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Everything posted by bertusgeert

  1. I saw that, mmmm.... I wonder too.... And who was the dude's double when he swooped into the pond and ate it? That was pretty crazy to do it intentionally... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  2. Yah I kno, but I had a packing job last summer that they asked me to return to. I gave it to a friend, thinking that I will be working hard this summer. Found out working and no time for skydiving sucks. So, I talked to him and we are going to share the load. He only needs a few hours to start flying for the DZ anyhow. But if you all know of any jobs in those states, or how I go about getting one, then let me know! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  3. Exactly. In my experience this is very true. You need to make sure that you are applying equal pressure to both legs, this is crucial. It threw me off a lot when I learned. Don't worry weegegirl, u'll get there! - Bert actually, what is a daffy? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  4. Well hell yeaaaahhh I just did!!! I just quit my job to go to CO and be a DZ bum... If anyone knows of any other jobs opening up at a DZ close to you, PM me for my #! Sweeetttnnessss!!! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  5. Couldnt have been explained better... It makes perfect sense... I sent in the letter today, after asking my dad to review it, which he did and even encouraged me to leave. So its kind of sad to see al my mates go, but it needed to be done. I just got off the phone with my boss. He will see if he needs me in the next two weeks. If he doesn't, I'll be off to CO next week this time! Thanx all for your concern. If you all know of any cool DZ jobs, let me know please! I dont care too much to bum it over the summer. I just wanna jump! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  6. Exactly. I do not like doing that, its not my personality. So I think I'm going to get out, I'll put in my notice today then. I did have packing job at Skydive the Rockies this summer, but gave it to a friend who wants to fly real bad, and I thought it would be better, the DZO owns four planes and could maybe hook him up. He offered (after talking late last night) that we could split the job. Neither of our parents would like this idea at ALL. But we could probably do it, but be bums all summer and I wont get to skydive too much. At least I'll be around it! I'll do what I want this summer, and come back to school in the fall, summertime is mine, I'll do what my parents want for the rest, as I also see the benefit in that. So anyone know of a good job at a cool DZ then? I would LOVE that. I can pack pretty well and would not mind manifest at all. (I live in Lexington, KY, when you move, come to Kentucky Skydiving Center in Frankfort, or Bardstown!) --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  7. An another, you can see a little bit of South African culture here: This one is a classic from our days when there was an army! Letter from the Army Dear Ma and Pa, I am well. Hope you are. Tell my boetie (brother) Wouter and my other boetie Koos that being in the Kommandos beats working for Oom Piet by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before maybe all of the places are filled. I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till nearly 6 am, but am now starting to enjoying sleeping late. Tell Wouter and Koos all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot and shine some things. No varke (pigs) to feed, no cows to milk, no mampoer (mmonshine) to mix or braai wood to split. Practically nothing. Manne (Men) get to shave but it is not so bad, there's warm water. Breakfast is strong on fruit juice, pap (porridge), eggs, bacon, etc. but short on steaks, boerewors, chops, potatoes and other regular food like vetkoek. But tell my boeties you can always sit between two dorpies (city boys) that live on coffee. Their food plus yours holds you till noon, when you get fed again. It's no wonder these city boys can't walk much. We go on "route" marches, which the Sersant (Sergeant) says are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it is not my place to tell him different. A "route march" is about as far as to our post-box at home. Then the dorpies from the city get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks. The country is nice, but awful flat. This next will kill my boeties with laughter. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don't know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a dassie's head and doesn't move at all. And it isn't shooting back at you like those bliksemse Venter boys from the next-door plaas (farm). All you have to do is lay there all rustig (calm) like and hit it. You don't even have to make your own cartridges. They come in boxes. Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with the dorpies from the city. I have to be really careful though, they break real easy. It's not like fighting with Swart Duiwel (Black Devil), our old bull at home. I'm about the best they got in this platoon except for that Groot Jan Jordaan from somewhere in the Noord Transvaal. He joined up the same time as me. But I'm only 5'6" and 130 pounds and he's 6'8" and weighs over 300 pounds dry. Be sure to tell my boeties to hurry and join before other okes find out about this Kommando set-up and come stampeding in ! Your loving daughter, Esther --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  8. Hey, just a few funnies for those who can understand: backseat driver = skouervlieg > balls-up = knaterflater > blind date = moljol / steekproef > brandy = polisiekoffie > cubby hole = vroeteldoos > chaperone = voëlverskrikker > condom = saadsokkie > cycle pants = voëlverklikker > dagga = rondkyktwak > doggie bag = brakkiepakkie / woefkardoes > face-lift = hysbakkies > g-string = gatsnaar / snakstringetjie / stertriem/ tergtoutjie > go-go girl = wikkeldoedie > groupie = groepgriet > gynaecologist = roofkyker > hacker = kraker > hairdresser = dollaklitser > hamburger = frikkadelbroodjie > helmet = pletterpet / valhelm > hyperlink = hiperskakel > impotence = stingelstres > longdrop = dieptroon / doefpoef / plonsput / plonspardoems > make-up = jeugdeeg > maltese poodle = stoepkakkertjie > massage parlour = streelperseel > quickie = japtrapkap > rapper = rymkletser > sales rep = kommissiekabouter / koopseblief > sex = klits > sperm bank = skootwerf > stapler = draaddrukkertjie / papiervampier > stew = vleismoles > stress = gemoedsbekakking > sugardaddy = vroetelvarkie > toi-toi = vakbond-vastrap / williewerkie-wals --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  9. Allright, so I'm debating here. I have had this job (Selling Cellphones, all carriers) since Beginning of December. I have sold a lot of phones and made allright money. They just changed the payscale two weeks ago to make us sell a lot more to make any money. My new manager just came in last month, and is a lot better than the previous one. Here is my problem. I have witnessed several times how my manager have lied and misled customers to sell them something. I cannot do that. I cannot live with the fact that I screwed someone into a contract they might hate for two years. When I asked him about it, he said that he's awesome for being able to talk so much, and talk people into things. He also added that if I dont pick up quick, then I will have to go. I talked to my fam, and they think it would be good to quit, but not before I got another job. Personally, I got two finals left tommorow, and I want to take off somewhere, like Colorado where I was last summer, then when I am ready, come back to Kentucky and work until School starts. My parents would think this is not a good idea. So what do you all think? I'm sick of thinking about it, and I cannot go on. HELP MEE!!!!! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  10. Man, I just hope I dont end up there... Good luck mate, hope you can do it! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  11. Ag man, nou maak jy my sommer sooooo jaloers! Ekke wil terugkomm!!!!! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  12. HAha, looking back at my posts, I wonder why I wrote what I did. I had a series of bad days at work, sorry for letting that come into my posts people. Anyhow, I apreciate the people who do care and are watching out. Many just condemn without reason, or so it seems. Being a newbie does suck, when you see what you wanna be but you are years away from coming close. But on the other hand, skipping it wont work either, you gotta go through the steps. So I will return to my humbleness, sorry for being agro and irritated. I understand people's concern a little bit better now. And as for posting my "qualifications", I was trying to illustrate a point that jump numbers does not indicate the person's ability. But like someone said, knowledge is no good if it is not applied, and that is true. I apologize to you all for being immature here!!! Thanx all for at least being concerned!
  13. So doing RW teaches you WHAT that will relate to Freeflying? THe only things I can think of is awareness of others around you, because that is what will be dangerous. The main danger that I see reference to here is collisions with others, and gear related. But will doing RW drastically increase the ability to identify these problems? Not always... I think it much more depends on the jumper... I have been to 5 different DZ's, have jumped out of 10 different aircraft, have done 2 way, 3 way, 4 way formations, have done more than one freefly jump with experienced jumpers, participated in a hybrid... I can go on... I read these forums every day, I read parachutist and skydiving several times through, look at incidents a lot, and watch all the videos I can get my hands on... On several occasions I have participated in discussions about gear and skydiving with very experiences people, and jumpers with double my numbers are lost in the conversation... I am not egotistic, you will see that when you meet me, all I am saying is that you cannot always judge someone by his jumps...It depends much more on his education of skydiving, some people who have many jumps know jackall. That does not take away from what jumps teach you, You can have all the educaion you want, but if you dont jump enough, you cannot apply that knowledge. Jumps are a crucial part in learning and knowledge of skydiving. So my big frustration here is the fact that many people look at newbies and say...You dont know jack, dont do that, dont do this, without even knowing the person's background and knowledge of the sport. I think it should be much more regulated by coaches who know you and your ability rather that posters telling you DONT, without knowing you. I do apreciate everyones concern for safety, which I hope is the main concern here, safety from newbie freefliers as well as safety for those newbies. Please just be more clear and specific in your reasons, just dont say.... DONT! This applies to all disciplines, not just freeflying... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  14. Another question for those "do RW first" people. If I can getinvolved in a RW jump with 20 jumps under my belt, why can I not get involved with 500 jumps, 20 of them being RW? Does not make any sense to me... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  15. Nope, NEVER! Never have, Never will. Aside from my religious and ethical reasons, I have always seen it as something people that have no sense about their finances engage in. I can see how tempting it is, but it is not only the $5, but the mindset that you put yourself in. You want to get rich by doing nothing. Why not put all those dreams to constructive use? Keep them alive EVERY DAY, know what you will do with your money, and make a plan to get it. America is the most blessed country. Anyone that wants to can make as much money as he desires without any authroity stopping him/her. Go to Rwanada or Ethopia, and your perspective will change. Dont be the average american that is SUPER blessed but does jackall with it! Personally, I be completely unhappy shortly after I won the lottery - I need to know that I DID IT. I EARNED IT. I WORKED FOR IT. (Sorry for my passionate response!) Edit to Add: I prolly should have just said... Nope....and left it at that! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  16. Thanx for the link hookitt, I have read those several times, and always refer to them to come up with a "diveplan" for my canopy flight. I dont know any CReWdogs, but I will look for someone with a bit of experience. So what experience is necesary, or needs to be focused on when I want to become good at CReW? I have tried everything with my risers, and play with them often. How close should I come to someone with almost no CReW experience? I guess it will also be better if the formation was planned on the ground. Phree - that is tru man, you dont always think of that. It sucks too - cuz now that they are sponsored, they just become so good and are so current to that no one can catch up. One day dammit!!! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  17. [reply The simple fact that someone might not understand why they shouldn't be jumping right into freeflying says pretty clearly that they don't understand the risks involved. If you don't understand the risks, it is too early to be thinking about it, in any discipline. Now that is some sweet and serious advice. Straight to the point, it will be remembered. But... How, if you are just starting, are you going to understand the dangers, in anything? Many people learn about dangers as they go along, and that is exactly why I started this learn the dangers beforehand... to know what they are and how to identify them before the happen. So please, go ahead and expand..and be more specific. Hookitt, I have heard the same from the folks I have talked to, thats some good advice too, and I can see how it applies. So when you asked about describing two dives, I described two strictly freefly attempts. On several occasions when I could not find anyone to jump with, I did exactly that. I was the last one out of the 'van, and just did a sideways wacky jump, arms and legs everywhere, with the intent of becoming unstable, and then recovering ASAP, I repeated that, going into all kinds of random positions, just seeing what it will do, and then recovering to a arch position. It was sweet, a lot of fun. It also occured to me that I could do more than a flip. I could do 3! So I have done multiples of barrelrolls, backflips and frontflips. Even tried a barrelroll backflip combo, but thats gonna take practice. Getting the leg down proved to be quite difficult, another thing I will work on. And how do I will ask around about how to attempt a layout. I have done a good few RW jumps with people lighter and heavier than me, jumped with a baggy suit, and then in T shirt and shorts to experience problems with fall-rate. It is very challenging sometimes... Keep the advice coming, and be specific, thanx! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  18. 1136 miles from what I consider my home DZ. 11 traffic signals 7 turns, including out of my d.way, and into the dz. My current substitute DZ is 47 miles away 4 traffic signals 5 turns --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  19. Smart Question... I talked to a good few freefliers to see what they reccomend, and tried to follow their advice. I need to learn how to Sit before even thinking about HD. Kinda like arching when you first learn. So on my last freefly jump, my fifth jump that could be labeled as such, my goal was to work on sitflying. I went into a sit right out of the plane and maintained it for a good few seconds before losing control. I got stable in belly to earth and tried to transition to a sit again, and once again maintained it for a few seconds. And repeat... (I did keep in mind to face perpendicular to the jumprun and tried to do so) THe jump before, I did a sit exit out of the Skyvan with a freeflier friend holding on to my shoulders, goin HD. We maintained it for a few seconds. It was basically the same idea, but he would be there to act as a reference, like a skyball. He could also later give me advice, of which i received plenty. I did sit with him for a quite a while on that jump. So what was so wrong with that, what did I miss that I needed to pay more attention to that would agrivate so many people? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  20. Having seen videos of factory teams showing what they can do, I'm starting to think more and more about putting more focus on my canopy flying. Most jumpers with my number of jumps do not really concentrate on learning to fly their canopy to its full extent (which I know is an ongoing process that will last years.) Coming into skydiving I thought that Freeflying is what i wanted to do. But opening high and playing with the canopy is much more intruiging to me. I loved planes since I was a kid, and my canopy is like a sweetassed plane that you can do incredibly cool things with. I love it. I know that getting a coach is very valuable, but i need to actually get a canopy first! I am reading every article on canopies possible, i'm watching every video, and reading every thread. What is the quickest way of learning how to be a kickass canopy pilot - what are some good tips on learning? How much do I need to get into CReW, and how do I do that - or work towards that with 38 jumps? And is this too early to even be interested, do I need to wait longer? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  21. Like I mentioned in another thread, I do not quite understand why there is so much negativity towards people with fewer jumps that are moving into freeflying. Some say that it is more dangerous than bellyflying - you need to develop much more awareness before attempting things you dont understand, staying off of jumprun for instance. You dont need to endanger yourself and others doing stupid things. Others' concern might be more for the jumpers actual learning, that good base in RW will enhance the Freefly learning curve later on. Personally, I do not see the problems. If you have the correct and safe equipment, why not give it a shot? I have met some people with very few jumps who have some very good freefly footage, and others who have many jumps that can't do jack. So why not let the people who want to freefly just do it? It's their money, let them spend it the way they want to! I open this thread to better attack the issue - WHY should early jumpers not attempt freefly? --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  22. HAHAHAHAHA like my dad told me when I told him i was taking philosophy... Philosophy is simply a way for two people to talk useless shit and make it sound intellegent. After just finishing my final paper, I see the truth to his words. I'm with ya man, philosophy sucks bigtime, I'm very glad I'm done!!!! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  23. Personally I am very attracted to Freeflying, and have done five "FF" jumps. I really feel a lot of negativity towards people wanting to FF, I dont quite understand why... (besides safety). I can relate to most of the reasons posted. Personally, I was taught to pack, AFF Instructed and overall mentored by two wickedly good freefliers...They had a crapload of video for me to watch, and I ate it up. I want to learn as quickly as possible so that I can jump with them. What about just plain and simple, that is where skydiving is evolving to? Another dimension? Entering skydiving, i had the ideas in my head of RW, Acc, CReW, Skysurfing and wingsuits, mostly what I had seen on TV. How many new jumpers are there that say: MAn, I would love to be a Accuracy jumper, or a CReWdawg? As I see it, those disciplines are dying off under newer younger jumpers. Freeflying is attractive because its extremely challenging to even just get there, its fast, and it looks SWEET, VERY SWEET! and THAT... is why I wanna freefly! --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  24. yeah....mmm.... I think we all need to vote that she cannot change her avatar anymore. The only process by which she change it is by attaching a pic of what she wants to change it to, and if we all agree that she is upgrading to an even better avatar, she will be allowed... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!
  25. HAHA, yeah, Tom's Avatar is basically what inspired me to do this... Now I can see!!! And the sunshine mountains isnt listed cuz friggin everyone knows where they are! Who doesnt!? I havent personally been there, but one day I'll go... Ive heard they are the most beautiful mountains...Its like some people seeing earth from the moon... One of those things you can only dream about seeing....mmmm.....maybe one day.... --------------------------------------------- As jy dom is moet jy bloei!