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Everything posted by sdgregory

  1. Yeah, I was totally surprised by my lack of experience. I thought for sure with my post number rating that I had more jumps than that. Sorry didn't see that it said serious question.
  2. Describe beach music . . . I hear beach music and think Jimmy Buffet which hardly seems like what you are looking for for a boogie.
  3. No, you read it correctly the first time. I thought so
  4. OMG I read dental gum as "dental dam" . . .
  5. I just spewed tea all over my screen! LMFAO! That is some funny stuff!
  6. GAWD! I thought I was the only one who noticed! That was sick! I don't know who Clay is, but he shouldn't have camel toe should he?
  7. You think that's weird? How bout this jingle I'll drink your beer till I have to tinkle Drink too much Till I get winky Open my mouth And smell the stinky . . . Too bad we don't have a smily for drunk and puking did I go to far? . . . . . . . . . .
  8. Ah but if everyone ELSE lied then your results would still be skewed.
  9. My bad. I read that as you spent all the time on the couch sleeping RATHER THAN jumping.
  10. Took it twice 1.) 61% 2.) 57% Bold face lies I tell ya. I shouldn't of scored more the 20%. This thing is fake. Flat out bogus. It a ruse I tell ya!
  11. Rem, I think we need to go on a Krusades.
  12. My daughter fell and busted her but when she was about 4 and learning how to skate. All I knew was she was crying and hurt but did not know where. I just assumed she skinned her hand the way she was holding it behind her so I said "Come here and let me kiss it and make it better." And I went to kiss her hand. She looked at me quizzicaly and said, "No, kiss my butt." What do you say to that when all your friends and family are standing there? All I could say was "Boy does she have me wrapped around her pinky."
  13. Welcome to a whole new world, brother. Fatherhood is truly one of the great joys in life.
  14. By KK's I am assuming you mean Krispy Kremes. That said: WTF?!!!! KK's not doughnuts? Sacrelige! Blasphemer! Burn him at the stake!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I shoulda stuck a can of GoFast in your hand when you were down here. Nope, the beer was more than perfect.
  16. Think of the ad campaign. Need a boost? Get Semtex!
  17. No kidding. Oh and Lou, He comes with hardware in his face I will have a great time with my inudustrial magnet.
  18. I am amazed that anyone actually ENJOYS the flavor of these things. The aftertaste is equally as bad. I think I could market piss with high doses of caffiene added and make a buttload of cash.
  19. Thanks Ron, That is as good of an explanation as I think anyone can get. And I am also glad about the change in profile info on this site. Sunnydee, look at what's just around the corner . . . (see your hint)
  20. Why would anyone spend the day on the couch when they could be jumping?
  21. Hi, SBS, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. SBS, Shotgun. Shotgun, SBS. Vinny, Im 32 (33 inMay) dude. Plenty old enough to have a 16 year old daughter.
  22. You are SOOOOO wrong on that. It shows some of our history of skydiving.. and there is some REALLLY good photography on there. If nothing else it belongs in anyones DVD library.. at least a skydivers. I just recently bought it from Amazon (hah, not you). I watched it and was kinda disapointed. But the skydiving footage and the mini-documentary on the DVD were cool. I agree that it should be in a skydiver's DVD library. Definitely a good history of skydiving flick.
  23. I always wanted to be a fighter pilot. Both my Grandfather'swere Airforce during Korea and one was a pilot. I always sat and looked at his wings as a kid. My mom was Air Force and she had a friend who was a pilot who would come visit each year. He loved that I shared his enthusiasm for the air and would bring me posters for my room of de-classified planes that from what I understood not many people had seen yet. (Most of this I remember only because my mom tells me since it was before I was in the second grade.) When I was five, almost 6, I ended up getting glasses. Myopic as a bat, my mom's friend told me I would never be allowed to fly fighters. I was devasted. I remember that day. Right around my sixth birthday there was an Air Show that my dad took me to. They do one each year down in Ft. Lauderdale and I think that was the one I went to. Anyway, there were demo jumpers. And I watched these guys come in and I was inspired. Right then and there I decided that if I could not fly the planes I would jump out of them. That was why I joined the Marines. And while in Airborne school in 1990 I saw the Golden Knights perform and I knew it was only a matter of time before I would be doing that too. And here I am. AS far back as I can remember, anytime someone asked me the question "If you could be any animal in the world what would it be?" I have always said, I would be an eagle or a hawk. And that was always because I have always wanted to fly.
  24. I could not agree more. The idea that this is a close knit community is what I find most attractive about being on the DZ. That somehow, because we all jump and really love this sport and have a bond that few in the planet will experience, we are somehow connected. I skydive because I have this burning yearning to do so. I have forever looked to the sky wanting to fly, to have wings and soar. To look down upon the earth as a bird would view it, or an angel . . . I hang around after the jump day to enjoy my fellow skydivers. What is it that makes this so hard to do? How long do you have to be around? How good do you have to be? How many jumps must you have? before you can be a part of the community? Honestly, I still feel like an outsider, most of the time. Is it me? Am I missing something? What you wrote about would be great to see skr. I hope someday I see it.