a Pop n Hop! People in the plane edged towards the door as my pilot chute went just underneath the tail! My desires to safe under canopy so soon was explained to me very seriously that it was indeed not very safe! Just learn from your mistakes, you will make plenty more! Dont worry! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  10. Since this is Flight Simulator's default airport, I know it very well. I know the frequencies and headings for Ohare and Midway as well. Loved playing around Chicago. I played FS from when I was very little, and always dreamed of actually going to Meigs field. I guess the closest I'll ever get is when I fliew over it on my way to a stopover in Ohare, once at night, once in daylight, its very neat indeed! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  11. I just read the article and I'm pretty happy for Michiko, but pretty pissed for not knowing of that friggin competition myself! Congratulations Michiko! I hope you achieve your dreams, and have fun with Omar! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  12. Woohoo! I better die soon, or I'll be screwed! You have escaped damnation and made it to Purgatory, a place where the dew of repentance washes off the stain of sin and girds the spirit with humility. Through contrition, confession, and satisfaction by works of righteousness, you must make your way up the mountain. As the sins are cleansed from your soul, you will be illuminated by the Sun of Divine Grace, and you will join other souls, smiling and happy, upon the summit of this mountain. Before long you will know the joys of Paradise as you ascend to the ethereal realm of Heaven. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  13. I have been playing around Flight Simulator, and found some pretty cool airports. I then looked them up on, here are some cool pictures. What are some of the coolest airports you have been to, or have seen/heard about? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  14. A thought just entered my mind. Has rock climbers and BASE jumpers ever crossed into the other's territory? As far as climbers getting pissed at BASE jumpers, ar jumpers not wanting to jump cuz of climbers on their way up? Probably not, but i was just curious! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  15. I'm fooling around with Flight Simulator here, and want to check out the popular cliff in Norway. Can anyone tell me where to find the GPS co-ordinates? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  16. My arms are at my sides, about 3 or 4 inches off. My legs are spread slightly. Picture this. Lie flat on the floor in a tracking position, then lift your arms slightly off of the floor. Your sholders are not rolled, your not really de-arched. This is a stable and easy track for me, but I want to push it. So, my arms are slightly below me, my sholders are rolled forward, and I'm pretty cupped. I really fell myself moving a lot more, but i'm much more unstable, kind of wanting to slip off of the top. Get what I'm saying? I have actually flipped over because I tried too hard! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  17. jus sayin that i lika dat black eyed peas? why the hell do I have to wait so long and spend so much before i can do that dammit! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  18. Made me think... This is hard to figure out on a forum, but maybe someone can give me useful advice. When I try to track super hard, i find my legs being too light and lifting above my head, throwing me over. I was told (explained to) that rolling shoulders forward and cupping your body will improve your track dramatically, and have found that to work for me. But when I try too hard, I end up almost going head down for a second there. Not good!! So what can I do? Does anyone else experience this and know what I am talking about? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  19. Haha, yep. I got my q's answered, thanks a lot! Sometimes this place just becomes too easy to get answers. Post a q, then leave and go do something. Come back and your answer is there. But sometimes your are surprised.... But thanx anyways! Edit to add: my friends and I will prolly stop by in july sometime, it is still up in the air very much. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  20. Is this where Mike Mullin's King Air is? I'm going right now if it is. I have a friend who wants to tandem, and possible three others as well. Do they offer me a free jump for referal? Thanx all. How far from Memphis? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  21. Sweetness, I didnt know there are people on here that jump at SDTR! I packed there last summer, and left just before you started AFF. Who was your instructors? Adriaan is coming in tommorow, and I cant wait to get back out there. Next week hopefully, and i'll stay for quite a while. I hope Andre can make it back out here soon. Friggin visas. And yes, Bob is quite the rocking DZO! Sweet DZ, I love it. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  22. bertusgeert


    Thats some friggin in depth research there! Good link nightingale! From the experience of a friend of a friend of a friend, you never know. You just have to find your system for yourself. Everyone is different. Here is my opinion, which I know was not the original poster's worry. If you know you are subject to random testing or have testing coming up, then just dont do drugs mate. If you dont, then it is another story. I dont see why someone cannot just quit his habits for a little while. And if you are in a situation where your job requires it, then you chose to be there knowing you can be tested, so if you dont like it, get another job. I can, have, and will again quit many habits I have to know with certainty that I do have control over ALL my actions. Many dont. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  23. like I'm sure many people have done, I applied at skyventure. So if they get me a job, I will need a room as well. So call them and tell them to hire me. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  24. Can you speak Spanish? A friend of mine called me up, the first time he could get to a payphone in weeks. Deep in mexico. He gave me directions to ge there, and I'm probably going soon. Go to Presedio, TX. Then go to Okinaja, take a bus to Chiuaua. Then a bus to Creel. Then hitchhike to Krusarare (which I cannot even find on a map). From there, go out of town on the paved road, 2, 3 k's. There is a white house on the right, where a guy named Reyes (Lightning) lives. His son will kno where my friend is living. He is currently living with the native indians, farming in their traditional style with them. I cannot speak a word Spanish. I better learn quick! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  25. Well, I talked to him later and he told me that I should just leave, not worry about it. So I told him, THANX MAN! But in a normal situation where they want you to stay, I do agree that you have to be professional. Thanx all, I am now super happy that I did quit. In hindsight, I dealt with 4 screwed customers just today, and I'm very glad thats over. --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!