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Everything posted by loumeinhart

  1. Dude, do you think the slow drooling kid that sat behind you in 6th grade homeroom could be an astronaught? NO! So why then is it a lie?? It's pretty fucking obvious that he cannot be an astonaught OR president. DUHH. Is that a "BIG LIE" like quade says? NO! it's NOT!
  2. Quadizzle you mean well but you are terribly misguided. I'm goin to ask you questions about your above statement. Respond .. or not. 1. Who are the super rich (Larry Kellner, Sean Penn, Dave Mathews, Bill Gates, Ursula Burns, Justin Timberlake, ).. what do these guys/gals owe society in addition to the millions in taxes and charities that they already pay? 2. What ever happened to the 'rich guy' you used to work for? Why aren't you still working for him? Get a clue and a grip. Entrepreneurship is discouraged under your point of view yet its the very thing that creates jobs and wealth. The communist party has a spot for you on their rossiter. Join them, then report back in 10 years and let us all know how it works out for you. By the way the OP was Min Wage. What's youre minimum wage?
  3. Hate to break it to you, but that's a load of shit.
  4. Don't let me get your panties bunched up. I threw in my .02 on the sabre2 recovery arc. If you don't like what I said then you and the other guy from the Netherlands don't ever have to jump with me.
  5. I fly a sabre2 loaded at 1.7 and it scares the jesus out of me. I am doing 180's plus or minus depending on the setup. She is solid in both regular flight and the turn. The recovery arc is somewhat flyable and I'm having a blast swooping it. This is my .02 but I've never jumped a Pilot.
  6. good for you. I think it's inconsiderate and a safety hazard. Where else does one throw a cigarette onto an internal combustion engine ?
  7. It's happened to me 3 times this season. Next time I'm going pull them over with my little ex500, light a match and toss it through the car window onto their lap. Seriuosly I know people flick their expired butts and assured clear distance has to be maintained but I just don't get it!
  8. It's amazing what I see on a motorcycle. I started riding last summer using my bike for work. On the freeway I notice speed differentials, swerving and can see people shifting and moving in their car like their walking around their house or something. It has made me more aware as a motorist. I've seen weird shit on the youngstown-akron commute like cars throwing meaningless signals and the speed varying 20mph +/- constantly! If I ever go to jail for assault it will be because I ran some motherfucker down for flicking a cigarrette butt out at me.
  9. that's actually it. I mean he was voted in fair and square. Anyways, I visited Alfranken.com and found some things, -he's not opposed to offshore drilling -he's opposed to raising the federal gas tax -then I found this on credit cards. Quade would probly like it Not a big issue for me because I don't spend more than I earn. -universal healthcare -co sponsors EFCA so Instructors at every dropzone can organize without harrasment and form a union for better pay!! ok so I answered my question. He appears deeply misguided on many things but I'm sure his heart is in the right place.
  10. because he is an Actor who now has power to vote and influence policy in a country that is monumental in dictating and enforcing policy between developing nations and their peers. Don't think so? Pick up a National Geographic Magazine and tell me what you think...
  11. I learned both ways. s/l student at age 17. 4 jumps with practice pulls, a few more each with a longer delay. -girlfriend- Years later I did AFF split between 2 dropzones. I wanted to inquire about re-training s/l method but I didn't speak up. s/l would be offered and advertised if I were a dzo. It's less expensive, it's a solo jump, I think it's more fun, I don't think it's less safe.
  12. One concept to fix the US economy is to let the free market work.
  13. Education - "No child left behind" operating on the flawed idea that everyone is equal. I'll admit the problems are largely lack of parental involvement except when you want to hold the kid back and they threaten to sue. Not everyone needs to go to college yet the whole system is setup for just that. More trade and manual labor skills need to be offered to those that may be great with their hands, but may not be able to master high level calculus. Quote awesome! Look, the constitution is pretty and all but we have no rights. Seriously people you are all fucking morons if you believe in "Rights". If the planet goes to shit tomorrow and our soil becomes occupied by China, Iran and Russia, then what rights do we fucking have? President Obama is a Pussy and will roll on his back like a sick dog. Sorry, but that's how it is.
  14. ehhem. who else? Name 10 others. Universal Studios? Target? Amazon.com? Microsoft?
  15. To all of you idiots ( no PA - look up Idiot) that think Federal Healthcare is a good idea... What else has the Federal Government done such a good job at? VA hospitals? Free clinics? Government Housing? Jobs? You can take and keep your shitpoor government programs including this awesome new "healtchare for everyone!" I'm going to compete with the population, earn a modest living, and pay for my own healthcare. Sorry most of you whining crybabys can't, I'm stronger than you. Oh yea, healthcare is NOT a fundamental right. Only people who can't compete say that. See what rights you have stranded in the fucking desert dying of thirst. How about don't have kids if you don't have health insurance? That's brilliant isn't it?
  16. Jesus Christ. The last few dvds I rented from Blockbuster Video have been skipping. I think the government should buy out Blockbuster Video. I want to rent movies from the government.
  17. I took those guys out of my contact list when tom green went off the air
  18. I listen to his radio show and catch the TV show when I can. His lack of 'polish' that most commentators have is refreshing and genuine. I will continue to watch/listen until the fairness doctrine is in place.
  19. I have a question. If you come straight down in zero wind.. is that a sink or stall? I'm thinking in terms of the wing/airfoil, I know you can't do that with a glider right?
  20. Yea, a collection company will pick and choose certain debt to buy or collect on a commission structure. But if you walk away from $10,000 and never answer your phone, no-body makes money on your debt. In fact, you just made $10,000.
  21. You're right. It's in the disclosure. Duh. If you want the cost of unsecured credit (interest rate) to never change, simply get a fixed-rate personal signature loan. Seriously, read an entire credit card disclosure.. you will re-think your decision to get one.
  22. Some special about Internet privacy and employers? Swear I saw a dz forum page with the dropzone.com header on top..
  23. My take Banks that extend unsecured credit securitize and sell the debt. A single account is just a cog in the big machine. However, each account was originated independently based on many things. Each account can also be modified or closed based on many things. This is in writing and is verbally read if you are on the phone To me, this is like the feds telling Burger King what to charge for fries. My credit card is an agreement between me and the bank, not me, the government, and the bank. parents/local schools should do their best in educating youth with things like this and to be wary of offers and read disclosures. Who the hell else is going to front you $5,000 with no collateral then let you literally walk away/not pay for the small price of some harassing phone calls and a credit ding! seeya