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Everything posted by penniless

  1. For much of his public career, Sen. John Ensign has appeared a model of the religious right. By this week, he had become just another politician diminished by scandal. Rattled, humbled and alone at the podium, Ensign acknowledged to reporters an extramarital affair, the sort of moral failing he's criticized in the past. The Nevada Republican once called on President Bill Clinton to resign, declaring "the truth must come out." In October 2007, he was sharply critical of former Sen. Larry Craig, of Idaho, calling the Republican's arrest in an airport bathroom sex sting "embarrassing for the Senate." Hypocrite!
  2. Apparently you don't think the recession and unemployment are linked. Clearly a right wing ploy to distract from the source of the unemployment in the first place.
  3. Which party was denying "The R word" for clearly partisan electoral reasons well into the fall of 2008, when early action could have lessened the impact? Who was in charge of Congress (hence spending) in 2008, again? The recession started in Dec 2007, again. You ARE having a problem with dates.
  4. shit? Perhaps you recall the 'tech bubble'? You know, that thing that popped in 00 and started the recession that y'all blamed on Bush in 01? According to NBER the recession started in March 2001. Bush took over in Jan 2001. Ok, for the sake of this thread I will give you we are in a Bush recession. What was the dallar valued at when Obama took over? What is it now? It has increased 10% in value against the Japanese Yen, and has not changed against the Chinese Yuan.
  5. Availability of what, exactly? Basic treatment? State of the art care? The context is in the thread.
  6. If BUSH is responsible for the economy after January 01, then OBAMA is responsible in Jan 09. Wiggle all YOU want. Have you always had such a hard time with the concept of "START"? The last 2 recessions STARTED under Bush. The current recession had already been going for 13 months when Obama took over. The GOP was even denying "The R-Word" for most of that time, which is why it got so bad.
  7. Here in the USA, availability is very dependent on how much money you have.
  8. Do you admit the USA has a problem, or do you consider it to be Utopia?
  9. Lots of people sold mutual funds, myself included. And Berkshire Hathaway had their worst year in decades. Do you actually have a point?
  10. And Obama took over in Jan 09. Aren't y'all the ones that said that Obama hasn't had a chance to influence anything yet? Again, you can't have it both ways. If Bush is responsibe in the first quarter of 01, then Obama is responsible in the first quarter of 09. The continuing recession in 09 is Obama's - ESPECIALLY when you look at the graph that shows the OBAMA projection of unemployment with / without porkulus and with the unemployment numbers overlaid - THAT is entirely his baby, unless you're going to tell me that Bush signed Porkulus, now? The previous recession started March 2001 - president: BUSH The current recession started December 2007 - president: BUSH Those are the official dates. Wiggle all you want.
  11. You also overlook an important detail - they are in US custody. If they were held by the Kenyan government then the rights of Kenya should apply.
  12. A minor detail that you seem happy to overlook. Many of the allegations are simply hearsay or made by people harboring a grudge. Until the facts are established they should receive the same rights as any other alleged criminal.
  13. That could equally well apply to the people who ran Chrysler, AIG, Lehman Bros, Indymac, Tyco, Enron, Arthur Anderson, Worldcom, GM... The government does not have a monopoly on incompetence and lack of integrity - there's plenty in the private sector too.
  14. If the gov't can't run a cat house and run a profit, how on earth do you think they can run health care? EDIT to add.....amtrack Private enterprise ran GM, Chrysler, AIG, Indymac, Lehman Bros (to name but a few success stories of the recent past). The government runs the military. Your point?
  15. Yup, as I have done on various GA aircraft over the years, but on the commercial side things have gotten a little out of hand. With TSA's hiring processes and "training" who needs a terrorist? Hi Dave, I really like that part about with TSAs' hiring processes and "training," who needs a terrorist!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahaha!!! That's the best I've heard yet!! TSA and the Dem's, Usama's best friends!! They're eating right out of his hands!! You seem to forget that TSA and its procedures are products of the Bush administration.
  16. This is the quote that has already been shown to have been taken out of context in order to make it appear to be racist. The full quote was posted in this thread already. If that's the only example of Sotomayer offering racist comments, then the claims of racism seem unfounded. It's OK, we all know he is just grasping at straws.
  17. He couldn't even get QEII an invite to the D-Day event, despite the fact that she's the only remaining head of state in the world who actually served in WWII. an unelected head of state who was never in any real danger and doesn't seem bothered about not attending. Do you feel that way about all women in the services in WWII, or is your bitterness just reserved for the queen? What did you do for your country in WWII?
  18. I don't think Pelosi should be prosecuted. I don't think that she commited a crime. All she did was lie to the public for political gain - much like an Anti-Gay evangelist who suddenly remembers sucking a dick 6 or 7 years ago. "He did not appropriately warn me that it was his penis in my mouth. And because he never ejaculated, how was I to know it was a homosexual act. It wasn't until 2003 that I was told it was a penis that I'm sucking. But it's that guy who I sucked off who is the reall sinner." He committed no crime but he should be susceptible to criticism as a hypocrite. Rep. Peter Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee who is running for governor in Michigan, in November said of the CIA: "We cannot have a community that operates outside the law and covers up what it does and lies to Congress." On Dec. 11, 2007, "so professionally unworthy, so intellectually indefensible and so fundamentally misleading that it is damaging to our national security." Gingrich of the CIA. So who's lying?
  19. I was actually thinking the same thing, along with "and if this was about Clinton's sexual relations we'd have exactly opposite answers from 80% of the posters." This is obviously a topic where people have different answers, and equally, one where most people aren't going to be convinced of the opposite side You mean Republicans like John McCain, the latest Republican presidential nominee? It's silly to try to tar a whole group with that claim, especially when their most recently selected national leader was one of the most vocal opponents of the practice, and especially, especially when it's clear that leaders of the other party (like Nancy Pelosi) knew, and said nothing, while John McCain was vocal in his public opposition. But he didn't put his vote where his mouth is. On Feb 13 2008 he voted NO on the bill to ban torture in CIA interrogations. PS On the whole I'm more concerned with the issue of torture being official US policy than I am with Clinton's sex life.
  20. You are, I believe, a chemical engineer by training. Do you believe that adding 30 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere each year has no consequences?
  21. It would be a big deal to me if she decided to run for President. It is one of the reasons I wouldn't vote for her. So... do you believe in checks and balances? Do you think that she would be able to overturn a Supreme Court ruling? If President she will have the power to nominate SC justices. Of course her opinion on this is important. It illustrates very clearly how extreme her position is compared to the American mainstream.
  22. Notice the lack of dissenting posts? Say as much or more than the post itself!! Perhaps because it's not relevant to anything?
  23. NOT MUCH OF A CHOICE FOR A RAPE VICTIM, IS IT? The one that Palin wants to force to bear the child of her rapist.
  24. 1918 Spanish flu was the bad one.. This one is just getting going.. BUT.... I fear this is a case of the little boy calling WOLF. When the Bird flu does mutate or some other strain comes along that we are ill prepared for... it WILL be far worse The 1957 Asian flu pandemic caused an EXTRA 70,000 deaths in the US (over and above the seasonal flu), and 2,000,000 worldwide. The 1968 "Hong Kong" flu caused an EXTRA 28,000 US deaths. We WILL have another killer pandemic sometime. We do not yet know if this will be it. This flu is still an unknown in its very early stages. IMO the risk of doing too little is far greater than the risk of over-reacting.