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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. JoeWeber


    Thanks Bill, Please direct my attention to the numerous times you made the same assertion during the previous 4 years. Joe
  2. Could be. But I know a lot of skydivers with a hell of a lot of jumps, many when snappy openings were the norm, and there doesn't appear to be a correlation.
  3. You, as ever, made it into a giving up to Jesus story.
  4. Some here have replied to your song as if you haven't already sung it too many times before. You made it through rough times. Good on you but others have too and without Jesus. Sadly you'll never know the incredible feeling that comes from facing personal adversity and tragedy and overcoming it strengthened only by your own indomitable desire to carry on and get through it. You see, Ron, yours is a story of giving up. Whatever floats your boat, buddy, but that will never be my story.
  5. These come to Jesus stories from folks who were down and out, starving, and with no place to go when along comes a a savior, bible in one hand, a subway sandwich in the other and a spare warm dry bed really don't count for much. Now when I hear that Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Lady Gaga decided to toss all of their chips in the collection bowl and give up their comfortable lives I just might be interested.
  6. This isn't like changing your major to accounting. Find something else you want to do and then take up jumping to see if you like it.
  7. JoeWeber


    Absolutely. The investigation should be complete and unbiased with unity, too. The last 4 years need to end now. No more partisan politics, right?
  8. JoeWeber


    To be fair, I am not being fair. Maybe he was using alternative numbers or just channeling his inner DeSantis. Maybe he's just bad at math and still uses his old HP Calculator. Of course, if he was using his office and power to be a lecher that is mas no bueno but I need to hear a lot more before I'm ready to start tying a noose. For certain, no Trump apologists should yet be opening up their hypocritical pie holes to say a damn word.
  9. JoeWeber


    Failed at a very hard job trying his best? Not guilty? He get's a pass like, well, just throw a dart at the Republican roster for a name. We gave you Al Franken for free now go spin on it?
  10. Figures. So, which DZ does he run now?
  11. Nope. It's totally sad but we all died off in the last extinction event. We did outlast the Board Jumpers, so we have that.
  12. Well, if it does the job quicker and faster the term might be efficiency. No matter, I like it because it's funner!
  13. Clever. How does blocking them not accomplish that desire? You can only respond in reply for one person, right?
  14. It's a damn strange thing that to be an effective DZO, if safety first and profit second are your goals, you need to both be one and have a low tolerance for them.
  15. JoeWeber


    Consider this line stolen. Pure gold.
  16. JoeWeber


    Oh, but they'll scream like smashed armadillo's if they don't get a fair share of that socialist warp speed medicine.
  17. JoeWeber


    At the minimum he should get a warning.
  18. JoeWeber


    It was never anything but. Best I can tell all the rest was simply a momentary diversion occasioned by flights of fancy.
  19. JoeWeber


    What Von Novak totes is the vaccine, seemed to me.
  20. JoeWeber


    OK, so six beers. You might want to think twice before hanging around the fire at my DZ or having Von Novak over with what he packs in his luggage.
  21. A rare Annette Funicello sequence. Interesting......
  22. JoeWeber


    Yes, it does. Not in a giddy, giggling way but more like popping a zit.
  23. JoeWeber


    "Trump bungles this and hundreds if not thousands die. Quote me in the future if you like...ain't gonna happen". Why admit anything? You were absolutely spot on by Republican standards. In fact, it wasn't "hundreds if not thousands" it was actually hundreds of thousands. You were right again.