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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Let's start with a little truth and reconciliation. You first.
  2. Not everything scales up, ponds for example.
  3. Nope, you were too soon in my view. Gaslighting is an art form unto itself, literally. There was an educational nugget to be had, however. Now we know that not only are we here at Sangiro's pleasure but also for Sangiro's pleasure. McLuhan was quite right, it seems.
  4. Oh, piffle. You aren't a libertarian, as if any truly exist, you are a contrarian.
  5. I simply cannot believe that anyone wouldn't prefer a system where you could stand up and be a nonstop asshole until your booze ran out. What has happened to this country?
  6. JoeWeber


    He can't. He's just nipping at heels as always. Giving an inch would be to concede that the Canadian health care system has it's issues, too.
  7. Lovely. The Lord commands and the local gun shop immediately complies while the fervor is strong. I guess we'll hear none of this would have happened if hookers had guns. Of course they might be at a concealed carry disadvantage.
  8. You forgot the most likely cause: religion.
  9. Not necessarily irrelevant. Part 135 would bring an entirely different level of visibility, maintenance inspections and FAA oversight to skydiving. Dause apparently believes he can get away with anything because anyone dumb enough to jump at Lodi deserves what they get. Don't scoff, that is the entire thrust of his argument for innocence. In a part 135 environment certificates are really at risk and compliance is backed up with real penalties. The chance of what happened in this instance would be greatly reduced.
  10. What FAA paperwork? TI medicals? Pilot certificates? Reserve packing data cards? Annual/100hr inspection sign offs?All meaningless. Rigger DZO's fudge it all of the time. IA/AP DZO's and Aircraft operators fudge inspections and times and cycles, too. Ever wonder why that Twin Otter that did 4 summer boogies was never in the shop during the tour? My problem is that I'm a prisoner of what I know. When I was in the aircraft leasing game-Twin Otters and Caravans-I saw a lot of half assed BS at different DZ's. A lot of DZ's that lease aircraft are happy just to get the plane. Quality maintenance and trained pilots aren't a major concern. Some aircraft lessors don't care because the FAA training requirements are a joke and easily met, inspections rarely happen, and insurance nearly always pays. We're getting better, so we have that going for us.
  11. Wrong approach. It has always been in the hands of the customers. He has no more liability insurance than the Uninsured Relative Workshop who sells him 40 Tandem rigs every few years and it certainly isn't their fault. If he has any aircraft insurance, and you might be surprised how often that's not the case in skydiving, and does get cancelled there will always be another carrier somewhere at some price. Also there is never, unless you are buying a rider for a TV jump for one example, aircraft passenger liability insurance. Only the customers have the power.
  12. Those profiting need to make the decision that the extra money isn't worth the soul corrosion. They need to say no, not here. They need to be willing to watch that money walk away.
  13. I think he's a brilliant businessman who understands and caters to his market better than most. He understands that, by and large, skydivers are whores for cheap jumps and big airplanes. He knows that they don't give a rats ass about safety when freedom from personal responsibility and a shorter drive are on offer. He knew instinctively that jumpers will jump where their friends jump and all other considerations are far, far down the list. And, he knew that same level of concern applied to the general public. The kid who died was from Los Banos. Northern California has more DZ's than Carter has little liver pills. How many that charge more than Dause's $99 tariff do you think he drove past to get the deal? He also realized long ago that USPA was a flimsy organization controlled by self serving individuals who, as long as they were getting theirs, would let him operate however he wished with no more than an occasional wrist slap. Do you think Sherri Butcher will come out condemning him for putting an unqualified instructor on the jump? So what do I think? I think in many ways and for decades he was a spot on reflection of our basest instincts.
  14. That is some weak shit, man. If you are too afraid to tell us what you think first just start another useless poll on Bonfire.
  15. You're the best. Thank you. I'll get right on that after dinner.
  16. Oh, this old world keeps spinning 'round It's a wonder tall trees ain't layin' down There comes a time
  17. Since I started living half the year in the Caribbean I can tell you for a fact that in my world the cumulative average annual temperature has more than doubled. So there!
  18. JoeWeber


    Pretty much anyone with two IQ points to rub together connected those dots, I'm thinking. No one was wrong about anything, the wonderful end to it all is simply nigher than ever.
  19. JoeWeber


    You wanted to postpone the second coming? That's not very Christian of you. So, did Q escape to Jerusalem to reorganize the faithfully deluded?
  20. JoeWeber


    Only because you aren't on the no fly list or going to jail. SAD!