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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. It might also mean that the wonderful tingling some folks feel in their two typing fingers transmits up their arms and then down their sides to their pendant and feels so good that they just can not wait any longer.
  2. JoeWeber


    I take such chances knowing you'll come for me. It's a comfort.
  3. I never said it was. What I did propose was that if you play time frame games, as Brent does, you can always claim a winning argument.
  4. JoeWeber


    We celebrated our first Pfizer shots with two bottles of Veuve La Grande Dame and felt great.
  5. What's your definition of current inhabitants? Those alive today and dying relatively soon (my definition) or their descendants?
  6. Answering for only myself, I'd say no. The problem with the questions are that they are shitty questions open for endless definition changes and off to the races you'll go again. So, no, the planet will survive this as it will survive everything else we do to it for the next 4.5 Billion years. And, no, the planets current inhabitants will, looking at data like world population growth, survive nicely. You win again. Congratulations.
  7. JoeWeber


    Seriously? It's not just vaccines, you guy's also can't make burnt wood?
  8. JoeWeber


    Happens to the best of us.
  9. JoeWeber


    Easy there, Ken. That's John Kallend. He used to be somebody.
  10. JoeWeber


    So far, no takers. Starting today I'm practicing in the mirror so who knows?
  11. Just another fine day fucking the hens, right? I think you might need to wait another 2 weeks and get a PCR test before crowing from the top of the barn. In the meantime, welcome back and I hope you and your kids are safe.
  12. JoeWeber


    Only here. Elsewhere I've become a more sensitive and understanding person. I've even dabbled a bit in not actually saying what I believe.
  13. JoeWeber


    Namby pamby non-confrontational non-talk. I didn't say tell him he's a moron, I said be unambiguous. Frankly, brother, what you said to him did him zero good.
  14. JoeWeber


    Your old skydiving friend is a goddamn moron. Maybe take a chance on him never talking to you again and tell him the truth in an unambiguous way. You cannot always walk the line, Ken.
  15. JoeWeber


    Right. And if the Astra-Zeneca jab doesn't cause blood clots, autism or an irrational affection for Po-Boy Sandwiches but instead is effective against the Brazilian strain, the South African strain, the UK strain, groin strain and is ideal as the perfect thing to mix with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine or Ovaltine for the ultimate Covid immunity jab then maybe we'll be glad we didn't send it off to somewhere where, like in the USA, people are idiots and won't use it as intended because it's a bad dog like Major.
  16. Good googaloo, man, this is nothing to waste a gloaticon on. To be edited out doesn't take being abusive, the post could merely be allusive, assholeish or it might just be Thursday. I keep all of mine in a small binder as reminders.
  17. Joe, I'm thinking you've missed BIGUN's larger point which I take to be focused on a longer view than the last couple of years. I think all clear thinkers would agree that as a Nation we make many mistakes. However we also do a hell of a lot of good and, more often than not, set a great example. Furthermore we are not all seen as ogres by citizens of other nations. I travel a lot and hang with Europeans most often these day's when I do. Trust me, they have their own challenges and they know it. skydekker, who has managed to travel from Toronto to Vancouver, thinks he has the world view of America wired. He does not. Most people I meet in my travels still admire America and when we somehow shed the stench of the last several years, as we will, they will admire us more.
  18. If you really are a Canadian, and not a bot, then you ought to know the first rule about hunting Wolverines: if you trap one in it's den and it's eye's turn red, leave it trapped. Oh, but that's real life not the pretend keyboard world that helps you compensate. Check your news feed dude, we Americans aren't all the jingoistic assholes that you imagine.
  19. JoeWeber


    It organized your kind of voters, that's for sure. So is that your latest rational for being completely deluded by Q and Q-Anon which is demonstrably some of the most provable bullshit ever? Or are you still in the thrall and betting on Trumps second coming?
  20. So you could be an internet honor student here on and hone your debating skills?
  21. You need to give him a little slack Jerry. His perspective is just a bit skewed from believing that in Canada the immigrants won.
  22. A little Jethro Tull to wind me up. Thanks.
  23. I hear tell you're doin' well, Good things have come to you. I wish I had your happiness And you had a do-wacka-do, Wacka do, wacka-do, wacka-do. They tell me you're runnin' free, Your days are never blue. I wish I had your good-luck charm And you had a do-wacka-do, Wacka do, wacka-do, wacka-do.