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Everything posted by swilson

  1. Um. Jeg ser problemet. 6:00 er kl. 06:00, ikke sant? Du skulle har hatt kaffe og frokost klar...
  2. Our bodies are wired to respond to hypercarbia by increasing the breathing rate and triggering other muscle responses in an effort to correct the situation, resulting in panic and distress (our suffocation response). The body has no such response to hypoxia. I have been hypoxic on a 23k foot skydive, and there was no distress. If you watch Skyrad's link from 32 minutes on (or any other hypobaric chamber test), there is no distress. At 42 minutes in Skyrad's link, there was a test with pigs, comparing CO2 to nitrogen. CO2, predictably, caused distress, while nitrogen did not.
  3. I'm not interested in arguing for or against the death penalty, or whether the death penalty is warranted in this case. The need to use "untested" drugs to replace pentobarbital is the interesting bit. Can anyone explain why, when the regular drugs are no longer available, the sentence cannot be carried out using other methods that are known to be effective? For example, a regular mask, with 100% nitrogen will achieve the same result. It costs very nearly nothing and it's very effective and humane. Assuming the act takes place in a well-ventilated room, when the sentence has been carried out, just turn off the gas and wait a few minutes, and a simple measuring instrument will tell you when the oxygen level in the room is safe; there are no toxic residual gases. Is it because it's too simple? Serious question.
  4. How handy are you with electronics? Can you (or someone you know) write a little software to upload data from a logger? A simple Type J or Type K thermocouple is cheap; both measure quite accurately well below "brass balls" temperatures. Hook it up to a readily available USB logger and you're set. A quick search showed that for under $100 including the thermocouple, this should do the trick: http://www.microdaq.com/lascar/temperature/usb-thermocouple-logger.php You may be able to find similar solutions for cheaper if you spend a bit of time looking. Search for "USB thermocouple logger".
  5. I see a potentially "interesting" opening, depending on how solidly the flag is attached to his feet. Someone should make sure he has rear-facing video. A good example of Booth's Law in action...
  6. It makes chronological sorting much easier...
  7. People trying to sound articulate and important with "Bob and myself will ...". You just sound stupid.
  8. Sometimes the difference between China and Norway isn't all that clear...
  9. I'm, curious, but haven't looked this up: How does Canada's contribution compare to, say, Scandinavian countries which have roughly similar climates, economies and standards of living? Scandinavia produces an enormous amount of hydroelectricity, and a great deal of their heating is electric, so I would expect them to have a far smaller "heating" pollution level from hydrocarbons per capita than Canada. However, there is a lot of domestic wood-fired heating, so there is still pollution, most likely with a higher particulate loading than for the same amount of heat with hydrocarbons. They also have enormous gas fields just off shore, but don't use any of it; it all gets shipped to mainland Europe.
  10. I almost cut away from a CF2 149 loaded 1.4 that collapsed and spun up at 1800' or so. Friend and I were flying beside each other, he *touched* one corner of the canopy with his foot and it tucked under, throwing the canopy into a violent spin. Fun times. If it were loaded heavier, I don't think it would have been a problem.
  11. The S90 is much more pocketable than the G10, and still has excellent picture quality.
  12. "Current water depth" takes on a whole new meaning...
  13. You're joking, right Squeak? Have you heard any verifiable (i.e. not third-hand) cases of engines being damaged by a properly selected and appropriate synthetic oil? I never have. What does the age or the design have to do with whether or not you can use a synthetic oil? The fact that the synthetics we have today weren't available then, has nothing to do with whether you can use them or not. It "wasn't designed for it" simply because they weren't available. As long as you use an oil with the same viscosity and a similar or better service rating, the synthetics lubricate better than any of the conventional oils and are more stable with respect to heat and oxidation (a definite plus with air-cooled engines). What you are likely to find with a good synthetic is that the engine will run slightly cooler due to enhanced lubricity, which is a good thing in my books, regardless of whether the engine was designed and built in the 1930s or currently. Find a good synthetic like Amsoil and be happy. It is definitely not as cheap as conventional oils, but your bike will love you for it.
  14. Your profile indicates you are in Edmonton. Go to Eden North and talk to Rich. He's Czech, and would be more than happy to teach you anything you want to know about accuracy if you are willing to listen and accept constructive criticism. I don't know you and don't presume to know what kind of a person you are, but he can come across as a bit stern, and if you act like an idiot or do too much dumb stuff, he probably won't want to talk to you. He also likes good beer. Czech if you can find it. Tell him Shawn says hi.
  15. Yup, but that is Andreas in the picture.
  16. just think... make pins that scream as the ball approaches and bleed when knocked down and you'd revolutionize the bowling industry They already have those. They're called football (soccer) players.
  17. Don't give up so easily. The boy with the mullet is good cougar bait...
  18. A more informative metic might be canopy model and wingloading, instead of size.
  19. You know that Dyneema is just DSM's trademarked name for spectra, right? It's still UHMWPE. Probably just treated differently than typical skydiving line...
  20. Well, that has not been my experience. With only one exception, I've dated some GREAT guys. The single most powerful thing that attracted me to my ex was that he was so very, very nice. I don't want to be treated like crap - I've never been attracted to jerks. I don't think there is a lack of good guys.. But it's hard (for anyone) to find a good match. It's an entirely different thing. It's been mathematically proven that moving to London certainly didn't make it any easier for you: Why dating is difficult in New York or London
  21. Tie the slider to the links. Speeds up the openings, and it's simple and fast to reconfigure because you don't have to change sliders. You're going to want to flare your suit to bleed off a bunch of speed before you pull though... Seriously, the simplest and best solution is to buy a second wingsuit-appropriate canopy with its own risers, bag and a proper wingsuit bridle. It only takes an extra 5 minutes to switch canopies if the container's already open. The above suggestions for 7 cells are great, I have a Sabre 135 with probably 1500 jumps that opens great, is dead-stable in linetwists, and cost next to nothing.
  22. You're not blind. The two links on the left hand side each have 4 lines, and the two on the right hand side each have 5. The links and line groups don't correspond with the holes and writing in the link card.
  23. Damn Ron. You're lucky you didn't lose a finger or two to that thing! Looks pretty dangerous, and it may have even been venomous.