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Everything posted by penniless

  1. Skyride was found culpable in the AZ lawsuit for good reason. IMO, ANY DZO who cooperates with Skyride is aiding and abetting their scummy and unethical behavior.
  2. I tried to find a hotel room in DC on Saturday night. There were none available, so I ended up driving the 4.5 hours back to our house in Roanoke. Let me repeat that: there were no hotel rooms available in the Washington DC metro area on Saturday night. In a city the size of DC, that doesn't happen from 10 or 20 thousand visitors.
  3. Priceless. The further we get into his Presidency, the further back the blame goes. That would be the expected behavior of time and calendars.
  4. I guess that excludes you from the set of "law abiding gun owners" then. If it were law rather than the base commanders rule than you'd have a point. . Isn't there something in the UCMJ about obeying orders? I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. Still wrong - an order is not the equivalent of state or federal law. The UCMJ has no standing in law? It certainly does - in MILITARY law. What part of "LAW abiding" do you not understand? What part of "military law has nothing to do with gun ownership" did YOU not understand? Seems to me that "Law abiding" includes abiding by military law, which in turn involves obeying rules established by superior officers. Isn't a base commander likely to be an O6?
  5. WTF, you mean even if Obama doesn't have a valid birth certificate he still qualifies as a natural born citizen? Why do we let these idiots waste our time? Actually I will seek clarification in that issue. How's the clarification coming along? While you're clarifying, maybe you could clarify who was on the team at Nationals with Rainbo and Gomez (you know, the team you claim didn't exist) You feeling the need to be banned? How is your statement related to the topic? Are you outraged and hurt that anyone would question the Obama Messiah? How about answering the question - how's the "clarification" coming?
  6. The same, of course, applies to other mythical supernatural creatures too. So which of the many mutually exclusive "gods" do you choose?
  8. The argument that Martian warming disproves anthropogenic global warming fails on two points - there is little empirical evidence that Mars is actually warming (IOW, you cherry pick) and Mars' climate is primarily driven by dust and albedo, not solar variations. Of some 100 measurable bodies in the solar system, only 6 show any evidence of warming, and some are cooling.
  9. It's a trademark, Vaseline needs a capital "V". Enquiring minds want to know why the Vaseline temperature is important to you
  10. Unfortunately, the graph itself disproves that, with the last few years showing rising CO2 and falling temp...unless we're now discussing global cooling? That must explain why the Arctic sea ice is now 2 standard deviations below its historic average, and 2009 looks set to equal the record low (set in 2007) since record keeping began. It must also explain why the top 10 warmest years since 1880 are (in order) 2005, 2007, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2003, 2004, 2001, 2008, 1997. (data accordng to NASA/GIST 2009) My my, all of them within the last 12 years out of 128.
  11. Yes, you're correct - I can't find any quotes where Clinton said he had any values. Did you finally buy a dictionary? I've always had one handy... reply] Why didn't you use it to look up "hypocrite" and "straw man" then, since these words seem to give you a lot of trouble?
  12. Good, you are out there looking! And the rbuttals will, and should keep coming because this science as today is far from settled, which is different than from those like billvon would have us believe... Tis a pity that Carlin is NOT a climatologist, isn't it?
  13. Should have thought of that before YOU joined in the thread drift (which started with post 9, btw - your participation in the drift was post 34), don't you think? Still sucks to be you....but keep making yourself look as silly as you want, I'm quite enjoying it. If the others had as long a record of whining about distractions as you have, I'd point out their hypocrisy too. Use of relevant / SC posts: Mnealtx: 47 /9873 - 0.47% Jerryzflies: 11/691 - 1.6% Looks like your whine ratio is 3 times mine.... So you are a post-whore. You are still guilty of criticizing others for the behavior you exhibit yourself.
  14. Bullshit. When the oil climbs to $3k per barrel, I suspect that it will be a reflection of the lack of sustainability of the supply. That whole thing about oil being what it's worth. t. Attitudes exactly like yours are what resulted in having to set up the Superfund to clean up toxic waste dumps like Love Canal. All the time you pollute without paying the costs, you are passing the real cost on to someone esle.
  15. Maybe you can show us EXACTLY WHERE in the article you quoted in the OP these were cited. Or are you blowing smoke again? Thanks a bunch.
  16. Is Mike not around? Maybe he's "hiking the Appalachian Trail".
  17. And those who frequently criticize others in SC for "diversion" while repeatedly doing it themselves. Take a look in the mirror. Truth hurt? Here, have a tissue. To quote mnealtx, "*yawn* Got anything RELEVANT to the thread? thx".
  18. And those who frequently criticize others in SC for "diversion" while repeatedly doing it themselves. Take a look in the mirror.
  19. Obama's already taken us from a 400B deficit to almost 2T... how much more unnecessary spending do you want? Unnecessary? Aren't you a conservative? War is always a justifiable means of spending money. Hell, under Bush we got to spend 500 billion dollars a year for 8 years on the national defense budget. That shit is totally ok when you can kill sand people! I bet Obama could easily make that 600 bil a year on Afghanistan alone. Whos with me? The defense budget isn't discretionary spending - nice strawman, though. First it was "hypocrite";search_string=dictionary;#3594975 Now "strawman". Please invest in a dictionary.
  20. Another poll for you
  21. The junker has to have been continuously insured BY YOU for the 12 preceding months.
  22. Don't you ever stop whining? Every president has used the media.
  23. *yawn* Got anything RELEVANT to the thread? thx. So you ARE claiming that the recession isnot relevant to unemployment. That is completely asinine. I guess that means we can all ignore anything further that you have to say about the subject. Have a nice day.
  24. I suggest you look up "hypocrite" in the dictionary, as you seem quite unclear on the concept. Here's a little hint: It doesn't mean putting your foot in your mouth.