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Everything posted by quade

  1. You do realize it's possible to think a person is qualified for one job, but unqualified for one with more responsibilities; yes? quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  2. You literally do not know the difference between a fake and legitimate source of news; do you? quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  3. Explain why you believe it's funny that the Trump administration wants to no longer care about White Supremacist groups. Seriously. That is a mentally unstable position (his not yours, I assume you think this is just funny without even thinking about it). quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  4. Emphasis mine. Source and more: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-extremists-program-exclusiv-idUSKBN15G5VO Okay, if there was ever an indication of the upcoming Trump version of Kristallnacht, I think this is it. Holy shit. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  5. The answer is . . . of course they will. They'll roll over and do it in a heartbeat and say it was the "only" option they had so the Senate could go about its business of filling the seat for which they have a sacred duty to fill as quickly as possible with the President's choice. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  6. Colbert needs to bring back his "On Notice" board for this. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  7. https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/01/31/arrested-russian-fsb-agents-allegedly-passed-information-to-cia-trump-putin/?utm_content=buffer381cf&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Worth a read. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  8. This one is pretty easy to understand. Saudi Arabia is Sunni. The "King" of Saudi Arabia controls the government via it's very strict interpretation of the Sunni faction of the religion. KSA is a MAJOR funder of terrorist who attack any faction who isn't Sunni, for instance, Shia. Since the US acts as a proxy for KSA in a number of military operations (okay, let's just flat out say it, we're mercenaries for them), it's perfectly understandable for pretty much anyone outside of KSA, but especially Shia to chant, "Death to America." Attached is a map of the Middle East with areas shown of majority faction control. As you can see, it's a fucking mess, but general lines can be drawn around the major areas of who gets along with whom just based on the Sunni / Shia split. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  9. Con-men pretty much ALWAYS appeal to the worst in people. It's part of the psychology of running a good con. The flattery, telling people what they want to hear, appealing to their greed, telling people only the con-man can solve their problems. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  10. I blame the media on this one, right, left, center, the whole of it for in the last 15 or so years being unable to educate the American people. Hell, most people in the US would not be able to tell you the difference between Shia and Sunni. As far as most people in the US are concerned, every Muslim is the same. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  11. But, but, but . . . emails. There is a faction of the population which, for all their talk about not being "sheeple," can be lead around by the nose by emotional stories which fit their narrative. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  12. I would. It's not like he's actually writing them. All he's doing is asking lawyers to do the work and then signing them. Hell, he's not even doing the basic work of figuring out if they're legal. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  13. Apparently you aren't a rocket scientist. It also appears he didn't read the report published by the 9/11 commission. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  14. Lust is too easy. Just takes the right triggers and boom. Love is a process that takes time. No question that lust can turn into a strong enough and lasting love for a few lucky people. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  15. Great. Just write two regulations to be one. Problem solved. Oh, wait, it does nothing whatsoever. The actual number of regulations isn't the issue. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  16. I'm not convinced that is run by actual staff members. I think the permanent staff is too professional. I think the staff brought in by Trump is made up of sycophants. It just doesn't look right. I dunno. Maybe one of the tour guides? But, yes, I've been reading it nonetheless just to keep an eye on it. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  17. Remember shortly after 9/11 when all over the US a question was asked, "why do they hate us?" Please read your words I've quoted. THAT is why. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  18. Nothing to do with that. You've obviously missed several things that have gone on in Russia in the last couple of days; members of Kasperski Labs getting arrested, a member of the FSB being arrested, this FSB guy getting killed. Speculation is Putin will shortly say something to the effect of, "yes, something with 'rogue agents' happened, but it was unauthorized and has been taken care of." Is there something in that story related to Russian spying on the US and trump-showers, etc? Or is that just a Putin shakedown for bribes, payoffs and compliance with his kleptocracy? Well, I have an ex-CIA officer (recently ex) who is telling me it's related and agrees with the hypothesis I posted above. Doesn't mean it's a fact, but a reasonable assumption. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  19. Far too soon to tell. Scenarios run the gamut from him never leaving office ala Putin to nuclear holocaust. The best we can hope for is what I've always hoped for since he announced his candidacy and some R adults will step up and get rid of him. Sadly, they didn't do that when they had the chance and now I think they're beginning to understand the issues. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  20. I have a funny feeling some CBP agents aren't going to listen until forced to. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  21. This is what happens when people think they have the answers to all the world's problems and if they just flip a switch everything would fall into place. Fools never think of second and third order effects. The world if FAR too complex for simple switch flip. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  22. When a bully says he's going to beat up a weaker kid, I do not admire him for following through with it. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  23. In response to part one of this. No. The media haven't been going ape shit over it. He has. He fired the first shot by personally picking up the phone and calling the National Park Service to shut down a simple retweet. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/26/us/politics/trump-inauguration-crowd-size-park-chief.html?_r=0 Then he sent Spicer into the briefing room to lie about the size of the crowd. Like with many things which have gotten numerous Presidents in trouble with the press, it has less to do with the thing and far more to do with the lies about it. If the press can't trust the President and his spokesmen to tell the truth on simple things, then how can they trust him to tell the truth about the difficult things? As for the second part, you must be reading different press than I am. The cabinet picks have in no way "gone under the radar." quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  24. That's like saying you'd be happy if some thug promised to rape your wife and then did. Oh look, he carried out his promise, like them or not. That's ridiculous. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  25. This is true. The word "malignant" in the diagnosis of "malignant narcissism" changes the meaning significantly. I'm trying to wrap my head around what is "non-malignant narcissism." Okay, I think one might make a case for say, Tony Stark, but then again he's a comic book hero. I just don't see how the real world position of President of the United States can be held by someone on the scale of narcissism Trump has demonstrated so far and for it to be a good thing. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver