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Everything posted by penniless

  2. Do you know the meaning of "omnipotent"?
  3. It is to the Mach-1 what the S-Bird is to the Super Mach-1 It is a Tony suit.
  4. I don't think anyone has looked at the back of my credit card in, maybe, 5 years. Just about every place I go now I swipe the card myself and the clerk never even touches it.
  5. Romney negotiated a retirement agreement with Bain Capital in 2002. The agreement was made retroactive to February 1999. The Boston Globe reported Thursday that a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 stated he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002.
  6. Sweet - what's the line on when Obama is going to quit using the 'inheritance' excuse, then? OK, so you don't know the difference between a function and its derivative.
  7. Get caught telling a lie at a Restore Honor rally.
  8. maybe you can all sell them and pay your debt to the Chinese Just let them try and collect. I think China can hurt us more than we can hurt them right now. Wal-Mart shelves will be empty!
  9. But good show from the right-wing spin machine. Next up, "why oil in the Gulf is really good for the marine wildlife." Nice try. WSJ Unfortunately, since Murdoch's group took over, the WSJ and the London Times have become about as reliable as Fox News.
  10. Why don't you post a link to every gun murder in the US every day, to provide a little balance?
  11. *Sounds* like a lot of leaded rifle/gun fire all over your country. Are you proud about this? No.
  12. How did this thread start? I give up on this thread.... Where are the believers? When I was young I watched us land on the moon. We had vision. We had esprit de corps. We were patriotic, fuck we believed in miracles!r Mars. Peace.......... Then Nixon killed it.
  13. I see, I don't understand the supremacy clause and you aren't willing to state it (because you don't understand it). Really? And here I thought the SCOTUS decided that is 1973 and is recognized as stare decisis. Abortion IS federally protected as per Roe v Wade, let's not be fundamental. Is it directly constitutional? No, but under the 14th Amendment it is. See, you're a typical conservative and if you like the way an issue has gone, it's thumbs up constitutional. If you disagree then it's an abomination to the Constitution. Sorry, both guns and abortion are constitutional, guns more directly. And you make my point about state's rights; connies want them to be supreme to the gov and libs want them subordinate to the fed. This is tired and age-old, but we know when small factions get too much power how shit goes and I'm just not an anarchist. SCOTUS erroneously decided that there was a Constitutional right to privacy (there isn't) If SCOTUS says there is, then there is.
  14. Where would you put a president who inherited a surplus, left a huge deficit, started an unnecessary war, couldn't put together a coherent sentence, and left the economy in tatters? I'd suggest 5th worst is being generous.
  15. Is that why Reagan granted mass amnesty? And both Bush and McCain wanted to.
  16. A sound byte without an audience is just an opinion. Or really bad prose. It isn't even original. Just plagiarized idiocy.
  17. Yep. Should have been done more than a month ago. Talk about criminal negligence.... Nearly two months ago And yet to be done More fun and games: "WASHINGTON – The panel appointed by President Barack Obama to investigate the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is short on technical expertise but long on talking publicly about "America's addiction to oil." One member has blogged about it regularly. Only one of the seven commissioners, the dean of Harvard's engineering and applied sciences school, has a prominent engineering background — but it's in optics and physics. Another is an environmental scientist with expertise in coastal areas and the after-effects of oil spills. Both are praised by other scientists. The five other commissioners are experts in policy and management." same oh same oh "SAME OLD..." Jeez! See previous comments about Dick Feynman. He wasn't criticized by Republicans though, no doubt because he was appointed by Reagan to the Presidential Commission.
  18. Dick Feynman was not a rocket scientist or engineer, but he did an OUTSTANDING job on the commission investigating the Challenger disaster. On the whole, your criticism is nonsense.
  19. It makes him an executed murderer who received the justice he earned. Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek"; Jesus, as quoted by Matthew.
  20. quoting absolute numbers against populations of such disparate sizes like that is exactly why nobody can trust the use of statistics any more. You have no credibility by quoting numbers like that. All you're hoping to do is troll up a pro-gun response, stir up some shit, and jack your post count. If we had a killfile feature to ignore posts from users, this would have earned you a spot in mine. UK pop 60M gun deaths 42 US pop 300M (approx) gun deaths >10,000 Population ratio 1:5 Gun death ratio 1:240 The reason you dislike his numbers is that they very strongly support his point rather than yours.
  21. Many natural born US citizens have difficulties with the English language too. Confusing "their", "there" and "they're". Confusing "your" and "you're" "He would of", "she could of". "Drouge" instead of "drogue". "Hault" instead of "halt" (OP) Then they whine about immigrants who don't learn English.
  22. All your post shows is that you can't tell the difference between "regulate" and "outlaw".
  23. Recycling steel (or most metals AFAIK) saves a considerable amount of energy over mining and proceessing ore. That's why scrap steel is worth more than iron ore. You save even more energy recycling aluminum. I suspect recycling the neodymium in hybrid motors is very cost effective too.
  24. Engines are steel. Steel is the number one recycled metal, and one of the top materials That is only because steel is the #1 used metal. In terms of % recycled, gold and platinum come out far higher.
  25. A bunch of LONG prison sentences for employers of illegals would be a whole lot more cost effective than finishing a 2000 mile fence.