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Everything posted by loumeinhart

  1. And I believe that is why many local Ohio employers actually pay more than minimum wage for 'minimum wage' positions. Because that is what the current market. This horse is long dead. I give up. Besides, safetyday at 8am BABY!!! Dreamweaver, you are right. If I ever have to hire an employee, I'm glad that I don't have to think about their pay. I can just look it up on usapayrate.com (like military) and see what the minimum wage is. Of course I would probably pay more because I would want above-average help, so I could compete..and hire more.. \ seeya
  2. Dude I'm gonna blow a 10inch hole in your above statement. I guarantee you that the majority of uninsured americans make above minimum wage. Have that.
  3. It's very simple. If expenses increase then you have to adjust. Raise your prices, let go employees, or a little of both. Afterall, You can't pay the electric company less or negotiate lower rent with your commercial landlord . Besides, the minimum wage is a joke. MOST jobs pay above minimum wage, look it up.
  4. You're right. This is an economic debate, thanks for keeping me on track. I honestly cannot speak to the government benefits part of the debate. I'm sure plenty of people on min wage use gov benefits (medicade/college tuition/section8/ etc. Certainly these 'benefits' are available and used by folks who make more than minimum wage and folks who aren't working at all. In short, I don't know the % of people on min wage using $ of government 'benefits'. I do know that minimum wage is not a 'living wage' but you think different. Personally, if minimum wage was $20/hr, I would get an easy job of sweeping floors or bussing tables and would be set for life. I could afford a 200k house and a family of 4... on minimum wage. I tried to answer your question so please try to answer mine: What should minimum wage be? 15/hr, 20/hr...?
  5. Do you think a CEO should be paid minimun wage? No you don't. So what should they be paid? Throw me a dollar amount.. tell us what a ceo should really be paid... You can't, thank you
  6. They are worth what the company/shareholders pay.
  7. Right because it's not their fault they started a family on minimum wage
  8. I'm sure you're right. I wish I knew so much more about this and world history.
  9. Good info. He may have Eurocentrist ideas/motivations but you can't deny the fact that at some point in history one side of the northern hemisphere had ships capable of crossing the atlantic, massive firepower, navigation technology, advanced and hightly commercialized slave trade, great rulers who rose and fell... and on the other side a bunch of guys (God bless them) who weren't even close to that technology. edit: I feel like a dumbass after reading nergirls post. Guess I'll go to bed now
  10. Cmon, everyone knows the solar system revolves around our earth. I'm waiting for Nerdgal to post more about that book. She made me want to read it again and take notes. What's amazing is everything in that book (ie human history) took place in about 30seconds (+/- depending on who you ask) on the universe time scale. It's too much to wrap my little mind around. Explosion, Molten Rock, Cooling Earth, Water, Life, Us, ....
  11. That is NUTS! I mean 40 lashes? (I don't believe everything I read and it does say she was 'sentenced') But still I would be sobbing for my mother after 3 lashes and I'm 29!
  12. Well, Mars revolves around the Earth, sooo really neither of the 2.
  13. Is that the map showing human migration beginning in Africa and how we dispersed? Wow you really broke it down! I have the book somewhere and should read it again. Really cool stuff.
  14. Right haha. There are management and corporate positions in places like this filled with folks who started as grill cooks/dish washers and worked their way up the ladder. They did so not by kissing ass, bribing cronies, or believing they were entitled, but rather working hard, being punctual, and showing a genuine interest in contributing to the bottom line and getting a piece for themselves. Afterall, they could have just stayed dishwashers and waited for the government to give them a raise
  15. If Applebees doubled the pay of it's dishwashers how would that make Apple American INC more productive?
  16. You might enjoy a book by UCLA professor Jared Diamond called Guns Germs and Steel. It's more of a historical world perspective but it breaks down why east moved west and not vice versa. He talks about how colder/northern hemisphere regions developed technology first out of necessity while southern hemi people could get by in huts hunting with spears.
  17. good! I actually hope that every last one of them is working right now. More jobs = better, period. This thread is about the 2nd great depression, not who's back is/was scratched by Bush.
  18. A Saudi Arabian court has sentenced a 75-year-old Syrian woman to 40 lashes, four months imprisonment and deportation from the kingdom for having two unrelated men in her house, according to local media reports. Ouch!
  19. I agree he pissed away tax money with the bailouts/stimulus checks last summer and raised minimum wage which is wrong. I didn't agree with his 50billion foreign AIDS package either. -but- I think the world economy is far too big for any one man to bring down by himself, (or revive for that matter).
  20. Beck just returned to wtam in Cleveland, I like him, he's not too abrasive. I put iheartradio on my iphone a month ago and love it.
  21. Dude Manazon's CAPS key is stuck down today, that means she doesn't like jokes
  22. Thanks for the copy and paste I guess you can't think for yourself. Again, what should minimum wage be? 20k/yr 30kyr? Why can't you give me a dollar amount. edit: my bad, you did in your first post, suggesting it be doubled. So in Ohio $7.30 x 2 = $14.60. So you think a local newspaper should be made to pay someone $14.60 to deliver their paper. that is awesome!
  23. so that only works if the farmer and mechanic are getting paid minimum wage, right? That makes absolutely no sense. Most jobs pay more than minimum wage. What do want minimum wage to be? $20/hr? So a 16 yr old can make $20/hr rolling pizza dough? A cleveland pizza franchise laid off gobbs of employees when Bush raised the minimum wage. The owners said "it's either this or charge $30/pizza" One last thing for you geniuses: Give me a dollar amount. What should the minimum wage be? I disagree with minimum wage for the above reasons and as a matter of principle. Government stay the HELL out of small business. Let them thrive, grow, and hire. You will find yourself with no staff if you don't pay enough. Supply and demand applies to the job market too.
  24. Never mind the first part, Wiki said something about cabin pressure alitude of 8,000ft, that makes sense.