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Everything posted by Andrewwhyte

  1. The guy makes Rick Perry look like a STAR.
  2. Dave McCullough from Edmonton Skydive Centre took a paraplegic guy on 100 tandems. The 100th jump was done in Eloy from Burner's balloon circa 2003.
  3. There is no before time, it does not have a beginning. This premise was interesting during Lewis's day, before people like Einstein and Hawking taught us a better understanding (or, more accurately, taught those with a much better grasp of math than myself) of the nature of time. Time compresses just like space in certain energy neighbourhoods so concepts like "always was" or "the beginning of time" which depend upon a linear progression of time simply have no solution.
  4. What is the connection with Alzheimer's?
  5. 1. Be old enough (18 yrs old in many places, 16 in others, less elsewhere) 2. Not be morbidly obese. 3. Have the fee in cash or commonly recognised credit card.
  6. Sounds to me like you are bringing your kid in to eat from your colleague's rice bowl.
  7. What is the connection with Alzheimer's?
  8. Actually party members do not vote at Canadian conventions, designated electors (delegates) do. The principle differences between that and the US system is that the delegates are nominated in a riding (electoral district) by riding basis, and that they are not committed. I have been to a nominating meeting where the delegates stood up and promised to support a given candidate on the first ballot, but since it is a secret ballot they could be unfaithful. Provincial parties have in some cases moved away from the convention model and begun electing leaders directly. Here in Alberta the ruling Progressive Conservative party elects their leader on a run off system. All party members vote in the first ballot. The votes are tabulated and the run off ballot is held with the top three candidates from the first ballot being listed on the second one. The two times this has happened the third place candidate has come up the middle. The first time it happened the candidates were: 1. Big Oil 2. Christian Right and 3. Rural Guy. Between the first and second vote the left of the province encouraged their supporters to join the party to keep the religious guy out. It worked and Rural Guy won. The second time our current premier was selected after coming in third on the first vote. The candidates were less ideologically distinct, but the choice did move to the centre. So getting back to the OP's point about the parties nominating right/left wing candidates that are not palatable to the general electorate, run off ballots may be something to consider. France of course does this in Presidential elections.
  9. Well it seems your premise is that the presence of a poorly paid working class is the key to a prosperous middle class. The solution seems obvious, no? Simply roll back the labour standards, remove all social safety benefits for the working class and voila, you have your low cost labour class once again. The other solution is to stop persecuting manufacuters who bring in low cost labour from other countries. Mexico is good, but the real savings is from smuggling workers in from Hunan Province. Of course you did mention the problem of overpaid engineers and other middle class types. The real answer there of course is to get them to recognize that $40K is a middle class wage (gotta get the workers down to about $5K first). Sounds like Gingrich is your guy.
  10. Agreed. Remember when he got elected. His first act was to order the closure of the war crimes committing Guantanamo Bay prison. That was, to him the most important thing to do on his first day. He has been a complete failure. Ron Paul is the only candidate out there that would actually act to protect the rights of the citizens. He will not win, and if he did I suspect he would be assassinated. I really don't understand why Obama did not jump on this one as an election item. I do think a good PR team could give it legs with the great Jersey Shore watching unwashed.
  11. Not just doing the same thing, but expanding it. And isn't it also humorous how the liberals who squawked so loudly against Bush's Patriot Act, now sit as meek and quietly as little mice, without so much as a squeak in objection, when a president from their own party does it. It would seem that it's not really liberty that they care about, but rather just power for their own party. What is sad John is that you find the denigration of your rights humorous just because the other side looks bad.
  12. Obama is a secret Muslim who was born in Kenya.
  13. I can just see Dale playing the role, big enthusiastic smile on her face.
  14. So the first link has a cool colour coded map of the US with the expected kwh/m3 values. How come Maine, Michigan and Puget sound are purple. The index doesn't even list purple.
  15. The US armed the Mujahideen. That turned out well, didn't it?
  16. Kind of a 'grass is always greener' thing. I was discussing Mugabe with a Zimbabwean friend about five years ago. He said, "I wish we had oil, then the US would invade us."
  17. Where do you get that? They don't like Americans (or Canadians) but that hardly qualifies them as a 'closed' society. People come and go as they please as far as I can tell.
  18. Oh, that's cuz there's a dog-fight going on to pick the candidates. It's the political equivalent of the military-industrial complex, if you see my point. Yup.
  19. At this point in time America is in a dog-fight of a Presidential campaign. It would be "pathetic" if there was no political talk in posts. From the rest of the world's point of view the US is always in either a dog-fight of a Presidential campaign or a dog-fight of a mid-term congressional campaign which is presented as a referendum on the presidential term. The election is ten months away, the candidates are not even determined yet. The US is as far away from an election as they ever are. I am beginning to believe that this has become a weakness of the American system. The pols need to spend less time being pols and more time being statesmen.
  20. Holy Crap what a great game tonight! Regulation just ended. About 40 shots each and it's 1-1. Both goalies are beyond belief.
  21. The Sweden Russia game was great last night. Either of those teams will be tough. Likely Canada will have to beat them both.
  22. Native Americans are neither red skinned nor Indian.
  23. Swooping was pushing the envelope when The boys were swooping the ditch with their PD 170s. Swooping was pushing the envelope when the first blindman was executed. Swooping is pushing the envelope as the competitive athletes try new planforms and higher wingloadings. Is swooping pushing the envelope when I pull a 270 loaded at 1.95:1? Not so much. Can it still get me dead? Yup.