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Everything posted by Kimblair13

  1. My allergies are really bad. Did anyone watch survivor last night? It was fucking awesome...Shane totally got stabbed in the back! 3 times! Muah ha ha haaaa.
  2. Got mine Monday! It's AWESOME! THANKS VSE!
  3. I just bought one from $169 I think including shipping.
  4. Dude I think the Alien shit is in your leg.
  5. Which systems would these be? PM me if you don't want to say on here.
  6. LOL. Hahahahaha. LOL. (Fart) LOL. Hahaha. (Burp) LOL. OK...I'm done.
  7. Words from the street are sometimes just big fatty lies!
  8. I AM the Blair Witch! Muah ha ha haaaaa.
  9. Word on the street is that it was super windy and not much got done. But...Stu S did get Pro qualified. Yeah for Stuey!
  10. Alright, April is OVER! What are your totals for the month? Mine seemed kinda slow towards the beginning. I think cuz I was gone in Hawaii for the 1st week not jumping. But... 62 total jumps for me.
  11. :18: Pretty windy. But not that bad.
  12. What major airport is closest to the DZ? (to fly into)
  13. You are freakin (In Supertrooper cop voice)
  14. :12: 11 tandems and one practice video jump. Got my 2nd save. Saw a S/L student land in trees. Got my camera helmet put together. ...WEIRD weekend overall.
  15. So...what allergy medicine do you use and do you think it works well? What kinds have you tried that DON'T work?
  16. Clickity Click Click Clickitstan. Nice pics.
  17. Here's some. There from a vid so not the best quality.
  18. The manufacturer recommended one, duh.
  19. Mine is going to be sooo much better than yours! Nanner nanner nanner. I wish I could see it now!