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Everything posted by efs4ever

  1. , 6 jumps at Dollar Daze; no this week. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  2. Yes. It's in the form of a "multi-tool" and it's in my "man bag" (tote bag full O my chit )
  3. HUMPS, JUMPS, [BEER] OWED. , Zip. Nada. Couch Freaks next weekend. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  4. I've had a lot of cars over the years. Lemmon with a GM in 78 and problems with Toyota and VW in the past. I love my FORDS. For one thing, when you are on the road, there's a FORD dealer in every town, in case you have to get a fixit. Womfish now has 309,000 miles.
  5. I dunno. I watched BADMITON between gold and silver Chinese women. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  6. Virgin until jump 413 I had 413 jumps when duty called. The choice was easy. After the chop, though, the BIG ring flopped into view and I went for it instead of the RC. Then the reserve pilot chute jumped onto my back and near the bent coat hanger wire that was my "ring site". In thirty years, then, I've had 10, including three round reserve rides and six tandems. Haven't had on on my personal rig in over a dozen years. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  7. H. Town. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  8. It aint me. Probably a powered para glider. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  9. ...has carnal knowledge of TSp to know that fact. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  10. I thought you had done that type of gig before already. none the less, congrats man. hows the hand cam tandem video look??? It's the first time I was hired by a DZ to do handcam after the regular video guy blew up his canopy. I've done em before, but mostly practice. Pictures later because I have to get to my real job. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  11. , 12 Cessna 182 (Narrow Body) tandems, for first gig as an independent TI with gear and hand-cam. for first "paid" gig doing hand-cam. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  12. Humps, Jumps and owed. , 1, no owed this weekend. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  13. And Wisky for yer "saver" Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  14. "Why do some jumpers think it is okay to lean on others in the jump plane?" Cuz it IS. Unless it's someone's elbow on your shin. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  15. Dam. Reviewing the old "profile" and see this dead thread. Bump. You Palatka folks will be in the Womfish slide show now. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  16. O? Having some profound thoughts today??? I am, as my profile states. (In direct response to the question, "Who are You?") (I better get a "hump" this weekend to be consistent.) Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  17. efs4ever

    RSL on Tandems

    I have six chops on tandems in 1,610 jumps: three with rsl only and three with rsl/skyhook. Skyhook is radically better... no chance to get your feet up in the air in the reserve lines. Try it. You'll LIKE it. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  18. So is it true that guys don't like to brag about or show off their significant others to other guys? If not...why? Here's a photo of my SO, Harleygirl and Mark Klingelhoefer at the UPT factory July 7, 2008. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  19. efs4ever

    Cat Picture

    Love em or hate em.... Cats are cool. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  20. Discussed in another thread, but I'll add my .02. I have three chops with RSL and NO Skyhook and three with Skyhook. Skyhook deploys reserve before you can get into a "legs in the lines" position. Amen. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  21. efs4ever

    RSL on Tandems

    I have six tandem chops. All with RSLs. Three without skyhook and three with. I'll go with RSL / Skyhook. I even added it to my personal rig. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  22. I've owned my own Sigma rig since October 2000. Recently I went to the factory and took delivery of a Micro Sigma with an SG 340 canopy inside. WOW. I'm the meat missle on all jumps, so I was a bit concerned about the most recent down size. (I started with an EZ 425 => SG 395 => SG 370 and finally to SG 340) I've jumped 490 pounds on it, and the flare was smooth as glass to a nice soft slide The 370 feels like a SLUG now. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com
  23. Thank Gawd I'm not on the bird when it lands. Russell M. Webb D 7014 Attorney at Law 713 385 5676 https://www.tdcparole.com