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Everything posted by loumeinhart

  1. I can't wait to see that 737 outfitted with electric motors just humming through the sky!!
  2. Oil is involved in roughly 80% of all manufacturing worldwide. It's in everything. plastics/polymers/air travel/food production/communication/robotics/healthcare/ you name it. How the fuck am I "addicted" to oil? Because I like the rubber case on my Iphone? My 05Malibu? My sabre2 parachute? My FOX 285? My TV? My furnace heating my house? My waterproof boots? My watch? Oil is in everything and if Obama wants to "get out of oil" then he should simply sign legislation to make oil illegal in the US. !!
  3. Uh I disagree with you.. We were in Iraq long before the prices spiked to 140/barrel in late 08 then instantly tanked. I'm a FIRM believer in demand dictating price. I agree with you that instablilty in a region that supplies oil (iraq war) can increase price but what I'm interested in is what Obama Admin is going to do when the price goes back up. And I think you and I agree.. Profit Tax and some kind of cash-for-gas-guzzlers program.
  4. I agree, some sort of new tax on oil companies. Can we tax all companies that are selling here or only local US companies like Chevron, Crown Central, Devon, etc wait I'm confusing myself. Can we tax BP? Or is it just a sales tax.. or can we impose a sales tax on anyone selling petro here but only impose a corporate tax on US-based companies? help me!!
  5. That would be tough because the oil price plummeted during the last few months of the Bush Admin.
  6. Economy/Futures experts agree that as the world economy recovers so will demand for oil. When gas was close to 5/gallon here in Ohio politicians were in an uproar over Evil Big Oil and were proposing windfall profits taxes etc etc.. IF gas approaches 5/gallon in the next 3 years, what will Obama Admin do? -A subsidised gas voucher program? -A tax on oil profits? -Nothing? -More stimulas for hybrid/electric car purchases? --anything else you can think of?
  7. Because he's handsome and well spoken. "Jobs saved" is complete bullshit. If the economy shows signs of growth then I could say it would have came back on it's own anyway. After all the economy IS cyclical. I'm interested in the retail numbers for the upcoming holidays and also 4th quarter..
  8. Don't include me in your post. I'm a conservative but I wasn't celebrating the final vote. The games are fun to watch and provide an abundance of business for local community, but they don't actually do shit for my life.
  9. Who the fuck raised you? Also remind me to never board a jump plane with you. I'm a registered Republican because I believe in personal responsibility, free market, and small government. eat shit, I'm not autistic. Lou mods...have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Playing piano is about 85% of my income and I don't do anything different. I don't wear gloves. I landed hard at around 50 jumps and banged my left wrist pretty good. I can feel it click sometimes if I'm comping with my left hand. My fingers/wrists feel like they are worked harder from packing rather then jumping. And don't let anyone request piano man!
  11. +1. Doctor/Patient relationship. Done. Competition/market forces in the rawest form. Get government the hell out of the way and let me haggle with someone. My girlfriend had a bad valve stem on her tire and I was on the phone with 3 different tire places within 5 miles. I went with the best price. We weren't desperate and could weigh our options. The other night I needed bug spray bad and there was only one gas station around. I payed dearly for the bugspray. I was happy to just get it. Supply and demand. - it applies to every single transaction that takes place on the planet earth.. and it would work with healthcare. Representative Paul Ryan has some good stuff to say on the doctor/patient plan.
  12. Well we just disagree. I happen to believe that a viable company is not going to pay any employee more than they're worth, including the CEO. Then again I can't believe Jim Brickman sells CD's.
  13. Yea but he is. If he's a crook then he will most likely be found out. If he is making the shareholders money then he is worth whatever they are willing to pay him. This cracks me up like people saying "My house is worth x because of this that and the other.." In reality your house is worth the most that you can sell it for.
  14. +1 and it's not often that Billyawn and I agree.
  15. Dreamweaver thinks that CEO's should make 30k/yr. Because then it would be .. fair.
  16. Sorry Kellogs, mnealtx is right. Why don't you take a walk through the south side of Chicago. When you get approached for your wallet tell them "fuck off I have rights!"
  17. I simply want to know what amount super-rich people should pay (according to Quade) in addition to what they're paying now. It's not rocketscience. No one can give me figure. Can you give me a figure? Am I misguided? Maybe I am. Quade doesn't have a clue or a grip because he thinks that the rich have to be taxed for me to prosper. That's wrong. I see your point on communism, it's a completely different system and I probably spoke too soon.
  18. Quade, you are a moderator so don't avoid my question. What do Larry Kellner, Sean Penn, Dave Mathews, Bill Gates, Ursula Burns, Justin Timberlake owe the American public in addition to what they already pay in taxes and charities?
  19. Hardly a PA. To me a Personal Attack is Quade saying that if I humbly start to build wealth by working smart and hard and maybe someday (with a little luck) I can increase my output and generate earnings that reward me and my family with a good life and possibly reap the rewards.... than I should be punished/taxed/discouraged/reprimanded for not looking out for the little guy. That's a PA edited to highlight Quade
  20. My job depends on rich people. They hire me to play piano for there weddings. When rich people get married they hire photographers, music, catering, bakers, drivers, florists, event planners, etc. Would you liberals rather they were taxed so heavy so they couldnt afford this?
  21. No I'm not but I just want these 2 simple questions answered from quade... 1. Who are the super rich (Larry Kellner, Sean Penn, Dave Mathews, Bill Gates, Ursula Burns, Justin Timberlake, ).. what do these guys/gals owe society in addition to the millions in taxes and charities that they already pay? 2. What ever happened to the 'rich guy' you used to work for? Why aren't you still working for him?