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Everything posted by loumeinhart

  1. I looked for old threads but they got off track fast and didn't answer my question. If an airplane is pressurized, why is the cabin pressure still less than on the ground? Also deep underwater, is the pressure greater because of the water weight? So if I put a submarine in my backyard and set a skyscraper filled with cement on top of it, would the pressure be greater inside? My gf studies the ear in school so we were talking last night and I have no clue...
  2. Great post. I knew that the unemployment rate as a percentage is much more complex but not to that degree. You said it's an I want to understand the second part of that, do you mean the fundamental balances caused the real problems and they should be preserved?
  3. I can't but some will argue that the assets will be purchased, production will continue and a new company will prosper. I would certainly buy stock in a company that did so.
  4. Of course they are. Let me know when sales are down 70-80% I don't deny the recession many people close to me are having trouble. I also have friends and family who are doing good and in fact getting better jobs. I'm so sick of the bleak doom/gloom and the whining, bitching and the complaining. As far as I see it everyone has 2 options: 1. Compete 2. Go to the government for help This is extremely off topic but again. Until people throw away their cellphones to pay for food, I don't buy this shit.
  5. We are nowhere near a collapse. I'm no economist but even with a 10% unemployment rate that means that 90% of Americans are working right? I don't see bread lines.. I see lines for Wii's, iphones, tv's, fastfood, and all I hear is $advertising$ on the radio from internet get-rich schemes to the local mattress factory. When I have to get in line for bread then I will worry :)
  6. I certainly agree with you. I used 2 local tool/die plants that did near 100% automotive as an example for my argument.
  7. I see your point but this is why I think you're wrong, example: There are (were) several tool/die companies in NE Ohio for which auto has always been a big customer. exhaust pipe molds, AC vents. etc.. stuff that is cheaper here in the US because of shipping costs. The small business my Dad works for saw this coming and stopped bidding on auto. They are getting into different markets and are struggling but staying alive. 2 huge local machine companies just shut their doors because their main customers were auto. So 2 things 1. It already IS happening (suppliers shutting down) 2. The only thing constant is change, if you are a trucker or packager you have to sell to someone who will buy your product or service. Auto companies or not.
  8. so it takes a female officer to tell the difference between right and wrong?
  9. free market. Compete. Kill more buffalo than the next guy. If you can't kill buffalo then sharpen your skills, sharpen your spear, and spend more time on the range. The legislature can influance the market to a point but the world economy is much much bigger than any one man/president.
  10. I don't get this.. can you explain? My understanding is corporate tax cuts free some capital for growth/hiring yes even purchasing labor in overseas markets in order to compete. Want to buy american? Then pay $1280 for your cell phone instead of $150.
  11. God bless you both. If it weren't for you, I'd actually have to pay taxes.
  12. That's what I think is funny. I ask my friends why they voted for him they say "beCAUSE.. man.. he's gonna make it BETTER man... For God sake I would have respect for someone who said "I voted for Barack Obama because I believe in spending, trickle-up, talks without conditions, and raising capital gains tax."
  13. Dave, I think it's hillarious. None of my friends that voted for Obama agree with or support the Iraq War. Now they're confused about a long-term security force and possible Afghanistan surge under the new administration. Imagine how code pink feels.
  14. T minus 5 until someone googles "us dollar monetary history printing" then posts and sounds like they know what they're talking about
  15. Good for you. I simply believe that I'm not entitled to healthcare or anything for that matter. Would I take advantage of it? Maybe. I would also want the option of keeping my private insurance because I trust my doctor over the government.
  16. I know plenty of 'average' people who can afford health insurance. I disagree with this. Most hospitals will take payments on any amount and cannot deny care. I agree with you on the part about giving money to other countries. There are p-l-e-n-t-y I mean thousands of charities worldwide. No need to take my tax $
  17. you beat me to it. I've got some friends from there and that's what they say
  18. But the best care is here in the US. You just have to pay for it.
  19. QuoteThey are entitled to emergency health care. No one should be turned away when they are dangerously sick or injured because of their inability to pay.Quote I agree. They then are billed for services rendered.
  20. I see your point, but I believe what you pay actually is or contributes to the market price. supply/demand